Noble Emblem

Chapter 306: The situation is set

Woking's face showed a few smiles: "Oh, what a bad way, talk about it. ??` "

Gold coin is the most practical currency recognized by all countries and races, it is the top of three kinds of money. If its quantity is getting smaller and smaller, it will inevitably lead to difficulties in the circulation of commodities, unless a precious metal that can replace gold can be found.

Beta knew what he had learned and told Woking about currency knowledge. He only knew the general concept, and did not go into details. In fact, Beta does not have to say that these basic knowledge does not matter. As a goddess of wealth, Woking naturally understands such things related to her priesthood.

However, Woking still listened very carefully. When Beta was finished, she asked, "So you want me to put those sacrifice gold coins back into the human world?"

"It does." Beta nodded.

Woking sighed and said, "The wealth I have accumulated is also directly related to my divine power. If I return those gold coins, my divine power will drop a little."

Beta actually guessed this too. After all, Woking is a goddess of wealth, and money must be closely related to her divine power. But Beta asked again: "Goddess, is there more divine power provided by believers, or is it directly obtained wealth, more divine power!"

"Naturally, believers provide much more divine power." Woking did not want to conceal her pope on these little things, she said: "But believers do not know when they will be gone, and money can stay forever. In my kingdom. "

Now Beta knows why the goddess Vol'jin has no believers, but she can still 'survive' until she has re-established the temple and a weak faith before she wakes up.

Presumably other gods, or should have this ability.

"I didn't mean to let you release all the gold." Beta quickly hurriedly explained, lest Woking think he was wrong: "I mean. You only keep some gold, other gold Use it in various ways to maintain currency circulation in the human world. If deflation occurs, the entire world's economy will be in recession, and when it will happen. `Your faith will be greatly reduced."

"Well, it makes sense, my temple will redistribute the entire human world as soon as possible." Woking said as if he took it for granted: "Since you have come to me, you must already have your own plan. Tell me what you want to hear. . "

"This is my plan." Because she was in a state of soul, Beta transformed her plan and ideas into sheets of paper with her mental strength, and passed it over: "Please look at the goddess."

When Woking took it, he looked for a while, and had a rare compliment on his face: "Yes. It is feasible. But why is this school the most expensive of all your plans?"

"In my opinion, there must be a school next to the shrine in each city." Beta said her idea completely: "It must be free, and only school-age children with high beliefs can enter school. Focus on the admission of those poor children. We teach them words, etiquette, business skills, combat skills, and even teach them doctrines. This way we can let others know the mercy of our theology. In addition, it can also help our theology to cultivate loyalty High, highly capable pastor candidates. The more high-quality pastors, the faster the mission of our temple, which is a killer of two birds with one stone. "

Woking held these pieces of paper, she looked at Beta silently, seeing that Beta thought there was something on her face. Or say something wrong.

After a while, Woking exhaled and said, "Beta, do you know? Just these pieces of paper, even if you don't do anything in the future, I should turn you into my Holy Spirit. You know Are these papers worth? "

Beta certainly knows the value of these pieces of paper. In the game, many players have studied the missionary methods of several major gods. ?? `Although many gods have their own unique means, but they are in a relatively primitive stage. To players with deep commercial culture, they are too backward and inefficient.

These pieces of Beta paper are based on the essence of the business era, fully using Woking's ability, and kneading them into a ball. As long as you push it back, the ball will roll forward by itself, and it will never stop without encountering obstacles.

"But I'm still too weak now, there is no way to transform you into the Holy Spirit." Woking's face regretted: "Say, what kind of reward do you need now, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree."

Beta shook her head: "I don't need any reward. I told you before, I just regarded you as a friend, and you have sheltered me for 300 years before. I should do something for you. It should be."

When Woking heard this, a cute smile was raised in the corner of his mouth: "Yes, you are the truth explorer, and our deities are not high to you. I am happy to be your friend."

Vol'jin walked to Beta and gave Beta a big hug.

Woking's body was very soft and fragrant. Beta suddenly lost her mind. When he returned to God, Woking had let him go.

"This is thanks from friends. It is not good for the living to stay in the kingdom of God for too long. In order not to hurt your soul, you should go back." Woking's face smiled: "I will bless you forever Bless you forever, I will take care of each other's friendship until the end of the world. "

Workin's blessing echoed in Beta's ears, the darkness invaded, and she walked away quickly. As soon as Beta awakened, she received a prompt from the system:

You get an extra talent ‘Family with God’!

With God: You have become at least one friend in the eyes of the deity, and you are always watched by her and protected. From this moment, light, and bad luck, will be far from your body.

There is no data hint for this talent, and it has never appeared in the game, but Beta has a feeling that this talent is very powerful, just to know where it will appear or apply it.

After getting up from bed, after having some breakfast, Beta began to take Shirley to the Temple of Light.

At this time, the temple of light was already filled with believers who chanted in unison the teachings written by Beta.

Others can't see it, but Beta, Shirley, and Katie can all see that a small amount of golden light emerges from these believers and converges on the statue of Volkswagen just carved.

Next to the statue of Woking is the statue of light.

When Beta waited for the golden light of the statue of Vol'jin to flourish, she ordered: "Do it!"

The demolition staff who had already been prepared aside immediately tossed dozens of meters of rope to the statue of light and tangled up. Dozens of people were dragging each long rope.

After the preparations were fully completed, a middle-aged man with a collar-like appearance walked aside and drank the horn loudly. The rhythm was very regular, light and heavy.

Those responsible for the demolition, listened to the trumpet, pulled and let go. The statue of light slowly tilted, and after a few minutes, it completely fell down and broke into two pieces.

When the statue of the goddess fell in two breaks, there was a huge pressure in the air, like a mountain, pressing towards the temple.

The statue of Vol'jin, already full of golden light, rose sharply on her body, directly neutralizing the pressure from the sky.

The confrontation between the two sides was so short that ordinary people could not detect it, and Beta smiled: "Okay, now this temple is completely owned by our goddess of wealth."

All the believers present were thunderous.

For the next six months, Beta focused on teaching students in the newly built school. I have to say that the cost of this school is quite amazing. Free food, free teaching props, free training grounds.

Beta cannot teach all the courses by herself, he is only responsible for the doctrine understanding. So you have to hire a text teacher, etiquette teacher, combat skills teacher, and so on.

In addition, there are school maintenance costs, training field maintenance costs, etc. The miscellaneous costs add up. The monthly cost of this school actually reaches more than forty gold coins. This is still the case when there is only one student.

Beta divides the teaching of students into three periods, one each year, beginning, middle ~ ~ high three-stage teaching, now there are only more than a hundred children in the first stage, after one year, they will be promoted to intermediate Class, and then recruit new junior class students.

Beta estimates that if the third phase of the school is full, the cost of the school should be around 150 gold coins. But it's all worth it. Not long after the school opened, many people became true believers, and many students' parents even became fanatics.

On the other side, Beta's six students have expanded the construction of sewers and roads to the entire city.

Now the financial expenditures and income of the Temple of Workin have reached a fairly good cycle.

The Woking Temple has a large amount of money from the "gold coin sacrifices" each month, as well as a small amount of money for believers to treat diseases. This money enters the kingdom of Woking and is returned to the temple. Betana With this money, schools are subsidized, and a large number of poor people are recruited to build infrastructure in Tonggu City.

One of the teachings of the Temple of Workin is that it requires believers to maintain personal and public health. Therefore, the whole city is getting more beautiful and people are getting cleaner. Compared to half a year ago, it is a completely different world.

People live in the stone temple built by the Workin Temple and walk on the slate avenue built by the Temple of Workin. The children are on the same model as the temple, doing the work provided by the temple, and enjoying the 'medical insurance' provided by the temple. Low cost of disease treatment). When all this is around and they are accustomed to, then their belief in the goddess of Vol'jin will become accustomed and become an instinct.

Beta has already dared to guarantee that as long as the temple policy remains unchanged, no other temple power tentacles can reach the city.

Spiritually, this city is already the ‘territory’ of the goddess of woking. (To be continued.)

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