Noble Emblem

Chapter 307: Girl merchant

The sun is shining and the birds are fragrant.

Almost home, Sarah felt that everything around was so comfortable and pleasant. Everything in the home is better than the outside, whether it is flowers, insects, birds, or even cow dung in the roadside rice fields, the taste is much better than elsewhere.

As the daughter of a tourist merchant, Sha Luo has been walking with her father since she was a child. Although she is only 17 years old, she has already visited at least eight countries.

Since the age of eight, she has been a member of the caravan, responsible for accounting and logistics management, and now nine years have passed. Her prestige in the caravan, close to her father, is the true second player in the caravan.

Every time a layman does business, the caravan travels for about a year, then returns to their hometown, and after two months of rest, they start again.

what! My hometown of Copper Drum City, I will soon be back again. Mom and brother, you must be fine.

Sarah sat above the cargo and greedily looked at the views on both sides of the road. Every wanderer who has been away from home for a long time can smell his hometown on his way home. They can use this smell to know how far they are from their hometown.

The name of this caravan is ‘Saro ’s Blue Star Flower’, yes, it ’s named after Sharo. This is the owner of the caravan, that is, the father of Sarah. When her daughter was born, she happily changed the name of the ordinary caravan to the current one, which sounds a bit artistic.

Opposite Sarah, there was a young man who threw four apples and performed his acrobatics, causing Sarah to laugh a little.

Sarah is a pretty woman, not beautiful, but lively and naughty. In the caravan, it is very popular with young men. Many people often learn a lot of tricks to make her happy, but even so, Sha Luo has never said who she likes, and she has always loved herself. Although she loves to laugh, she has never shown any man Any ambiguity.

Looking at the admirers playing acrobatics, Sha Luo's heart flew back to her home. She didn't know if her brother was still so naughty, and whether her mother was getting fat again ... When thinking of things at home, Sha Luo was always very Happy.

Just when she was happiest, the entire caravan stopped.

There are more than 20 donkeys in this caravan. When the line is on the road, the distance between the head of the team and the end of the team is a bit far, so in general, the person at the end of the team will not know what happened in front of thing.

And on the road, it is probably too good to stop the caravan.

Almost everyone picked up their weapons. With a serious look on the front, because they were a little far away, they could vaguely see that the donkey cart in front seemed to be blocked by something.

Sha Luo reached into her clothes with her right hand, clenched her dagger, and then she jumped off the van and trot toward the caravan.

As she got closer and closer to the front of the team, Sharo felt that the atmosphere in front was not serious. She took a few more steps and found that although the caravan was blocked, it was not because of a robber. It was someone who was negotiating with his father.

Just by the road in front of the caravan, there is a stone house. On the stone wall of the house, the word 'Toll Station' is written in Hollewon.

From the stone house, a magical light path stopped and blocked the road. When Shaluo stepped up, she heard that a man in white gold rims, suspected of a priest, was talking to his father in the stone house: "The road is repaired by our temple. Naturally, we have the right to charge for road maintenance. Normal We do n’t charge for pedestrians, but the carriages and donkeys that carry goods must be charged. After all, your car is heavy and will cause some damage to the road. We are responsible for maintenance and also need money. "

"Then we can't afford to pay, after all, it's not easy for us to make some money." The caravan's owner, Sarah's father, bargained and asked, "or we should pay less."

"If you want to get on the road, you have to pay money, a horse and two copper coins." The priest in the stone house said impatiently, "If you don't pay the money, that road is right there. Walk there. "

Looking at the pastor's hand, Shaluo found that there was indeed a way on the left. She vaguely remembered that when they left a year ago, they really came out of this side way. At that time, many people took this road, but now, the grass on this road is growing as fast as some people. There is only an earthy trail in the middle, which can only be passed by individuals. The donkey cart cannot pass.

Then Sarah saw her father hand in money.

Their caravan had twenty-four donkey carts, which means that their father handed in forty-eight copper coins. This is not much money, but you can get close to your hometown and get knocked down like a sap in this way. Anyone will be upset.

Seeing that it was not a robber's robbery, Sha Luo was relieved. She jumped to the donkey cart closest to her and sat down.

The priest in the stone house made a strange gesture, the blue magic beam of light on the road disappeared, and the caravan continued on the road.

After Shaluo's donkey cart passed the stone house, she suddenly found that in front of her was a gray flagstone avenue. From her personal perspective, this flat flagstone avenue could drive at least ten side by side. A donkey cart!

Everyone in the caravan looked at the road and lost their collective voice. After a long while, Sarah sighed: "What a big deal, no wonder every donkey car has to collect money. If it were me, I would have to at least double the price. When is the city owner Greenton? Rich. "

From a businessman's perspective, the waste of money to build such an exaggerated road is definitely not low. It is impossible to recover the cost of this road by relying on two copper coins per carriage alone, at least for fifty years.

The donkey cart was traveling on a flat slab road, and the swaying sensation previously disappeared, and the speed was much faster.

Soon the caravan came to the Tonggu City Gate, where there were endless crowds.

During the inspection of the caravan waiting for entering the city, Sha Luo always felt that the people who came in and out of the city gate seemed to be a little different from his previous impressions. But she couldn't tell what the difference was. After a while, several city guards responsible for checking the safety of the cargo checked the donkey cart and let it go without expression.

After entering the city gate, Shaluo and the caravan were all surprised again, because the roads in the entire city have been repaired, and the black and white checkered stone slab street looks beautiful. Feeling, and most importantly, Sarah was on the street, barely seeing any garbage, the whole city was astonishingly clean.


Sarah clapped her hands suddenly, and she finally knew why she thought something was wrong ... The pedestrians of Tonggu City were almost all clean, even in worn clothes, and washed clean.

What happened in Tonggu City this year?

In the old Copper Drum City, traces of urination can be seen everywhere except in the rich area, but now, it is replaced by a beautiful flagstone boulevard, and many places have been repaired. She remembered entering the city gate to the right, there was a slum, and as long as she passed there, she could see a lot of small mud houses, and the smell of disgusting feces poured out.

But just when she passed by there, she only saw clean slate trails and neat and beautiful white stone houses.

Even the slums have changed. What happened in Tonggu City this year and what did they miss?

The caravan entered the trade market in the city center, and soon acquaintances came over and cleared their goods. Only three car igniters were left.

In the past, Flint's worry-free sales, why now no one wants it? As soon as Sarah asked, it turned out that not long ago, the city's owner, Greenton, found a valley rich in flint, more than 30 kilometers away from the city. Therefore, now the price of flint in Tonggu City is greatly reduced. The three cars of the caravan are not sold out.

Although a little regretful, Sarah was not so hard to love. This is the way to do business. There is a profit and a loss. This time, they have been doing business for more than a year, and they have made a lot of money. The loss of three cars and firestones is not much to them.

After leaving the donkey cart at the patron's office, and after paying the caravan employees' wages, Sharo and her father returned home with a sense of heart.

Although Salou and his father have made a lot of money over the years, they still have no significant status, so they can only live in civilian areas.

After returning home, Sarah and her ecstatic mother vomited their feelings of enthusiasm. After a long time, she gave way to her father, letting him and her mother hide aside for affection.

Then she searched the whole house and didn't see her brother. She thought he was out playing again. He murmured dissatisfied in his heart, and then saw that his brother's room was messy, and started to clean up and arrange for him.

When she finished finishing the room ~ ~ it was already dark, and when she left the room, she just saw her brother coming back from the outside.

The younger brother was very happy to see his sister. If he used to, he would definitely rush over and hug his sister to make a circle, but this time he looked very stable. He just smiled happily and said, "Sister, you are back!"

In this regard, Sarah was a little disappointed, thinking that her brother had grown up, and knew that there was a difference between men and women.

Then she saw her brother holding a book in her hands, and she was very curious: "Harris, did you actually read the book? Mother asked you a text teacher for you?"

Harris raised the book in Yang's hand and said contentedly, "Sister, I am now a junior at Woking College, let alone words, and I am now a professional."

Sha Luo porked a smile: "Just you naughty monkey? Professional? You have to find a reliable point to talk about."

Harris stretched out his right hand eagerly. After a while, a ball of orange fireball flipped in his hand, exuding the glow of moxibustion.

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