Noble Emblem

Chapter 39: The goddess of life is gone

Li Liang has eight years of gaming experience and has died hundreds of times, each time being reborn in the Temple of Life. It can be said that the gods' house most familiar to players must be the goddess of life, because every time you rebirth, you see the tall and plump idol of the goddess of life, and then listen to the enthusiastic blessings of the priest of the goddess of life. So in the player group, there are many people who believe in the goddess of life, more than 60%!

According to official incomplete statistics, players have a lot of mouth addictions in the game. Among them, the highest appearance rate is: our cute and beautiful goddess of life ... This shows how popular the goddess of life is.

Although Liang Lidong did not believe in the goddess of life, she was also very fond of her. After all, normal people who are persuading people to do good will not hate it, not to mention that the goddess of life is very beautiful. Since the "Revolution" incident, players have become somewhat resistant to all the divine residences, but the goddess of life slowly reversed the player's impression of her with the advantage of time, and then the player threw the evil feelings into the game. The official believes that the event of the gods descending is a deliberate act of the game official to maintain the social system of the game. Otherwise, it cannot explain why the goddess of life is such a good god's residence that it will suppress the improvement of the lives of the people at the bottom. revolution'.

Li Liang Lidong also felt that this should be the official intention of the game, because the content of the deities and the doctrine of the goddess of life do not match.

Regardless, the game is a thing of the past, and now a new question is in front of him, and the appearance of the goddess of life has changed. It seems that even the teachings have changed. Does the goddess of life know that she has gone to South Korea for cosmetic surgery, or ... ... Liang Lidong thought of a possibility that made him have a toothache.

Qi Liang Lidong was thinking about the goddess of life and hesitated for a few seconds. The opposite Ackerman said impatiently: "Hurry up, don't stop me from accepting students. Later you won't even have twenty gold coins."

Now Liang Lidong is becoming more and more certain that the goddess of life must be a problem. A priest of LV6 has lived for decades, and the priest of the goddess of life should not look like it. He patted Belin's head, calmed the young girl's emotions, and said to the old man in front: "I'll give you thirty gold coins, don't bother Belin!"

克 Ackerman was shaking with anger, and his beard was about to rise: "You ... you dare to insult me, insult a priest, you are so brave."

"I have always been very brave!" Liang Lidong sneered slowly and said slowly: "I remember the goddess of life once said that when you insult others for no reason, you must also be insulted by others. You must be kind to others first, Others treat you kindly. Since you are the priest of the goddess of life, you do n’t even understand this. ”

克 Ackerman jumped up angrily: "When has Ms. Rose, the goddess of life, ever said such a thing, she has always told us to be tooth for tooth and eye for eye."

"Ms. Rose? An tooth for an eye, an eye for an eye!"

Bian Liang Lidong hesitated, and finally he understood why the statue of life was so strange. It turned out to be a 'substitution'. He had heard the name Rose. If she remembered it correctly, she should be the shadow god, in charge of conspiracy and assassination. Because it is an evil divine residence, she is disgusted by all the ‘light’ creatures. The idols are not allowed to appear on the ground, and can only be worshipped by those dark and evil creatures in the dark underground world.

If the current goddess of life is Rose, then Liang Lidong can understand why almost all the people in the temple of life are suffocated.

"Yes, you are afraid now." Ackerman said proudly, "Leave the girl, for the sake of you being a caster, I won't embarrass you."

Liang Lidong's eyebrows twisted up. He raised his mental strength to the maximum and pressed his brain to the other side: "I suddenly felt that Goddess Rose was right, tooth for tooth, eye for eye. You took my students for no reason, this It doesn't seem to be a friendly act. "

Liang Lidong's mental strength is not too strong. After all, his willpower attribute is only 8.05, but Ackerman is still oppressed and takes several steps back. His face was red and white: "This is the Temple of Life. You dare to pretend here, this is a blasphemy against Ms. Rose. "

"I admire Ms. Rose, I just look down on you! Is it a lot of age to be able to become Belin's teacher?" Liang Lidong sarcastically said: "Belin is our Woking The talents cultivated by the Temple of Gods, if you want to grab, don't blame our goddess of Vol'jin for not giving face, and we will have a small area of ​​jihad. I, as an ascetic of the goddess of Vol'jin in this area, is qualified to take your challenge But you, dare you persuade your bishop to launch a jihad declaration to us? "

克 Ackerman was so angry that he vomited blood: "You, you rude country caster ..."

"I'm rude? Look at my hair color, then look at my eyes!" Liang Lidong sneered with arrogance: "On bloodliness, I'm at least ten times more noble than you. On strength, I'm stronger than you. How much! How dare you say that I am rude? Even the aristocracy is not a jumping beam clown, but also dare to comment on a noble caster, who gives you courage, who gives you the qualifications? "

The ‘noble temperament’ talent was turned on with full force. Ackerman was pushed back by Liang Lidong ’s ‘king eight’, his face was green and red, and he was so angry that he was speechless.

哼 "Hum, a vulgar person, who doesn't control his own power, really thinks he's a man. Belin, let's go!"

Liang Lidong pulled up Belin and turned and left. Akerman sat down behind him, unable to stand up to stop him ... for many years, since he became a caster, who dares to speak to him like this? , But he is now fainted by a young man's popularity. Having said that, Ackerman has never encountered such a strong young man. The sense of oppression emanating from the blood of his bones made him tremble. This is definitely the heir cultivated by the great family.

Out of the Temple of Life, Belin, who had been scared, finally calmed down. She turned to look at Liang Lidong, who was walking side by side, admiringly, "The teacher was so prestigious, just like a king. If you were My teacher, I will definitely be scared to tears! The teacher must have been very powerful, very great young master of the aristocratic family, why do n’t you want to be an aristocratic master, but you are willing to be an ascetic! "

"I am noble!"

Belin naturally does not believe: "Yes, I know that the teacher is a penance believer now, not a nobleman. But why should a teacher be a penance believer?"

"Because I agree with the idea of ​​Goddess Okin, I feel like-minded with her, so I came out to help her to promote her doctrine. It was all about helping friends!"

Bei Beilin was surprised: "Can people be friends with God?"

"Of course!" Liang Lidong said without hesitation: "When you understand the concept of God, although your strength is not as good as God, you are already on an equal footing with him in concept. At this time you are God Friends, God is also happy to have a mortal friend who can understand his ideas! The relationship between God and believers is a bit complicated, that is, they can become collaborators, they can become mutual traders, and they can become friends, but they cannot become masters and servants. Once You serve God from the perspective of a servant, then in the short term you can gain great strength, but you will never be able to touch the light of God, you will never be able to enter the sight of God, because no master will ever look high A servant glanced. "

Bei Beilin shook her head: "I don't understand!"

I will understand when you grow up. Liang Lidong patted the girl's head. Jeanne flew down from the air, threw the scroll to Liang Lidong, and landed on the latter's shoulder. It said dissatisfied, "Ah, exhausted, holding two scrolls is actually more than flying prey. Tired, I'm afraid they will work if you accidentally turn me into a roast eagle and burn a bald chicken. I've been scared ... Master, you have to cook delicious food, toil me! "

OK, no problem! Liang Lidong retracted the scroll into the space, and then took Belin back to the hotel. At this time, the sun was going down. All the children had gathered. They heard the girls say that Belin was taken away. Now they saw Liang Lidong and Belin both returning safely, and immediately relieved. Several girls who were good with Belin rushed up, dragged her over, crying and asking if she was injured!

老师 "The teacher is sorry, but I'm not here at such a crucial moment!" Kyle came over and blamed himself.

"It's okay!" Liang Lidong patted the young man's shoulder: "Anyway, you won't be able to do anything good, exercise swordplay well, and you will have a chance to perform in the future."

Qi Liang Lidong looked around for a while, and found that the children had returned, and announced that everyone had gathered, and rushed back to the village before it was dark. If you wait until the sun goes down before you set off, the snowy roads at night will be extremely difficult to walk, not only cold, but also the wind on the mountain roads.

Because all the mountain products have been sold out, the children are light and light, and with the help of driving magic, they returned to the village before the night officially came.

Many grown-ups were waiting anxiously in front of the village. They saw a thick mist floating over, and then the mist dispersed. All the children were in it. They couldn't help cheering.

Liang Lidong took the money for selling mountain goods from the space backpack, threw it to Kyle, and said, "I suddenly remembered something to do, so I planned to leave the village for a few days. When I was away, you were responsible for teaching other children to review I haven't said that I will return in a few days, but I don't think it will be more than half a month. "

Kyle was holding a purse ~ ~ with a frown, he suddenly said, "Teacher, are you going to kill someone?"

Ok? Liang Lidong was surprised: "Why do you think so!"

"I don't know why, that's how I feel!" Kyle himself also had an inexplicable expression on his face: "Teacher must be careful, we have a good teacher, and this opportunity may not be for hundreds of years. Once upon a time, if you have an accident, we will be very sad. "

Ji Liang Lidong yawned: "I just went to do something in Winterwind City, and it was related to magic. You are too crazy about it. Okay, I'll go first, otherwise I won't be in a hurry."

"Be careful all the way!" Kyle waved back.

Li Liang Lidong used the magic of driving the fog and quickly left the village's area. This time, he was traveling fast because there was no group of little guys dragging him down. After leaving the village far away, Jeanne on her shoulder said suddenly, "The boy is so keen intuition that he doesn't have special blood, and ghosts believe!"

Qi Liang Lidong nodded in agreement.

"You just don't worry about that Ackerman? Worried about his revenge?"

Liang Lidong said: "I wouldn't be so worried if I was a believer in another god's residence, but Rose's followers are different. Rose, the evil **** who is famous, must be reported, and her followers naturally have this virtue. I didn't dare to swear, but I was afraid that after some time, he would have a strong revenge after he figured it out. I was not afraid when I came out, I was afraid he would attack the villagers and children secretly. , Whenever his actions are a little bit wrong, I will preempt and kill him! "

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