Noble Emblem

Chapter 40: Diaomin always wants to harm

When I hurried back to Winter Wind City, the gate was not closed. At this time, a black carriage came over, and the body was marked with a big green tree logo. This carriage was very overbearing, occupying the middle of the road and swinging forward. Go, at this time the night is too late, when I saw the carriage sporadic on the road, flashed to the side at once, lest they would be eaten later.

The carriage in the Temple of Life Goddess ... Sure enough, like their goddess Ms. Rose, she was full of suffocation. It seemed to feel Liang Lidongping's peaceful and steady mental strength. The carriage curtains were lifted, and a pair of hazel eyes looked out of it. His eyes stopped for a while on Liang Lidong. When he saw Jeanne, in his eyes There was a hint of surprise, and then it was retracted and the curtains closed again.

人 This person is very oppressive. It is speculated that the attributes of mental force are between 10 and 11, but no substantial mental attack is formed. It seems that he has not learned spiritual magic and no spiritual expertise. It is visually older than Ackerman, and his status should be high in the temple, perhaps a bishop-level figure.

Unconsciously, it snowed again. Snow flakes fluttered in the night sky. Although Liang Lidong's physical attributes are no longer afraid of this chill, he still subconsciously tightened the collar of his robe. Regarding the laws of nature, even the caster would hold With sufficient respect.

Entering the city, Liang Lidong found the best hotel to stay in. As a 'modern man', if possible, he would try to live in a clean environment, which does not mean that he could not bear the dirty place. . In the game, he lay across the mud and squatted over the pit. He also hated such a disgusting environment at first, but as the game time slowly increased, he saw countless killings, deaths, broken limbs, carrion, etc. After a series of negative scene paintings, he found that squatting in the stench pit to ambush the enemy's arrival was a hundred times stronger than squatting beside a carrion.

The best hotels, the best rooms ... The price of a day is 10 silver coins. This is a big sum for ordinary people, but it is a mosquito-like thing for professionals and nobles.

Lying on a clean and soft velvet down bed, Liang Lidong stretched his waist, Jeanne walked around on the bed, and shouted, "Oh-oh, a comfortable big bed, the owner thinks we should buy one like this Bed, sleep better than the little wooden bed at home. "

"It will have to wait for the temple to be built, and we will live in the big house." Liang Lidong said, "But you can't sleep now, you have to help me monitor Ackerman's actions and watch him constantly. "

"It's the girl's enemy who doesn't sleep at night!" Jeanne reluctantly said, "What about our shift system? You night, I day."

"If I have latent skills, I can work in shifts with you, but I only have the ability to drive fog. Barely a latent skill. Don't you think it's weird that a large amount of fog follows someone?" Liang Lidong laughed. You know, it does n’t matter if you do n’t sleep for a few days and nights. ”

"Okay, you're right!" Jeanne sighed, shaking her wings, and then flew out of the window.

Li Liang Lidong fell asleep and woke up the next day to have the hotel guests bring breakfast. The breakfast was monotonous, with only honey bread and a glass of milk. He ate while inquiring through the spiritual channel: "Zander, how about it? Didn't find Ackerman!"

"I found it. He didn't go anywhere last night. He stayed in the temple all the time." Jeanne's voice was transmitted from the channel of the soul. "I lurked in the canopy outside its window. He and his A little boy chatting ... Oh, he touched the little boy's face, the little boy smiled happily, he was still touching down ... I felt that my whole body feathers were shaking disgustingly, would you like to share with me Look, look at this picture! "

"Forget it!" Liang Lidong refused without hesitation, and then cut off the spiritual channel.

After eating breakfast, he left the hotel and went to the mercenary union. On the second floor, the girl in the black robe was still selling alchemy magic items. When she saw Liang Lidong, she played a clever trick, and then stood up: "Her Lord of the Red Gods, may I help you? "

"I know there are many books included in the mercenary union. Do you have any stories about the deities?"

The young girl thought for a while and said, "There are several books like this. I remember that they are stored on the third floor. Do you need me to take them for you?"

"sorry to bother you!"

The young girl ran upstairs, and then ran down again. She gasped and handed over three black books: "Sir, there are only three of these for the time being. Other books seem to have been out Lend it out. "

"How much!" Liang Lidong took three black books. These three books are made of pure paper, not those rough parchment, and the price is naturally not cheap.

"No, no money!" The girl waved her hand vigorously: "If it wasn't for your reminder that my spell position is wrong, maybe I have already followed the teacher's footsteps. The three books are worthless, little thanks, no respect . "

The young girl's face was tense and sincere, Liang Lidong nodded: "I'm welcome ... then you don't understand any magical problems, you can ask me, if I understand, I will answer you."

This is not Liang Lidong's boast. Although he is only a nobleman of God descent, but because players often share game information, including magic

Experience exchange. Moreover, he collected most of the magic modeling structure diagrams in the game, and often made magic scrolls. He had a deep understanding of the efficiency of magic operation, and his theoretical knowledge was completely master-level.

谢谢 "Thank you, thank you!" The girl bowed happily. She is just a magic apprentice, and now only remembers a few magics, and the level is very low. After the teacher Carr died, she had no guides. She didn't know how to continue on the magic road. Now someone is willing to help her out. She is naturally happy.

I left the mercenary union, and when he returned to the hotel, he couldn't wait to get these three books right away.

It took about an afternoon for him to finish the three books and roughly sort out some clues. More than half of the divine residences have different names from three hundred years ago. For example, the goddess of life Ilia has become Rose, the goddess of storm Emily has become the **** of the storm Spencer ... and some other gods do not seem to know Traces, such as the goddess of woking, are not recorded in these three books.

In addition, Liang Lidong also found that these three books did not record miracles 300 years ago at all, and it seems that many things have been artificially covered up.

Twenty-three years ago, what happened between heaven and the demon world is not clear to Liang Lidong, but he can be sure that the dormancy of the Persian cat and Xiaobai is absolutely related to what happened in the heavens 300 years ago. If you follow this clue, you should be able to find something. However, it is imperative to improve the strength. This matter has a relationship with the heavens. There is not enough strength. Even if the truth is found, it will not help and cannot help.

Qi Liang Lidong set aside the three books and sat in a chair for a while, then began to take out the magical gold materials from the space and began to make scrolls. Now that you have decided to improve your strength, time cannot be wasted. It ’s not easy to analyze the magic of driving the fog in this hotel. After all, the magic moves so much that it covers hundreds of meters at once.

However, making a magic scroll is a good way to experience the ‘brush’ experience. It requires a small amount of space, and even if it fails, it is generally back to the spirit. After a period of rest, there is nothing to do.

Li Liang stayed at the hotel. He asked Jeanne to watch Ackerman, and he kept making scrolls in the hotel. I have to say that Bird of Warcraft is really suitable as a scout. They can follow the target in the high air, which is difficult to find. They can also drill into the canopy, lurking, and with the good vision of the cricket, Jeanne can stare at the target from a long distance, which makes it discovered by the enemy. The chance is very small.

Ackerman has always behaved normally, except for having fun with the little boy from time to time, there is no other bad hobby. He also likes to go to a house called ‘Honey and Ale’. He does n’t drink much, and spends most of his time chatting with other alcoholics.

The first day was normal.

Normal the next day.

On the fifth day, Liang Lidong upgraded to the fourth level. Now his character panel is as follows.

Name: Beta-Liang (LV4)

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Physique: 7 (8.4)

Coordination: 7 (8.4)

Intelligence: 7 (8.4)

Will: 7 (8.4)

Charm: 7 (8.4)

Because it is even-numbered, Liang Lidong can now gain a feat from the Gacha system. He clicked on the system boundary painting, looked at the three icons that appeared in his field of vision, then moved his mind up to see the information of the three specialties.

Strong Mind: You have a stronger heart than you think, and your resistance to will-like magic or skills is much better than ordinary people. Spirit magic and skills have a 20% reduction in your effects.

Beacon Mastery: When you use fire magic or scrolls, the magic effect is increased by 15%.

Uncontrollable anger: Active feat. After using it, you will be in an angry state for 10+ (level X2) minutes. When you are in an angry state, your physical fitness and coordination value will temporarily increase by 0.5+ (level X0.2). Reason, all magic effects are reduced by 10%.

These three specialties are all pretty good. Liang Lidong thought about it for a while, and finally chose 'irragable anger'. On the surface, the fire abilities are more proficient and more practical, while the irritable speciality has negative effects, but as an old Players, Liang Lidong is very clear. At the same time, improving physical fitness and coordination value means stronger offensive ability and mobility, especially coordination value, which can increase the speed of the character's movement and increase the reaction speed of the character. Sometimes in battle Medium, a 0.1 second slower means failure.

As for the loss of 10% of the magic effect, it will only take effect in the state of anger, and at most it is offset by the effect of ‘smart light’. Liang Lidong ’s power of using the magic scroll is not weak.

After choosing his expertise, Liang Lidong continued to make the magic scroll "brush" experience, because as the level increases, the future growth rate will become slower and slower. It took five months to upgrade from the third level to the fourth level, and it took about one year to reach the fifth level.

However, this is actually a very fast growth rate. The growth rate of NPC is much lower than that of players. Like Barbara, she is also a talented magician. She started to receive magic training at the age of ten. Now she is seventeen years old and has been a LV5 professional for seven years.

On the sixth day, Ackerman still behaved normally.

On the seventh day, the vernal equinox has arrived, and the winter snow is melting, making the whole city colder than the previous two days. Ackerman still behaves very well today.

"There is always Diao Min trying to harm 朕!"

Tong Liang Lidong sat by the window, watching the sunset, murmured that only the players can understand the network segment self-deprecating, he thought it would be too sensitive, too psychologically victimized. But within two minutes, Jeanne's voice came from the channel of the soul.

"Master, the situation has changed. I will share my vision and hearing with you."

Xi Liang Lidong closed his eyes, and a clear picture appeared in his system vision. Akerman, wearing a turquoise believer's robe, was receiving a skinny mercenary. If the voice of their conversation came out without any reason, not only did Jeanne have excellent vision, but after becoming Warcraft, her hearing had also been greatly improved.

"... Go and find out, there is no shrine of Goddess Volkin at all!"

"That **** dared to lie to me! It made me think he was an ascetic."

"The girl you want to be a student is called Belin ~ ~ is a little girl in the village of Reed. She has no power or power. The man you commissioned us to investigate is called Beta, nicknamed Red God Officer, and has great strength. Strong, and good relationship with the owner. "

"If I commission you to assassinate the Red Priest, how many gold coins do you need!"

Slimmed mercenaries held up three fingers.

Ackerman clapped his hands: "The deal! I suddenly have a plan now, to make Belin willing to be my student's plan. You pretend to be a robber, kill the Red Priest and ransack Reid Village, it is best to kill Beta. Parents, pretending to kill her again, then I suddenly came out and you and I performed a show, I was 'injured' to save her, so I don't believe she would not be my student! "

Slimmed mercenaries admired: "It really is a good plan, but in this case, we have to charge an extra seal fee."

He raised another finger.

"Haha!" Ackerman laughed. "As long as you play well, I'll pay more for gold!"

"Zander, stare at the mercenary and see who he has contact with!"

"no problem!"

Xi Liang Lidong disconnected his mind. He began to check how many magic scrolls were in his space backpack, then squinted his eyes, waiting quietly for the news of Jeanne. Now Liang Lidong is more grateful for the sense of crisis he has exercised in the game and the experience of being framed by the NPC. If it is not for the two, he has been patiently following Ackerman for seven days, otherwise, once things are unconscious, Happen, that's too passive!

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