Noble Emblem

Chapter 385: Rain is coming

Beta smiled and said, "I have done so much preparation and waited for so many days, then there is a reason to give up and give up."

Julie sighed longly: "Although you are three masters and one quasi-master, the problem is that you are now against the entire country. There are many masters in Djibouti and there are a lot of elites. Soldiers, your odds are too low. "

Beta smiled, didn't answer, but said, "I'll go up and rest for a while. Please help me look outside and wake me up if there's a situation."

In order to make the magic scroll, Beta hasn't slept for two days. Although it is possible to rest in a hotel bed, light sleep cannot be compared with deep sleep.

As a professional, in the upper layer of the pyramid in the game world at that time, he had the alertness that ordinary people cannot imagine, and in the case of normal sleep, he also had dangerous intuitive reactions, but this brought the disadvantage that the quality of sleep would be somewhat decline.

So if he really wants to sleep, he must be in a place where he feels safe ... such as the temple of Woking, or this mansion space.

Julie blinked as she watched Beta ascending the stairs. Then she turned around and asked Marianna: "How much do you know about him?"

"No more than you."

Julie sighed slightly and ate the fruit on the table. After a while, she said, "It seems that he is a tribe who is trying to save our people. It is dangerous. Here is his mansion space. If he does, absolutely I will collapse here, and we will have an accident if we stay here. ,Are you afraid?"

"Why be afraid." Marianna said calmly, "I have spent the past few days, the happiest and calmest days, and I am satisfied. If I die, there is no regret."

"You really want to drive!"

Marianna replied, "You think too much."

Am I thinking too much? Julie sat in a chair, lost in thought. She suddenly realized that she didn't want them to save the people, there seemed to be another reason!

This discovery made her feel depressed.

The two elves were silent for a while, and remained silent.

When Beta was awake, it was already evening, and when he walked downstairs, he saw the bright eyes of the two elves.

Marianna didn't like to talk, but her expression was full of gratitude to Beta.

But Julie was a little strange, her emerald green eyes, looked at Beta quietly, seemed to stop talking.

Beta is the kind of shaven pig who doesn't like to guess the female mind very much. Besides, Julie is just a passer and a familiar passer to him. The other party's mind is more lazy to guess, as long as it is not malicious.

Beta picked up four long black robes from the table and out of the mansion space.

The city of Djibouti is still very hot in the evening, but those who have lived here for a long time are very clear. After the night comes, it will soon become cold and some people have already put on cold robes.

Beta first drew a magic circle in the room, then flicked her fingers lightly.

Soon, the sky began to cloud, and in less than a minute, the sunset was completely blocked, and the entire city was plunged into darkness.

This vision made everyone in the whole city look at it.

Here is the desert, and it is difficult for them to see the dark clouds once a year. And it's not the rainy season at all now, it should be reasonable that there should not be so many dark clouds.

Then a little bit of rain poured down, and it quickly turned into pouring rain.

Almost everyone in the whole city is cheering ... They know very well how rare it is for the whole city if they can get rainwater recharge once a year.

The ordinary people are naturally carnival, but for those professionals, this rainstorm is very unusual.

"It's raining too much." Jiao Tu, the royal magician of the palace, stood in the rain curtain, and he opened the magic shield to prevent the rain from falling on himself: "It's wrong, but I don't feel any magic This is a sign of the situation, which is a natural phenomenon. "

There was another magician standing beside him: "But our country hasn't had such heavy rain for thousands of years. And depending on the situation, it will continue to rain at this time, and the whole city will be flooded. Now. "

"It won't be drowning." Jotu shook his head. "We are in Djibouti, and no amount of rain can quench our thirst for water. I am afraid that something will happen in the city. But how to say, let ’s set up a magic circle first, we have to keep the palace, just in case, as for other people, they love as much as they like. "

Someone with a little common sense found the rain extremely unusual. Beta saw that the rain had reached the extreme, so she put on a black cloak, covered her face, and took the three of Shirley into the mansion space, then jumped directly from the second floor of the hotel.

The rain was called by him, and naturally it will not affect him in any way.

Not only can he see things in the distance during a heavy rain, but even rain and water on the streets can avoid him, just like a water drop on his body.

After sharing the spiritual perspective with Jeanne for several days, he has long remembered the topography of the city, and now, as planned, he went directly to the first target family, and also to the nearest target family.

The Croft family is a middle-class aristocratic family in Djibouti. This guy is very good at doing business and has good connections. This guy has two elven slaves in his hands.

Beta, riding in the rain, came out of this guy's wall like a ghost, jumped in without hesitation, then found the floor on which the owner was located, and rushed directly.

Ordinary wooden windows are like paper to Beta. The owner's room is on the second floor. He broke the window like a boulder and fell into the dark room.

There was an obese old man in the room, waving a long leather whip and pumping a wonderful elf woman, while another elf was lying on the bed, eyes staring at the ceiling, as if A soulless piece of meat.

Both goals have been found.

The old man heard a sound nearby, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a group of bright blond hair dangling in front of him, and then he felt a black in front of him and knew nothing.

After a successful blow, Beta directly took the two elven slaves into the mansion space instantly, then he blew out all the candles in the room and quickly left.

The rushing rain completely covered the movement of the broken window. It didn't take more than a minute for him to enter the family and leave now.

Utilizing the torrential rain and darkness, Beta rescued the target at a very fast speed, but the other party did not respond. The torrential rain could even cover the **** smell for a short time. Those people did not even find that some people were dead.

In the same way, Beta went to the second goal point, the third, the fourth ... all simple and successful.

There was a little trouble in rescuing the fifth target. The elven slave was locked in the basement. In order to find the key, Beta spent half an hour interrogating the other party's key, which caused a lot of time delay.

Then came the sixth target, the seventh ... the seventh rescued target was lying on the bed, and a middle-aged noble kept sprinting on her, making a panting gasp.

Beta walked silently and stabbed the sword into the opponent's heart.

The middle-aged nobleman was swinging his whole body, spitting blood in his mouth, turned back hard, and then saw only one man in black ...

As soon as Beta tried hard, she threw the middle-aged aristocrat to the ground, put the female elves into the space, and then released Shirley three people.

The torrential rain is still ... This room is very quiet, it seems that it was specifically explained by the host, and no one is allowed to come in. So Beta opened the window with confidence and looked at the palace not far away.

Emma looked down at the middle-aged nobleman and snorted: "I have seen this person. He came to our country as an ambassador two years ago and also attended my 12th birthday party. He is in this country in Djibouti, It can be regarded as a dignitary. I did not expect that it would be so simple to die in your hands. It is worthless. "

"Whoever it is, even God, is of no value as long as it dies." Beta shrugged. "Now there are only the last two elven slaves, one in the king's dormitory and the other in the great prince, that is, There is Chu Jun, so after entering the palace, we must send two soldiers. The three of you will rescue the slaves of the great prince, and I will go to the king for trouble. "

Shirley worried, "Beta, can you do it alone? The defense from the King should be the strongest."

"Fighting directly, I'm naturally inferior to the three of you." Beta smiled. "But in this surprise attack, the three of you are not as good as half of me. Think about it ... forget it, you should write down the topographic map Well, no matter what you save, you have to find me at the evacuation site after half an hour. My current mental strength can only support the torrential rain for about 40 minutes. "

The three women nodded solemnly ~ ~ then act now. "

Beta whispered a word, and then directly activated the ‘Irritation’ ability, rushing towards the walls of the palace at a fast speed.

Emma sacrifice a magic shield, and then floats with a whirlwind magic. Alice summoned the unicorn and went up with Shirley.

By the time the three were ready, Beta had disappeared into the rain.

Although the walls of the royal palace are high, it can be said that it is completely undefended for professionals. Therefore, in order to prevent professionals from entering and leaving the palace at will, any king will choose to set a strong defensive magic array on the underground of the kingdom.

At this time, Beta came to the side of the city wall, and he reached out to look forward, feeling that his fingers were blocked by a large ripple.

"It's not a very powerful magic circle, it works." Beta patted his head gently, because he wasted a lot of mental energy to use for rain, and his head was a little painful at the moment: "But he still has to find the weakest magic circle Place, otherwise there is no certainty! "

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