Noble Emblem

Chapter 386: Break into the palace

In the game, Beta is definitely not as good as the server's first mage Roland in terms of actual magic use ability and creative ability. But when it comes to pure magic theory, he is better than anyone.

Any magic and magic circle, as long as he looks at it for a while, he can analyze the principle, and quickly find the magic node, crack and learn.

So no magic exists in front of Beta. This is true even of divine magic. However, divine magic must be performed by the power of the gods, so it is not the **** he believes in. He cannot use the divine magic. This is a matter of rules.

Beta ran outside the city walls, and soon found the weakness of the magic circle's shell.

In fact, it is not too correct to say that it is a weak point, it should be said that the magic is slightly uneven.

The range of a magic array is too large, and the amount of magic of the magic shell cannot be the same everywhere. For example, if the average hardness of this magic array is one hundred, then subdividing it down, the values ​​at different points are generally different, about 90 to 110 at random. What Beta wants to do is to find more than 90 places of hardness, these places are the relative weakness of the magic circle.

The torrential torrential rain was annoying and the magic circle opened again, so no soldiers patrolled the city walls. Beta digged out almost all the magic scrolls from the mansion space, and piled them together at the edge of the city wall, like a hill.

Then, at a very fast speed, dodging far away.

About half a minute later, one of the broken magic scrolls triggered the effect, and then caused all the magic scrolls to explode.

Although the level of each magic scroll is not high, but the quantity is enough ... Quantitative change can cause qualitative change.

Flames and lightning dance together, ice and darkness intertwine, and at least three hundred magical scrolls detonate at the same time, creating a terrible chain reaction.

Everything within twenty meters around the explosion point was torn into powder in a flash, and then there was a violent explosion sound. A powerful magical mixed shock wave smashed into the rain near the point like Riya.

Then there are countless magics from the explosion point Manyan, like an explosion of fireworks, very beautiful and extremely deadly.

The defensive magic shell of the magic array was struck by a large amount of magic at zero distance, and the entire appearance immediately appeared. The huge purple egg-shaped shield shrouded the entire kingdom, and then the point where it was attacked by a large number of magics. A crack appeared from the corner, and then the crack became larger and denser, as if the same cracking sound was produced when the glass cracked.

After a few seconds, the entire magic shield immediately shattered, turning into numerous crystal shards, and then quickly returned to the magic element and dissipated in the air.

The magic circle is temporarily disabled ... but it is only temporary.

The nature of the magic circle can be regarded as a spiritual instrument. If it is hit at a critical point in an instant beyond its upper limit, it will cause a negative chain reaction.

Beta has dumped most of the scrolls that she has accumulated, and countless magic burst out at the same time, resulting in power that is comparable to the use of top magic by legendary magicians.

Moreover, the magic array of the palace is not particularly powerful. At least from the perspective of Beta, if it is manufactured by other industries, it can be done better, because the magic shell of the magic array is too uneven in its protection strength. , It will affect the actual defense ability of the defense magic array.

All in all, the magic frenzy caused by so many magic scrolls has temporarily lost its effect. In simple words, it is in a short circuit state.

As soon as the magic array failed, Beta used light-weight magic to effortlessly climb the outer wall gap of the city wall and climbed up the city wall.

There are no patrols on it. This exaggerated rainstorm is, for the sand people, the first time they have encountered a horrific natural disaster. Even professionals are afraid, let alone ordinary people.

When Beta leaped up the wall, the rushing bell finally sounded.

Beta turned her head and found that Shirley and the other three had boarded the wall not far away, and nodded to them from a distance.

Despite the heavy rain, Shirley seemed to feel Beta's sight, she turned her head and smiled slightly in the direction of Beta.

Emma saw Shirley's movements and looked over here, but she was different from Shirley. She couldn't feel the orientation and breath of Beta, and she felt discouraged under her heart.

Now is not a waste of time. The enemy's magic circle may recover at any time. Beta slightly bows and jumps off the wall.

Although his speed is not as good as a rogue of the same level, and his physique is not as good as a soldier of the same level, both are not low, and they are not weak in combination. Coupled with the relationship of anger and irresistible skills, he runs very fast at full speed Quickly, fell to the ground, galloping in the heavy rain curtain, opened the surrounding raindrops, and directly pulled out a white silver line.

Because of the heavy rain, the hard and hard gravel ground became very soft and slippery. The soldiers of the palace were not used to it and did not come out to patrol. Rest in your own premises.

Although the alarm bells had sounded at this time, they did not have time to return to their posts.

Beta arrived unimpeded at the main entrance of the palace. At the same time, Shirley and others also came to the imperial palace of the royal palace.

A large fireball smashed directly into the gate of the palace. Beta rushed in and rushed out of the two gray-faced guards. Although they were horrified, they rushed up with their shields.

Beta continued to thrive, throwing two more magic scrolls along the way, the light blue plasma spread towards the ground in front, and soon entangled the bodies of the two guards. Although they were twitching, they had not completely lost their standing ability. .

Anyway, approached Beta more firmly.

Anti-magic armor ... Although Beta had anticipated this, she was still somewhat convinced of the tyrants of the royal family of Sunland. The strength of these two guards is average, one LV5 and one LV6, but they are wearing anti-magic armor. You must know that anti-magic armor must be built in gold. The price of one set is not cheap.

Even the two goalkeepers are wearing anti-magic armor, so the royal family's elite, the equipment is certainly not worse than them.

The two guards approached with an angry expression. In both of them, the black-faced intruder was obviously a caster. They were wearing anti-magic armor, and as long as they could approach the past, they could definitely cast the caster. Get down.

But unfortunately, Beta is a divine noble, a compound professional.

He rushed towards the two guards at a faster speed, and then in the unbelievable eyes of the two guards, the Emperor Meteor Sword suddenly appeared, and instantly cut through the necks of the latter two from the gap in the armor of the neck.

Blood spewed out. By the time the two guards fell to the ground, Beta had rushed through them, and had gone more than ten meters away.

Levels, character attributes, and combat experience are all-round crushed.

After killing the two guards, Beta rushed into the palace, and then saw a dark whistle over the second floor. A frightened face was hidden behind the 'observation hole', and then a sharp and screaming whistle was in the entire palace. Sounded.

The dark whistle was hidden behind a thick wall, and Beta could completely use the magic scroll to violently blow away, but he did not do so, directly from the staircase entrance, climbed to the second floor, and then went straight to the palace's bedroom.

After reaching the second floor, Beta popped up a gold coin, and before landing, it was wonderfully transformed into a gorgeous knight wearing a golden armor, a golden sword, a long red cloak, and a height of at least two meters.

The appearance of this knight is hidden in a sturdy helmet. As soon as the knight appeared, he rushed to the front and was extremely fast.

Beta followed, and several magic scrolls were directly attached to the golden knight.

Light spirits! Toughness, and vision shift.

The first two buff magics have directly increased the strength of the Golden Knight by about 20%, while the latter magic is another kind of auxiliary magic, which can make people ignore the existence of Beta invisibly.

At present, the armored knight is running on the aisle on the second floor at a very fast speed. Every step taken is a distance of nearly ten meters. Stepping on the ground is the sound of DUANG. Metal can be felt in the distance. The shock of the foot armor hitting the ground.

The whistle for the alarm became more and more rapid, and one after another, more and more palace guards would be torched around from front to back.

However, during the running of the armored knight in front of ~ ~, with just one swipe, two or three guards could be hit. And it focuses on the guards who are torches.

Although the armored knight is a summoning creature, its strength is linked to the summoner itself. Moreover, Beta also blessed him with buff magic. Now it is a stance in which God blocks the **** and the Buddha blocks the Buddha.

And Beta followed behind the Golden Knight, and no one noticed him at all, or even if anyone noticed it, he wouldn't be too concerned.

After all, a knight who is two meters tall, wearing heavy armor and wielding a great sword, is really eye-catching.

But Beta, who is relatively 'petite' and also wearing a black suit, has not been fully focused on him for the time being.

The armored knight moved forward fast like a heavy tank. Flesh and blood flew everywhere he passed, but he was blocked when approaching the palace.

In front of it, a black helmet warrior, about the same height as him, but holding a giant shield, sealed the entrance to the palace deadly.

Master fighters ... finally appeared!

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