Noble Emblem

Chapter 390: We have the right

Five fireballs smashed quite a bit. Beta and Katie didn't go far, and saw a group of people in the distance holding a torch. The leader, Huo Ran, was the new bishop Salo. 23US. Com updates the fastest

At this time, Sarah, the merchant's market lover has completely wiped out her face, and the faint greenness in the past has disappeared. Instead, it is only mature and stable.

It's hard to imagine that a young girl will transform to such a point in a short period of time. But Beta isn't surprised at this. Sharo is a very talented person, otherwise he would not have chosen her as the successor of the main shrine.

And most importantly, power can make people both degenerate and grow up quickly, depending on the nature of that person.

When Sarah saw Katie, she was obviously relieved, and then she felt a little nervous when she saw Beta. Then she looked around and saw not far away, the ruins still smoky, with a look of surprise on her face.

"Her Beta, what is going on here?"

Beta said lightly: "Nothing big, let's go back to the temple first."

Mishara nodded, and the crowd returned to the temple.

In the simple study, Sarah, the host, invited the two to sit down, and then said, "Hello Beta, you are here to buy the land around the temple."

看来 "It seems that you are also aware of the seriousness of the matter." Beta put her finger on the table and gently tapped, "You haven't taken countermeasures before?"

Shalo shook her head and said helplessly: "Their previous land acquisition behavior was very secretive. When I discovered that it was wrong, they had secretly bought most of the land around the temple. And most importantly, their methods were very It ’s clean and fair, and every piece of land was bought above market value, and I ca n’t find a reason to step in. ”

"The means of being bright and upright ... It seems that there should be a person who is very good at layout over the light temple." Beta smiled and said, "But there are muddy people everywhere, and that ghost count dare to close the road. This will Let's find a breakthrough. Sarah ... tomorrow you will take two or three temple guards to walk around the temple. If someone dares to close the road again, you will demolish his house. If there is no house, you will be beaten. Don't sting. "

Sa Luo smiled slightly: "I see."

"Katti, you will go back later to see the situation of the land over the shrine. Don't let the other party find another chance." Beta thought for a while and said, "In the other time you have to be busy, you take your heresy. The interrogation group secretly protects Sarah's safety. After all, she is not a combat priest. In case the other dog jumps off the wall and bites people, there is also a chance to respond. "

Kati blinked, indicating that she understood.

Beta continued: "I think the people of the Temple of Light will soon appear in front of us, just for these two days."

In the mansion space, Emma watched Beta's opposition to the enemy, sighed slightly, and then said to the opposite: "The Temple of Vol'jin is still small, but the Shinto religion is the world's largest denomination. It stands to reason that any When people in this sect encounter such a thing, they have to think twice and think about ways to deal with it. How can there be a person like Beta who rushes directly to the ground! "

Xi Shili raised her eyebrows gently and asked, "So you think Beta is too reckless?"

After hearing the ridicule and even dissatisfaction in Shirley's mouth, Emma shook her head and said, "No, on the contrary, I think Beta is very powerful and has courage. And I can see that behaviors like Beta are not hot-blooded. The decision made by Chung is to have his own ideas, and even to take into account the reaction of the opponent. I am just curious, what kind of education can cultivate such a unique person. At least pure noble education is not Yes, and a pure combat career is even more impossible. "

But Shirley Wu didn't care too much: "No matter what his origin, he is Beta. Everything else is not important to me."

Hearing this, Emma sighed slightly. In terms of feelings, Emma was very envious and even jealous of Shirley.

Because she can see that Shirley is a very pure woman, her body and mind are only for one person. This is the most sincere and pure kind of feeling, and it can no longer be regarded as a relationship between men and women, but more important. Emma doesn't have a proper word to describe it, but she knows that although she really likes Beta, she is still a little worse than Shirley's feelings.

She is such a little gap that she does not have much confidence to compete directly with Shirley.

Next, Beta and Katy left the main temple. The two separated outside the shrine, and Katie went straight back to the shrine and called for a hand. Beta, on the other hand, found a high ground. This place has a wide field of vision and can clearly see the situation over the main shrine. And most importantly, because of the high position, others cannot easily see the situation from a distance.

Beta left a magic anchor in place, and then entered the mansion space.

There is no place where 更 is safer than the mansion space, but he didn't come in to take a rest here, but took out the bedding. After all, there are two big beauties in the mansion space. It is not good for a big man to believe in it. Although both women were anxious for him to stay.

Using fossils for mud, mud for stones and other magic, Beta built a short stone house with empty windows for himself, then threw the bedding inside, and began to rest.

Emma saw this scene in the mansion surgery space, and she sighed slightly. She knew that if there was only Shirley in the space, Beta would definitely stay in it for rest, but now that she is more, Beta must avoid it.

This shows that in Beta's mind, she and Shirley, who are closer to him.

After drowsing for about two hours or so, Beta awakened. He put the bedding back into the space and stood at the window watching the movement over the main shrine. Thanks to Beta's "Yunlong Blue Pupils", even at great distances, even at night, he can clearly see the movement of the main shrine, and even the expressions of pedestrians on the road.

Despite saying that Katy's heresy trial is protecting Sarah, Beta is still not assured. After all, the bright theology is the first religion with deep knowledge, and no one knows exactly what they will do.

It really didn't take long for several people to appear at the entrance of the slum, with several people in black robes and hoods, and followed the road into a well-built mansion.

Beta summoned Joan, this awakened magic pet, complained with a cute girl voice, and then flew over the slum area for surveillance.

Zoe Cage was sitting in the study. Not long ago he was at the window and saw five fireballs smashing another mansion not far away into ruins. At that time he knew that things were not like Burt- Immingson said it was a simple and easy job.

I'm in big trouble. This is Zoe's biggest impression at this time.

I have been sitting in the study for several hours, and it seems that the sky is about to light up. He is hesitating to leave here to avoid danger. At this time, the housekeeper knocked on the door, handed in a bright coat of arms like the sun, and said, "Master, someone is looking outside the door."

The bright coat of arms exuded a faint golden light. Zoe stroked it twice, stood up, and said, "I'll meet you in person, and you'll tell the next person to prepare the wine and treats."

The steward stooped and left, Zoe stood up, sorted his clothes a little, and went downstairs to the door.

When he narrowed his eyes, he saw four people in black robes standing there. He moved in his heart, bent a little to show respect, and didn't speak, welcoming the four into the living room.

One of the men in black reached out from his robe and made several poses, and then a light golden shield shrouded several of them.

After that, the four men in black robes all hooded behind their heads. The appearance of three men and one woman appeared in front of Zoe.

Zoey bowed down to the young man in the middle and said respectfully, "My Excellency, Bert Immingson, I was surprised that you would come in person."

年轻人 The young man has short dark blond hair and pale blue eyes. This is the most common appearance among nobles.

微笑 He smiled: "Of course, I have to come over because I don't want to hurt my allies."

Hearing this, Zoe was quite moved: "Thank you for your concern."

Bert sat down in his chair and said, "You can see that you are a little worried that the people of Workin will be against you. But I can assure you that, no matter what, we will give you priority. Unless we are all dead, the people of Workin will never hurt you. "

Zoe bent down deeply again: "Your promise is as heavy as a mountain. I believe no one can move it, and I am ashamed of my shaking."

"Don't blame it so much ~ ~ Zoe, this is human nature." Burt smiled slightly, and the handsome sunny face gradually became serious: "Then, you know that the Burke family mansion was blown into Who is the man in the ruins? "

Zoe looked at the other three men in black robes and said, "I have just sent someone to ask the guards of the Burke family. If they did not admit it, it should be the red priest who has been missing for months, Beta- Lyon. "

"Red priest ... I don't like the name." Burt leaned back on his chair and Shi Shiran said, "Red, which represents blood, also represents death. As a priest, he was prefixed with red. One can imagine how cruel this man's behavior is. As a priest, I feel that he has destroyed the good reputation of our priests. "

The goddess officer next to her said quietly, "But he is a man of the Workin religion, and it seems to have nothing to do with our bright religion."

"Tina, you don't think so." Bert gently shook his finger and said proudly: "In this world, all things exist because of the Goddess of Light. There is light and darkness, and light has everything ... ... the goddess of light is the prerequisite for all life. Without light, there is nothing. The goddess of Volkin, at best, is only the **** of name. As the spokesperson of the main god, we are qualified and have the right to judge a **** who is on the evil path Believers, do you mean? "

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