Noble Emblem

Chapter 391: Things have changed

When Tina heard this, her mouth teased slightly: "Red priest, according to our information, he dared to confront the current King Hollevin, and he could retreat from his body, and it was suspected that he had killed the master alone. The feat of the first-level mage, and more importantly, the archbishop of Tonggu City and a samurai died in his hands. 23US.COM The fastest update here is the temple of light, which is now occupied by us. He ca n’t compete with him at all, how do you want to judge him? ”

Zoe looked at the pretty goddess officer with surprise. He knew Burt's identity, not only a young archbishop, but also a master clergyman. Moreover, Bert has a noble status, noble status, no matter where it is placed, it is respected or even sought after, but this goddess named Tina, does not seem to respect Bert?

Hubert smiled with a smile: "I am a master priest, you are a master paladin, and both Jojo and Dior are also quasi-master light knights. Can't we four deal with a red priest?"

Zoey was even more surprised when he heard it. He did not expect that the beautiful girl in front of him was actually a samurai. He is not the kind of ignorant person, he knows exactly how high the paladin is in the temple of light.

As for the so-called light knight, it is actually a magic swordsman who can use the light spell. It sounds the same as the paladin, but it is actually two different professions. At the same level, the power gap is even more obvious.

Tina shook her head: "The last samurai and the archbishop here probably thought the same way as you, but they are now dead. As for Beta, I have had several contacts with him, which is unfathomable. "

Hebert thought for a moment: "Do you really think we have no chance of winning?"

"The odds are not completely absent." Tina blinked her eyes, and the faint light energy turned into a little light shavings slowly rising from her eyebrows: "It's just that there is no confidence in the heart. The Red God official is not alone beside him. I heard that the goddess of the storm **** seems to appear by his side from time to time. In addition, there is also a Archbishop of Shirley, the **** of the Workin god, who also follows him, hum, there are troublesome women around, this Both are strong and we have no absolute chance of winning. "

In Tina's tone, she had a weak sourness she had not noticed.

Bert frowned slightly, and then laughed: "Then let's talk about it in the long run. Tina, you go to rest first. Beautiful women should not stay up all night. We will make the rest of the matter. Of course, in We will ask for your opinion before implementation. "

Min Tina hesitated, then nodded her head slightly, and then she stepped out of the aperture and left under the guidance of the next man.

Watching Tina's back completely disappeared at the door, Bert retracted his gaze, and his indifferent face became a little gloomy.

The light knight, Qiao Qiao, suddenly said, "Herbert, the information sent by the heresy interrogation said that Tina had a very close relationship with the Red God official before she became a paladin. Now we have to deal with Red. The priest, she is pushing against each other, is she not conceived? "

But Burt glared at the subordinate severely and yelled, "Shut up. Tina is a samurai ... Do you know how many samurai there are in the whole religion? Twenty-four. Tina is all The most qualified paladin. She became a paladin. It only took about one year to reach the advanced master level. This speed ranks third in the history of the gods for six hundred years. She may be Have a friend or other feelings for that beta, but her faith in the goddess will not be false, otherwise she will not have the current strength. "

Jiaoqiao narrowed his neck, but still said, "Tina is our paladin of the Shinto religion. How can she be affectionate to outsiders of other denominations?"

Hubert said rather quickly: "In the teachings, there is no stipulation that female believers in the teaching must marry people in the teaching."

This is the most uncomfortable part of Burt. One year ago, he felt that the female believers in the teaching should indeed have the right to free love. But after seeing Tina, Burt felt that the girl of the gods should digest it internally.

On the other side, Tina went up to the third floor and entered a rather luxurious room. Because it is a newly built mansion, the room still has a slight smell of lacquer and mud.

I grew up rich and rich. She naturally couldn't stand the smell. She opened the window and planned to ventilate the room.

Although it was near dawn, the half-moon silver moon in the sky was still bright. Tina was bathed in the moonlight and thoughts were in her heart.

Min Tina once remembered a bard saying that the most painful feeling in the world is acacia. Tina felt the words in her heart. Whenever she thinks about that person, she will feel heartache, but she will always think of him every day, how can she never forget.

He helped him to become a samurai. Only after becoming a paladin, did she know more about how precious the light of the spring ... the tears of light called by the world.

In addition to her appearance, any other girl with poor qualifications, with the tears of light, and the ability to be knight-enclosed, changed from an ordinary aristocratic girl to the present in just over a year. The master-level paladin suddenly reached the top of the combat pyramid.

How much this envy has broken and how many people's eyes are red, she knows very well. Everyone thought that she was talented and extremely devout to the goddess, so she could make such rapid progress.

But she knew that she really believed in the goddess of light, but if she was so religious, she might not.

So she knows that as long as she is a samurai, she can't forget him, but she will miss her more and more.

With a long sigh, Tina looked up at the moon. The brighter the moon, the fewer stars around her. She felt like the moon, lonely and unaccompanied.

When Wu Zheng was sad, she saw a dark shadow in the sky, and when she looked closely, she was like a bird.

It's so late, what bird can fly so high ... It is impossible for an owl to fly to such a height.

觉得 She felt a little strange. She closed her eyes, and gathered some bright light dust on her fingertips, and lightly touched her eyebrow. Then she opened her eyes, and the pupils flashed like star dust.

Min Tina looked into the air again, this time she could clearly see what the dark shadow in the air was ... a golden eagle owl.

She is quite familiar with this eagle owl. After all, she cares about the things around that person.

She saw Yingdi, and Yingdi naturally saw her!

In addition to the sight of the birds, she also felt another sight cast down from the top, very familiar. Staring at this line of sight, her heartbeat accelerated slightly, but she did not feel uncomfortable, but rather rejoiced.

is it you? Beta.

Eagle 隼 circled twice in the air and left. That sight also disappeared.

Min Tina felt a bit empty in her heart. She grabbed her hair with her right hand and gently twisted it with her index finger. After a long time, she lost her smile and turned out of the door.

下 She went down to the living room, opened the door, and saw that Bert and others were still discussing in the soundproofing circle. She stepped forward and knocked gently, then went in with their somewhat surprised eyes.

Burbert's eyes were a little surprised: "Tina, why are you down again?"

"I have a very important thing to tell you." Tina said leisurely, "We were discovered early in the morning."

Hubert stood up. "What the **** is going on."

"The Red God official has a magic pet, which is a golden goshawk." Tina smiled and said, "When I went upstairs and opened the window just now, I found that this golden eagle was hovering above us. It seems that we entered here. Things have already been discovered by the Red God official. "

Uncle Burt sat back in his chair, his face was not very good-looking.

Qiao Qiao asked aside: "As far as I know, the magic pet contract is a very difficult thing. The casters who can do it can be counted with one palm. What exactly is the red priest? A flying pet. "

Tina shook her head: "I don't know, but he has a magic pet, but it is an iron fact."

Dior, with long gray hair, said coldly, "Since the other party already knows that we are here, all the plans we just made must be overturned."

Burt patted the handle of the chair gently: "There are more things to consider ... Tina, you stay, too. You have contacted the Red God official. You should know his personality and behaviors, and tell us. See details. "

On a small dirt **** opposite the ghetto, Beta summoned Joan back and stood silent.

He didn't think of it ~ ~ This time, the Temple of Light actually sent Tina over.

Anyway, he and Tina are friends. Since Tina is here, many of the previous methods and ideas are not available, and you must reconsider how to deal with people in the Temple of Light.

He sat down on the threshold of the low stone house without any other movement, just sitting so quietly. After Chaoyang exposed half of his face in the country on the horizon, he summoned Shirley and Emma from the mansion space and said, "Things have changed a bit, and we will go directly to find someone, Shirley, you're with me , Emma, ​​you stay in space. "

Emma is a little bit dissatisfied: "Why can't I follow you."

Beta turned her head and said, "Because you are the maiden of the Temple of Storms, and now it ’s a matter of the Workin and Light theology. If you appear by my side for a while, as your identity, you will give them an illusion, the storm Theologians must also participate in this and join forces with us. This will definitely affect the relationship between the goddess of storm and the goddess of light ... so much responsibility, now you can't resist it. "

Emma opened her mouth, and finally had to lower her eyelids in disappointment, saying nothing.

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