Noble Emblem

Chapter 422: White leg

Bart has been unlucky recently. He didn't know why he offended his boss and was driven out of the city guard. Soon after, his house was stolen and the title deed was stolen.

Then a while ago, a little noble came over and drove him out of his hut ... According to the little noble, he bought the land deed from the merchant's union and spent a lot of money.

Bart is not stupid. He knows that what the little aristocrat said is mostly false. He was stolen from his home, and it is most likely that the little aristocrat sent someone to do it. This may have a direct relationship with his being driven out of the city guard.

He always wanted to prove that the title was his own, but he was stolen. Unfortunately, he could not find evidence to prove this, and went to his neighbors for help, but those neighbors, while showing shame, said, they never knew Bart, never saw him, his hut, always Is empty.

Obviously he grew up here since he was a child, before that everyone was loving and loving like a family. The sun was shining, but his heart was as cold as ice.

A month ago, he also fantasized that he was promoted to become a general and led the army to defend his country. Now everything has changed, home is gone, work is gone, and the money in your pocket is gone. All that was left of him was an armor, an iron shield, and an iron sword that had begun to rust.

Why this is so, Bart can't figure it out.

Work trembling and help your colleagues; unite relatives and friends, and take care of neighbors. I tried my best to help them, but why was no one willing to help myself when I was wronged.


Walking on the street, Bart always felt that someone beside him was laughing at himself, but when he looked over, he found that those people were all pedestrians looking down.

Are you hungry?

Bart licked his lips. He wanted to eat something, but there was not much money in his pocket. Now that Wang Cheng has no place for him, he has to save some tolls and go to another city.

It was just that he was not reconciled, and he clearly did not make any mistakes, why he was forced to travel far away.

Strangely, he felt someone blocking himself. The sensitive nerves of the professional immediately made him sober, and his subconscious was put on the hilt.

Then Bart found that the young man in front of him was a magician and was very familiar with it. When he set his eyes on the head of the young man on the opposite side and saw the bright blond hair on the other side, he remembered where he had met Already.

"It's you?"

Bart was a little puzzled. He didn't know why the other side was blocking his way. Could it be to calculate his old account? He remembered stopping him from arresting a beautiful lady.

The thought of that lady made him feel a little upset.

Beta looked at each other and smiled. "It seems you remember me, chat?"

Bart looked at each other's friendly smile and knew that he was not hostile. He was desperate for this king city, and no longer wanted to have any encounters with the people in this city, but the ghost made a difference, but he nodded in agreement.

In the hotel room, Bart was sitting on a chair, holding a leg of lamb and stumbling, and a pile of bones had been placed on the table in front of him, like a hill.

Beta was sitting opposite, drinking fruit wine slowly.

After Bart swallowed half of the roast lamb on the table, he wiped his mouth with a white napkin and said, "Thank you for your hospitality."

Cannibalism ... Because of Katie's affairs, Bart's sense of Beta is not very good, but now, he doesn't think that the noble magician in front of him seems not so annoying.

"You're welcome. My name is Beta." Beta put down her glass and asked, "You look a little downcast? I remember seeing you last time, you are more eloquent and more confident than you are now. By the way, what do you call?"

Bart laughed at himself: "My name is Bart. Something has happened recently, so the situation is not good now."

What can make a powerful elite professional hungry, almost hung up on his back. Beta was curious: "Can you tell me?"

Bart doesn't like to tell his unhappiness to outsiders. Especially the magician in front of him doesn't know whether it is evil or good or bad. He asked in return: "What happened to the lady you chased last time? Have you caught her?"

Beta looked at the other side and paused for two seconds before she said, "The lady you said is named Katie ... now she is my subordinate and is also a bishop of a temple."

"Your subordinates? Did you threaten her?" Bart's expression immediately became serious: "I think I need an explanation."

Well, there are always beautiful people who remember. Beta shrugged helplessly, saying, "The threat is not a deal, but a deal. I cured her terminally ill mother, and she became my question and worked for me. It's that simple."

Bart still had the cold expression: "How do I know what you said is true or false."

"If I hurt Katy, I wouldn't appear in front of you at random." Beta smiled. "After all, the impression you gave me at that time was a messenger of justice."

Bart was awesome, and now he thought about it carefully, thinking that his performance at that time was indeed a little ... impulsive.

"Then why did you chase her then?"

Beta replied: "It was a little misunderstanding, and it was explained clearly later. Let me talk about your topic. I think you now ... it seems that you are not only short of money, but also a place to stay."

Bart flushed: "So obvious?"

"It's not obvious that it's blame ~ ~ Beta pointed to the other side's body and said," Not only is he hungry, he's going to pass out, but he's even smelling bad. Occupants who live somewhere generally do not have such a situation. "

Beta's words reminded Bart of the indifferentness of his neighbors a few days ago, and his mood suddenly turned gloomy again.

Beta saw him like this, and said, "Since what you don't want to say doesn't matter, you should be my subordinate for the time being. My envoy is just missing a strong fighter as a striker. After the mission is completed, I pay ten gold coins to You and give you thirty acres of land to build your house. "

"You have your own estate, big?" Bart was a little jealous. The aristocracy was just fine. He was born with a large piece of land to inherit. Unlike himself, a small house would be taken away.

Beta shook her head: "I am the lord, my territory is wetland, and 30 acres of land is just a trivial matter to me."

Bart froze for a while, carefully digested the words just heard, and then slammed the table: "I know who you are, Red God Officer Beta ... No wonder I just heard your name, and I feel familiar."

Beta asked in doubt: "Except for a few noble families with intelligence networks, most people don't know my nickname. I see you ... how can't you look like you have your own intelligence network."

"I once knew a friend who was an assassin and had been with the Assassin's Union." Bart explained: "He has a high opinion of you and once told me some of your deeds."

No wonder! Beta nodded, and the Assassin's Guild was really well informed. He asked, "Have? Your friend broke off with you?"


Bart's expression became a little sad: "I heard that during one mission, he was captured by an ogre, and later only found his thigh bone ... his name was White."

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