Noble Emblem

Chapter 423: Something seems wrong

The mercenary profession is not guaranteed. Think about it. When Beta was a player, in the first three years before becoming a lord, he carried out adventure activities and upgraded it for hundreds of times. In addition to various powerful Warcraft, killing of evil creatures, there are various environmental killing, terrain killing, organ killing and so on.

The death method can make another film "The World's Most Amazing One Hundred Death Methods".

Of course, this has something to do with players' comparison of ‘waves’, but it can still be seen from the side, how dangerous is the so-called adventure life.

And these indigenous people who do not have the ability to resurrect, want to rise to the elite level by adventurous life, in addition to being careful enough, they also have to have excellent luck.

Of course, strength is an important factor. If someone like Beta is going to risk a group of masters and dig someone's tomb, the death rate will definitely not exceed one percent.

How many mercenaries died in the adventure, and only a small number of people with great luck lived to the end with a smile.

Beta was not surprised by White's encounter. He looked at Bart and said lightly: "You have no money and no place to live now. A proud person like you will definitely not be willing to be a porter to the aristocratic family any more. Dog, then. Being a mercenary is your only way out. "

Bart was silent. He did have the idea of ​​going to other cities and becoming a freelance mercenary.

"But mercenaries are not so easy to do." Beta smiled. "Nine deaths are the normal state of mercenaries. People who survive will be rich and rich, and the dead will always be forgotten. What a cruel and interesting world."

But Bart said arrogantly: "The mercenary world is indeed a dead one, but those are brave, they should not be left behind, and keep a comfortable comment on people."

There was a sneer in the corner of Beta's mouth: "I have been a mercenary for four years ... who are the two of us who are behind us?"

Bart was surprised, he looked at Beta in disbelief.

"It's weird?" Beta said with a strange expression on Bart's voice at this time: "A prince who looked at him in vain, a master who looked like a pampered master, actually had been a mercenary for four years. Absolutely impossible "

Bart's face was a little embarrassing, and Beta fully spoke out his heart.

"People can't just look at appearances." Beta smiled. "Maybe you think I'm lying, but the thing like strength can't deceive people. I am confident that I can overturn you empty-handed within ten seconds. And No spells are required. Do you believe it? "

After a while, Bart showed a weird smile, and his sarcasm was obvious.

Upon seeing him like this, Beta threw up the cup in her hands, and patted her hands on the armrests of the chair, and the whole person rose into the air, and then a split kick was thrown on the left foot, with the wind and thunder, and smashed into Bart's head. .

Bart's response was also extremely fast. He panned to the right half a step, avoiding the attack of the leg splits. When he was about to counterattack, he saw that Beta was still in the air, twisted strangely, and his right leg was like a whip. Just pumped over.

Human right leg, after all, is not a whip, so only when the speed is fast to a certain degree, a side kick will give people a feeling that the whip is drawn, which is due to the deceiving effect of vision.

But the phenomenon that can cause visual illusion has its own reasons.

Bart's left arm was tightly tightened, and he quickly shifted his center of gravity to the right, intending to use the weight and his muscles to withstand the attack.

After a muffled sound, Bart felt that the attack from the other side fell on his left arm, and it was that a thick iron root hit him. The pain was scary. Fortunately, the opponent's strength did not seem to be very exaggerated. He only took three steps to the left and left and stopped.

After all, it ’s a magician, and it ’s not powerful enough ... Damn it, how could a magician have such a powerful power that he has beaten his pure warrior back three steps? You know, he is wearing iron armor.

Taking advantage of Bart's back-to-back gap, Beta supported the ground with one hand, and a beautiful idling stood up straight, surprisingly fast. At the same time, he stepped forward two steps, his upper body leaned down, and then a left punch hit Bart's chin.

Bart managed to stand still, seeing that Beta had been bullying himself, he hurriedly pressed his hands down, trying to block the opponent's undercut attack.

His reaction speed was very fast, and indeed blocked Beta's undercut, but he changed his look the next second, because he did not feel any strength from the opponent's undercut.

This is an attack.

As soon as Bart's head flashed, his left chin was severely hit.

Beta also posed a fist with the afterimage, striking Bart back, and hit the wall.

Boxers like to attack the chin the most, because it can easily cause a person to have a concussion. Bart is a warrior, and he is exceptionally physically fit. Although he will not lose his balance and fall to the ground when he is severely hit like a normal person, the huge impact still makes his body somewhat unresponsive ~ ~ even with Dots appeared in sight.

He pressed his hands against the wall, widened his eyes desperately to see the opposite Beta and counterattack, but soon he smiled wryly.

Beta slaps his right finger into a pointing sword, pointing at his throat.

Bart knew that if Beta was the enemy, he was dead at this point.

"Are you a warrior or a magician?" Bart shook his head, his slight stun feeling was gradually disappearing, and he was surprised to look at the opposite Beta: "Ordinary compound professional, it is impossible for you to have such a battle experience."

"I said I was a mercenary for four years, and you don't believe it."

Bart squatted sharply on the ground, holding his head in both hands like a dirt bear, at this moment a great sense of shame conflicted with his heart.

Ahhhhhh ... I really want to die. He was a rookie he had never even seen before, and he said such a self-righteous thing to an experienced mercenary.

I really want a hole in the ground to drill down for myself.

The above words are the state of mind of Bart at this moment.

Alas ... A bag of gold coins was thrown in front of Bart, Beta said: "There are fifteen gold coins in it, which are prepaid mission salaries in advance. You go out and change yourself a good weapon, a good shield. Then wash yourself Come here before 8 am tomorrow morning. "

Bart, who was about to explode in shame, picked up the money bag and rushed out. At this moment, he didn't want to stay in this house for a second.

Running out of the hotel, running on the street, ignoring the surprised sight of the pedestrians, Bart stopped until he was tired and sweaty.

At this time, a lot of shame had been removed, and he began to feel that there was something wrong.

After pondering for a while, his face turned abrupt: lying down, when did I respond to be his subordinate.

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