Noble Emblem

Chapter 432: To see the bitter master

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After the diplomat's representative handed in a documentary certificate, the guards of Winterwind opened the main entrance and put the delegation in.

It was already tonight, and there were not many pedestrians on the street. Sophia turned into a shadow, hiding in Shirley's shadow. This is her city, she is not convenient to appear in the mission, otherwise the impact is not good. Many things are done one thing, letting people know it is another.

A carriage drove slightly faster, side by side with Beta. The blue curtain opened, and a young girl with freckles on her cheek looked at Beta, asking, "Sir Beta, are we still the same, and staying in the hotel?"

Beta looked at the girl and asked, "What's your name?"

The entire diplomatic ceremonial corps is an elderly man, only she is a girl, which is extremely eye-catching in the corps. Beta was a bit strange at first, why a little girl was sent to such a dangerous task, and then I thought about it later to understand. Many people regard this task as a mortal task. They are ceremonial officers who are not bound by the power of chickens. They are very pessimistic about this task and think that there is a great possibility that they cannot return. So many people ca n’t come without it. The royal family must have spent a lot of energy to find more than 20 people, and this young girl was mostly forced by some reason to replace a powerful person.

"My name is Susan."

The girl's voice was brisk, and it didn't look like she was forced. This made Beta feel like she guessed wrong.

Beta looked at the freckles on his face, and thought he was cute, smiling. "You don't want to stay in the hotel again?"

"I used to know a friend in Wangcheng. She is the young lady in this city. I haven't seen her for years." Susan said with a little embarrassment: "I want to take this opportunity to visit her . "

"The young lady you're talking about is called Barbara." Beta asked.

Susan's eyes narrowed, like a hamster: "Your Excellency also knows her?"

"Do you know Sophia?" Beta asked.

Susan shook her head.

"She is Barbara's mother, the beautiful woman who helped me deal with Fletcher the other day."

Susan not only narrowed her eyes, she even opened her mouth wide. Women have always been more sensitive. She can see that the relationship between Sophia and Beta is very close, not the kind of intimacy between friends, but the kind of dogs and men. She thought that **** and handsome Sophia was Beta's lover, but she did not expect that she was still Barbara's mother.

Wait ... Susan suddenly thought of a lot of things, things that should be thought of, things that shouldn't be thought of, all walked around in her little head.

She used to have a bit of admiration when she looked at Beta, but now she has some expressions that look like scum: "Haha, Your Excellency is vast."

What Beta is saying is also an experienced adult. When he saw Susan's expression, he knew what the little girl was thinking. It was just that he couldn't be angry. At first, he did have a little unclear relationship with Sophia. The relationship between the other was obviously not yet an adult. Why should he be angry with a girl.

"Then you ride on the carriage over there." Beta gave a direction in the direction of Shirley: "The carriage will go directly to the city's main house, you can sit with her and see your friends."

"Thank you."

Susan smiled dryly and jumped off the carriage with her floral skirt. The carriage's advanced speed is now very slow, but even so, she still took two steps, then opened her legs and ran forward, catching up with Shirley's carriage and jumping lightly, as if a bug was chasing behind her Holding him.

Beta thought he seemed to be rejected, and Bart came over and smirked, "Employer, your reputation doesn't look good right now."

"There is no good reputation for the aristocracy." Beta shrugged indifferently. "You have something to say to me when you come here."

Bart looked slightly surprised, and then Shi Huai said, "I can't hide it ... I just noticed that Fletcher's cavalry was missing one person, and their atmosphere didn't seem right, as if they always looked with gloat Hold us. "

"I'm looking at me with glee, not you." Beta turned to Fletcher not far away and continued, "I probably know what happened, so don't worry, I use Do it yourself. "

Beta was taken for granted, but Bart felt uncomfortable. He quietly looked at his employer for a while, and after confirming that what he said was very sincere, he slowly said, "You plan to solve everything yourself, so what is the reason you hired me, just to fill the facade? "

There will always be all kinds of people in the world. Some people like to work hard and don't contribute. It's better not to do anything. And some people, if he is not allowed to work, he will feel uncomfortable.

Barth is the latter.

The horse's hoof slammed on the bluestone slab. Beta looked at Bart and explained with a smile: "You are not good at attacking and fighting, you are good at protecting and defending. Besides, Fletcher and me, those things that involve conspiracy, you are not suitable for blending in. . "

Bart said unhappyly: "That said, I'm of no use during this time?"

"When you get out of the North Pass, when you are busy. The attacks in Udaburi will surely be wave after wave. Whether you can protect them and how many people you can protect will have a lot to do with your efforts."

Hearing this, Bart was satisfied. At this time, the castle of Winterwind appeared in the sight of everyone ~ ~ Fletcher waved his hand, and the cavalry left in the other direction. In each city, there are places for the noble master to care for the war horses, and the cavalry can also deposit their war horses there, and then go to find hotel accommodation by themselves.

Diplomatic etiquette officers also left with the cavalry.

Fletcher followed, and said, "My Excellency Beta, I also plan to meet with His Excellency, can I go with you?"

Despite Fletcher's decent words, Beta was still able to read some vicious ridicule from the other's face.

Fletcher was afraid that Beta would slip away, so he wanted to use words to “tie” him to see the suffering master together. He felt that this way there would be a good show.

Beta didn't mind, he answered without any hesitation, "No problem, I'm glad to be with you."

Fletcher was a little weird at this time, and it was clear that Beta was about to see the bitter master. Why was he still in a calm state? Isn't this guy really afraid of major events? Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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