Noble Emblem

Chapter 433: There is a reason to kill

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Fletcher's heart was now filled with contentment and happiness, and thinking of Beta was about to meet Uther the bitter master, he felt like he was about to float excitedly.

He looked very upset with Beta, very upset. In his eyes, Beta is a little white face, using her appearance to deceive a town lady's wife back, and she is also followed by a beautiful blonde woman.

As the so-called same-sex repulsion, Fletcher is not bad, and he is a white face, so he hates Beta so much.

He followed behind Beta, thinking that if Beta would conflict with Uther, what should he say and how to act in order to obtain the maximum benefit. The fan ignited that he was very good at it, maybe he would return it. Can get some benefits from it. For example, to find a way to coax a woman who is not beautiful around him, if he can make her his lover, why would he go to harm other good women, even if he died on the woman's belly, it is worth it.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the carriage without a trace, and took his eyes back, pretending to be indifferent.

Soon everyone arrived at the city's main house, because someone had already come to report the relationship, Kyle and Barbara were already waiting on the suspension bridge at the city gate.

Beta and the two of them naturally wouldn't be polite. He rolled over and threw the reins, and said, "Give us some hot water, and let's talk about what we'll eat. We're almost stink without a bath for several days."

Because people are talkative, and Fletcher is a nasty ghost, Beta doesn't want to expose his own special space so soon. So Shirley and Sophia never went to the mansion to rest and wash.

Shirley also came out of the carriage, and Sophia continued to hide in her shadow.

Kyle and Barbara knew Sophia's abilities, and knew that she would hide by someone's side, so there was no fuss. Susan jumped off the carriage lightly and saw Barbara at a glance. Then she shouted, grabbed her skirt and jumped off the carriage, and rushed forward at a fast speed, giving Barbara a strong hug. .

After that, I was still excited about holding Barbara's face with my face.

Barbara pushed away the other side slightly, staring at each other for two seconds, surprised, "Susan, how are you?"

These two are indeed good friends. A few years ago, Barbara studied in the city of Kings, so she and Susan became good friends. But that was a few years ago. At that time, they were still young and looked slightly different from now, so it took Barbara some time to recognize each other.

At the moment, the two girls hugged and laughed, crying and making noise. No wonder they are so excited. In this world of backward traffic, if there is no magic transmission, every departure trip means a difficult adventure, ranging from injury to illness, or death on the way.

If you are a professional, you are better. After all, if you are an ordinary person, even if you start in a team and take care of each other, there are still many people who are always on the journey.

The most affected are the businessmen of the caravan. They are using their lives to trans-regionally trade. On average, every successful long-distance trade will have someone buried behind.

Once friends are separated from each other, it often means that they can no longer meet for life.

Seen for a long time, naturally there will be endless words, two girls hand in hand advanced the castle. Kyle stepped forward, took the reins thrown by Beta, and personally led the teacher.

Bart looked at it all, and suddenly he found that his master seemed to be quite extensive. Although his strength is far inferior to Kyle, but he can feel that Kyle is a warrior class like himself, but much stronger than himself. It was just that he didn't understand why Kyle was younger than himself, and his strength was so exaggerated.

Fletcher came up and said to Kyle graciously: "Hello, I am the third son of the Rogge family, Fletcher. Nice to meet you, are you a direct knight of His Excellency Ussel? ? "

"Ah, sorry, I'm his son-in-law." Kyle scratched his head and looked distressed: "The Rogge family ... I remember a few days ago, it seems that there was such a cavalry who reported the name of the family and stormed Our city's main house was taken down by me ... is your order? "

At the end of the story, Kyle's brave man rushed out. Fletcher had a real little white face. How could he stand up to this situation, his legs were frightened and he took a few steps back.

He had a pale face, and sweat had started to drip all over, but still insisted, "I ... I, but ... the members of the Rogge family."

Kyle was a student taught by Beta, who won Beta ’s “true story”. He snorted and said, "As soon as your cavalry came in, he said something inexplicable, but I refuted a few words, and tried to get his hands on the sword. He didn't see where it was ... this is Winterwind, not you Where these little white faces can be scattered. "

Shirley covered her mouth and laughed. She felt that Kyle had been "bad" by Beta.

In fact, after experiencing so many incidents with Beta, Kyle has also seen through it. He has understood the true meaning of Beta's saying that "the strong do not need etiquette." The teacher took them to forcefully fight against the great prince, who is the future king. Although the chess was lost, the great prince chose to stay calm in order to appease the teacher and them.

Such a thing, instead, happened to Kyle two years ago, let alone face the Grand Prince, even if he was scolded by a character like the Grand Prince, he would feel that the sky would collapse.

The improvement of strength brings the improvement of horizons and higher 'tolerance rate'.

The life course of most creatures has a saying of "fault tolerance".

For a weak life, as long as one or two small mistakes are made in the search for food or predation, it may be killed by natural enemies, or it may starve to death without catching its prey, or even accidentally be blown away by the wind, or lost. Will lead to death, they will have to live in trembling, dare not have any slack.

Stronger creatures have fewer or no natural enemies. For example, powerful professionals, or dragons. This is the improvement of the survival fault tolerance rate. Even if they 'fault' hundreds of times, they have a chance to survive, and they can easily obtain the resources needed for survival in the natural world.

The creatures at the top of the world use the creatures in the world as chess pieces, such as the gods, and they are not thinking about survival.

Kyle has now reached the upper and middle levels of the pyramid, and only a few professionals and some special creatures can pose a threat to him. As for ordinary secular power, in his eyes, there is not much deterrence. This is an increase in strength, which brings about an increase in the survival 'fault tolerance rate'. Many things are no longer a threat to survival.

Kyle is no longer afraid of the big prince, not to mention a **** who doesn't know where to come!

Fletcher felt that something was wrong ... He knew Uther had a daughter, and he heard that it was OK. But he didn't know that Uther's daughter was married, and her husband was still such a powerful fighter.

Things didn't seem to go as he imagined.

However, he felt that things seemed to be saved. Holding back the unhappiness in his heart at the moment, he asked: "Have you made a mistake, my Excellency? My cavalry is unlikely to break into the main city."

Kyle is a brave man. He is inherently able to feel the creature in front of him, whether it is justice or evil. This is a talent skill of the brave.

Although Fletcher has not reached the point of ‘evil’, Kyle still feels that the man in front of him exudes an uncomfortable breath. He wanted to slash the opponent with his sword, but he weighed it carefully and felt that the opponent hadn't reached that point yet.

This feeling of wanting to chop and not chop is like blocking the phlegm in the throat, unable to vomit, or swallowing, leaving it unattended and affecting the smoothness of breathing, makes people tangled.

This kind of entanglement made Kyle, a very good person, very uncomfortable, so he replied angrily, "I said that he broke through but he broke through. Did I lie to you?"

Fletcher took a deep breath and exclaimed, "I am from the Rogge family, do you understand?"

This is the third time he has emphasized that he is a member of the Rogge family. Bart looked aside, and suddenly felt that Fletcher was poor, and met a pair of masters and disciples who did not look at the forces behind him at all.

"I haven't heard of it." Kyle looked at each other coldly: "Winterwind City doesn't welcome you, don't follow in."

Bart was beside him, whistling in surprise. He thought that his employer was so arrogant that he was the only one in the world, but he did not expect that the employer's students were so fierce. He was truly a master and apprentice, and his temperament was inherited in the same vein.

"Okay!" Fletcher didn't expect that even his own dignified Rogge family was even teased by a pair of masters and apprentices, and his lips were trembling with anger: "Since you don't know how to do anything, don't blame me for telling me Everywhere! "

As soon as Fletcher's words fell, a blue sword gas brushed over his body, bringing up a dust, leaving a long groove.

Kyle's long sword returned to the sheath and slowly said, "You can pass it on, but you better pray that I won't find a chance to judge you in the future."

This sounds like a threat ~ ~ but Kyle said it was the truth. He had a hunch, and soon after, Fletcher was worth his 'kill'.

Fletcher gave Beta a fierce look, and turned and left. He had recorded everything in Beta.

He galloped on the street on a war horse. He ignored the panic of the pedestrians, but had only one idea in his heart. He had to find a way to kill Beta. Without killing him, he was uncomfortable and would not be comfortable for a lifetime.

He has never suffered from this kind of indignation since childhood. He has always been the only one who loses the face of others, but now he is the face of others. After accepting the mission of the envoy, he felt that his luck suddenly became bad. He first met a Beta who couldn't get into the oil and salt, and now met a second sister-in-law.

Dare to love the scourge of stars who can't get through with him at the end of the day, all by Beta's bastard.

In any case, no matter what the price paid, he must get the true decision-making power of the mission ... The family brought him into the mission, but it was not for him to swim.

Now, in public and private, he feels that he has a reason to kill Beta. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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