Noble Emblem

Chapter 452: Frost Star's man is all mentally retarded

Frost Star has a custom of grabbing relatives, which Beta knows in the game. .し w0. Although he has never been to this country, when he was on the planet, he often visited forums and focused on gaining game-related knowledge and player experience. Many important interest clues were hidden in some seemingly normal Seeing it.

Frost Star Country's new customs are quite famous in the game. A female player has been robbed. However, female players have special system protection. If they are unwilling, even if God comes, there is no way to put them on them. The thin layer of bikini underwear was scraped off.

Beta knows that in the appearance of Shirley, if she appears in the Frost Star Country, she will definitely attract relatives. She has arranged Bart to wait outside for a long time. Husky took a dozen family soldiers and just shouted the meaning. Bart rushed forward, and banged these people down. The siberian husky was taken care of, and not only his face became swollen, but he also became faint.

In the lobby on the second floor of the hotel, everyone was drinking hot steaming broth. They felt that their bodies were destroyed by the snow and snow all these days.

Beta didn't drink it. The broth was only 4 in his system prompts, and he drank the anorexia nearby. However, in his space, he took a lot of Shirley to marinate bacon and dry food for a long time, and the delicious value reached 6 o'clock, so he is eating these things now.

After taking a sip of hot soup, Faxiu said with a bit of worry: "Mr. Beta, it's not good that you let Bart be so ruthless. Although it is really wrong for the other person to grab someone, this is someone else's place. Will stalemate affect our future journey? "

Bart laughed aside: "Lord Faugh, this is the difference between you and the commander. You always have a fear of doing things, and you will never become a big man or a big hero."

Faxiu was a little annoyed: "My name is plan and move ... Ms. Sophia, what do you think?"

Sophia, who was drinking the broth, hesitated for a moment, then thought for a while, and said, "

From the perspective of aristocracy, I feel that His Excellency Faxiu's statement is correct, but I am a woman, so I support Beta's decision. "

Shirley smiled lightly. As a party, she is now sweet.

Faxiu thought about it, and then stopped talking. He felt that Sophia was right. Many things depend on her position and status before she can make a decision that suits her heart. The opinions of others cannot eventually replace the ideas of the parties.

When Sophia saw that Beta was thinking aside, she asked, "Beta, what are you thinking?"

"I think about the bear claw I saw a while ago, it's very fresh," Beta slowly said, "the destroyed city gate and the dead bear man. There was a fight here recently. It should be fierce. Although they fight Withdrawing from the bear clan, but with the character of revenge on the bear clan, many tribes will soon come to take revenge. In addition, there is a snowy field nearby, but there is no forest. Where did the bear clan come from? "

Bart chewed a large piece of boiled meat and said vaguely, "Ask the locals, or the Alaska who brought us in?"

Beta snorted and said, "People of Frost Star Kingdom, although there are also smart people, most of them are rectums. To speak well is to say no mind, and to say something bad is called no vision. I suspect they have not considered it at all. After this problem, otherwise the whole city should be mobilized for wartime alert at this time. Not only did they not do so, they still ran to grab women. "

Hearing that the Bear Clan may come again, Faxiu asked, "What shall we do now?"

"Let everyone have a good rest, and don't even think about going out to play." Beta said lightly: "Rest is good, we will leave here early in the morning. I always think that the bear people may come again, we are not involved in this matter. "

More than two hundred cavalry, coupled with two master-class powerhouses, a quasi-master-level assassin, and the elite shield battle of Bart, can actually do a lot of things. It's just that Beta doesn't have a good opinion of the city right now, after all, someone came to grab her woman not long ago.

Everyone thought it was true, and then returned to their rooms to rest.

Shirley and Beta are naturally in the same room. The two lie in bed to rest. The relationship is very close and the atmosphere is peaceful, just like the old wife and wife.

But it didn't take long before they heard a noise outside, and then the two got up, pushed open the windows, entered the house with snow and wind, and there were more than a hundred gunmen arrays on the street. The middle-aged man was leading and he looked around the hotel. When Beta and Shirley headed out of the window, they were seen by him, and then his eyes were bright.

This middle-aged man is the patriarch of the Snow Knock family, Bit.

No wonder Alaska has the idea of ​​getting married. This woman is indeed a rare beauty. Looking at her, she is even more beautiful than the Winter Wolf.

The problem is that the Virgin Winter Wolf can't match, but this woman can.

He waved, and more than a hundred gunmen surrounded the hotel. However, the cavalry's rest point is not far from this. The gunmen just surrounded the hotel, and the cavalrymen came from a distance. They were led by the lieutenants of Faxiu. They did not have cavalry. After all, in the narrow city, right The charge and scheduling of the war horse will have a great impact.

More than two hundred cavalrymen held one-handed swords and surrounded the gunmen.

The middle-aged man was not in a hurry. He looked behind him and shouted at Shirley upstairs.

: "The beautiful lady upstairs, I'm going to invite you on behalf of the eldest son, Alaska, and hope that you will live forever in our snow-clad family castle."

Shirley didn't have any expression, and she went straight to the room.

As soon as Bit saw the situation, he made a gesture backward, and the gunmen threw away the weapons in their hands, and they were ready to enter the hotel to grab people.

In the customs of Frost Star Kingdom, robbers cannot use weapons.

Bart, Sophia, and Fahio pushed in and waited quietly for Beta's decision.

"Get started, try not to kill."

Finish this domineering sentence with a light tone. Beta jumped out of the window on the second floor.

Barthaha laughed, held the shield, threw away the sword, and also jumped down. The moment Sophia jumped into Beta, she had turned into a dark shadow and got into his shadow ~ ~ Fa Xiu reluctantly held his forehead with one hand, and then gestured to the cavalry from the window.

Then there was a scuffle of nearly four hundred people on the street.

Many local residents did n’t think it was a big deal. They watched on the roadside and looked at them. They felt that they were falling into the wind, and then they joined the battle. More and more people participated in the scene. After packing, the fight continued from noon to the evening, and the men in the whole city started to fight.

The street was full of rough guys with red upper body and blue nose and swollen face.

Many people didn't know what the situation was, they started to fight. They were not fighting with Beta, but with their own people. In other words, they just want to fight, there is no reason, they like the feeling of punching to the flesh, this is the nature of the Frost Star country men.

And Beta and others overturned some of the strong men Ural rushed up to, and then looked at the strong men moaning around, unable to help but speechless.

A group of mentally retarded ... Sure enough, as stated on the game forum, the men in Frost Star Kingdom are all mentally retarded.

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