Noble Emblem

Chapter 453: Virgin Winter Wolf (1)

As the leader, Bit, the local city owner, was the most miserable. His nose and swollen face were similar to his second son Husky.し But when he woke up, he didn't get angry, but faced with such a sad face, and went directly to Beta again.

"It seems that we are not your opponents in the fight." Bit spoke a little leaky because his teeth had lost two: "But I still hope to obtain the lady's right to pursue for my eldest son in other ways."

Beta waved his hand: "This is impossible."

"Five hundred coins?" Bit made a gesture.

Beta shook her head: "It's not a question of money."

"Then add a title in my name. You can designate any person you want." Bit felt that he had lost money this time for the eldest son's marriage.

Unlike the state of Holebun, the seal of the former title is determined by the royal family, and the lord of the frost star country has the right to register the viscount and baron on their territory. Of course, the number will be limited, so It is also extremely precious.

The Snow Knock family has never seized subordinate nobles. From this we can see how precious a knighthood is.

But Beta still shook her head: "This is impossible, sir, please come back. Otherwise I don't mind dealing with this matter in the way of Holebun."

Biter sighed deeply: "Sir, everything in this world is valuable, whether it is a treasure, right or color, as long as the price is right, the position of the king can be sold, let alone a woman. What do you need? Such conditions, please tell us, of course, our Snow Knock family will seriously consider it. "

"Bart, drop off."

Beta is in no mood to deal with these mental retardations of Frost Star Kingdom. Although to a certain extent, they are much better than the typical aristocrats with bad stomachs, but the other side is entangled with people, but they are more helpless and hateful.

Bit wanted to say something, but Bart pulled his collar away.

"Right." Beta suddenly called to the other side: "In my experience, the bear clan will come to trouble you again. But there are no mountains nearby, and the appearance of the bear clan is strange. You better consider this issue. "

Most people in the **** are not bad by nature. Beta thinks Bit hates it because the other party's ideas conflict with him, but this does not mean that Beta really hates the people of the Snow Knock family.

Hearing that the other party stopped himself, thinking that the other party had changed his mind, Bit was ready to be happy. After hearing the other party's words, he groaned for a while and said without hesitation: "It doesn't matter, the bear people are better. I can play wrestling with them, they are good opponents, and their strength is just worse than you. "

The Hollevins in the room were all speechless. Although they also heard that the men of Frost Star Kingdom were strange, they only listened to nonsense and occasionally smiled. I didn't expect to face the cream. When the stars were discovered, they were even more bizarre than the legend.

Bite returned home with the gunmen, and saw three sons waiting for himself. He smiled bitterly: "Sorry, Alaska, your father has let you down. The other party is very strong, and does not value money and power. ,I have no way."

Alaska grinned, and instead comforted, "It's okay, father, I don't like that woman anymore."

Others could naturally see that he was lying. Then Arras stepped up to show nothing, and after dinner, he went back to his room to sleep.

But he could not sleep again and again, and the cold wind outside the window was screaming. Shirley's appearance became more and more obvious in his mind.

When it was early in the morning, before dawn, he packed his clothes and sneaked to the stables in the backyard. He wanted to steal a horse and followed the mission far behind.

But at the stables, his body was stiff. Not only his father, mother, second brother, third brother are waiting for him outside the stables.

"You ..." Alaska was speechless.

But Bit took the initiative to walk over and hugged his son: "Stupid boy, we are a family, what do you think, we don't know? It's better to go out and walk, it's better than staying at home feeling bored."

His mother came over and gave him a hug. The second brother Husky's look was still so sharp and domineering, but he spoke warmly: "Big brother, come on, try to bring Dasao back as soon as possible."

The little angel at home, the handsome Samoyed, had tears in his eyes, and said nothing, his face was extremely reluctant.

Alaska walked over and rubbed Samoyed's hair for a few moments. Then he went into the stable, pulled out a northern horse, and hung up his clothes.

"I'm gone and I'll be back soon."

Alaska looked around at his loved ones, turned his head around, and left without hesitation. Then his mother cried in Bit's arms.

On the other side, the ambassadors left breakfast after having breakfast. Without going far, Fasutzema went to Beta and said, "We're hanging someone behind."

Walking on the snowy field, the speed of the war horse is not as fast as on the flat ground. Beta has long known this. After all, Jeanne is already in the air, and he has seen Alaska follow far behind.

"Don't worry about him, he just follows."

Faxiu was not stupid. When he heard this, he knew who was following.

The norther the convoy, the lower the temperature, and the more severe the cold wind. Most of the terrain of the Frost Star Country is snowfields, without mountains and woods. The winds are raging on the plains, which adds to the envoys. Difficulty of group advance.

If it's just a few people, Beta and Shirley can add a wind-resistant shield to everyone ~ ~ This can be a lot easier, but now the number of envoys is nearly 300 ... wind-resistant shields Magic, the required mental power is not low, one or twenty people Shirley can do it, nearly three hundred people ... still forget it.

The envoy walked for three days and finally reached the next city.

In these three days, at night, the envoys could hide in the simple stone dwellings that Shirley used magic to make a rest, but Alaska could only sleep in snowfields.

However, he is a member of the Frost Star Country, and naturally knows how to spend the night on the snowy field. It is very simple for him to dig an ice hole and throw himself and the horse into it.

Although the temperature in the ice cave is also very low, it is much better than the snowy night wind blowing on the snowy field.

In less than sixty kilometers in three days, one can imagine how difficult it would be to walk on a seemingly flat snowy field.

After arriving in the new city, the envoys thought that they could take a good rest, but found out by accident that the other party refused to enlist the envoys to rest for a simple reason. The Virgin Winter Wolf rested in this city for several days. During this time, all foreigners are prohibited from entering the city.

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