Noble Emblem

Chapter 499: Women are so troublesome

Alice is a rare summoner among the elves, and it is normal to be taken back by the elves. But the question is whether the Elves persuaded or took her away by force, which was important.

Upon hearing Beta's inquiries, Kyle shook her head: "I don't know. By the time I know, she has already left, but the trustee left me a farewell letter. It looks normal and doesn't look like a tough band. Leave. "

"Is that letter convenient for me to see?"

Kyle naturally agreed, and after a while, Beta read the letter, and he felt a little strange, because the letter's sentence seemed a little inconsistent. Alice is a half-elf who has lived for more than a hundred years. Although she is still a teenage girl, she is definitely better than ordinary human scholars in terms of reading and writing. In addition, this letter was written to Kyle, but Kyle was her favorite. The wording of the letter must be beautiful.

This subtle dissonance caught Beta's attention. After turning the letter over and over seven times, he threw it on the table and said solemnly, "Alice was taken away forcibly."

Kelton took a moment, and then turned a little lazy temperament: "Where can I see it?"

"The fourth word of each paragraph, read down."

Kyle froze, re-aligned the stationery, followed Beta's instructions, and read on: "Ky ... er ... hurry ... come ... save ... me."

A big fist hit the table, and Kyle's face was dark: "Damn, I didn't notice it."

"What's your plan?" Beta asked.

Kyle said rightly, "Of course, to rescue Alice, she is our companion."

"I agree." Beta leaned back against the chair and said slowly: "But the question is, how do you persuade your wife, and that Alice is taken away by the elven tribe, we go to save her, and the whole elven Tribes are very dangerous. You have descendants. What should happen to your son in the event of something? "

Kyle only hesitated for a second, then smiled brightly: "Barbara will understand me, and my son will only be proud of me."

The brave is indeed a brave. Although EQ is not high, but in the state of mind, Beta feels that he is also a bit inferior. He stood up and said, "Please talk to Barbara first, and I will also prepare for it. I will come to pick you up tomorrow morning."

Beta left the living room and met an unexpected person outside the aisle.


Sophia is the lady of the city. It is not surprising that she appeared here. The real surprise was that Sophia was waiting for Beta.

Sophia was more charming and beautiful. She leaned her back against the wall, as if the majestic mountain peaks were about to break through. "Since you're here, don't say hello to me?"

There was no one around, but when Beta met her, she always felt a little guilty and could not help but lowered her voice: "Inconvenient, you are a husband after all."

"Yeah, I have a husband." Sophia had a bitter face, and she sighed, "I think life is very boring now, I have money and rights now, and a husband who loves me very much, but I'm only half happy inside, do you know why? "

Beta was silent, his emotional intelligence was not low, and naturally knew what Sophia meant.

"Is there anything, Mrs. Lord."

"Nothing, just come over and say hello to you." Sophia suddenly smiled. The grievance just seemed to be swept away. I want to be promoted to the master level, so I need your help. This thing should have been completed some time ago, but something unexpected happened, so now that you are here, stay in a hotel in Winterwind City at night. "

"It's not good." Beta shook her head. He knew Sophia was referring to a mission some time ago.

Sophia said indifferently: "I have bad feelings recently, and I always feel that something big has happened. I just overheard your conversation. Since it is the jihad, we need a strong bodyguard. I am only a master. It ’s a step away. If I cross it, I will go all the way, I ca n’t cross it, it ’s like this for a lifetime, after all, my succubus blood is not particularly pure. ”

"Of the people I know, there are only you and Kyle masters." Sophia smiled charmingly: "But I can't go to Kyle for help, who else can you?"

Beta was silent.

"Of course, there are several masters from Wang Cheng. I go there and live there, and I can pull a few powerfuls into my dreams. However, I am not that cheap. Although I have succubus blood, I am even more It's personal, Beta, I'm begging you, don't make me too sad. "

After Sophia had said these words, she left, her back was full of grace, and her gourd-shaped figure was even more reverie.

Beta regained her spirits and left the city's capital.

When he left the city's main residence, his face was a bit ugly. Of course, this was not for Sophia, but for another reason.

He passed the weight to Bronze Drum City ~ ~ and called Carter and Salo over again.

The two girls were sitting in front of him, Carter's face was a bit guilty, and Sarah's face was straightforward.

"It seems you can guess why I called you over again." Beta looked at the two beautiful girls in front of her and asked, "Alice is not in Bronze Drum City. Why don't you tell me such an important thing? . "

Carter was full of guilt. She looked at Beta timidly and wanted to speak, but Sarah was the first to speak.

"Because it's not necessary."

Beta looked at Sha Luo, a young girl who was taught and taught by Shirley, and now has the power of a superior, even to a certain extent, this is a woman who can stand alone.

"Tell me why." Beta wasn't angry, but simply asked.

Sarah put her hands in the wide bishop's robe sleeves: "Because we know that you will definitely find a way to bring back the Alice ribbon, which is inconsistent with the interests of our theology."

Beta heard another meaning from Sarah's words: "Do you know that Alice was forcibly taken away by the elves?"

"The entire Bronze Drum City is almost all our believers," said Shaluo Fengyun, lightly. "Our temple is here with the information and intelligence beyond your imagination."

Once again, it was determined that Alice was forcibly taken away by the elves, and Beta turned the topic back to the original path: "You are afraid that I will save Alice back, and say that it is not in line with the interests of the religion, that is , Do you want to bring the entire Bronze Drum City into your hands and clear the power of the owner? "

Sarah nodded, showing all the smiles she had in her grasp: "Indeed, this way, this city belongs to our Workin god."

Beta sneered: "You're looking for a way out of your life, and you're taking the religion into the abyss, Sarah, you're still too young."

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