Noble Emblem

Chapter 500: Man, man

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When she heard Beta ’s reprimand, Sarah was a little upset, but she was n’t angry. She just explained, “Mr Beta, you are teachers like Shirley, so I respect you very much. But In this matter, I think you have done wrong. Since our theology can completely control a city, why not do it, and we don't need to be evil people at all, just wait for a while, wait for Alice not to return for a long time, wait for the city owner They fight inside the house, and then when they are weakest, we can naturally take over the city's main government behind the scenes and cultivate puppets. "

"Indeed, it is the nature of a businessman to obtain the greatest benefit." Beta thinks that Sarah is talented, but because she is still young, many things only see the surface: "But now you are not a businessman, but a archbishop. , You have to start from the status of bishop and think about it. "

Sha Luo frowned: "But we are believers in the Goddess of Wealth. It doesn't seem to be a problem to act as a businessman."

"Our goddess just shelters businessmen. This does not mean that our goddess spokespersons need to act as businessmen." Beta explained patiently: "You are the manager, you are no longer a businessman, you have to Get yourself out of the position of a businessman. "

Sarah took a deep breath: "But I still think it's not wrong to include the entire city in our hands, dedicate the entire city to the goddess, and finally make everyone in the world a believer in the goddess. . "

Born as a businessman, she became an archbishop at a young age. Therefore, her ideas are still mixed with some habits and instincts of the merchant, that is, the instinct to obtain the maximum benefit when there is an opportunity.

"You should have heard a word, the thing must be reversed." Beta is still very patient: "When you hold the power of the entire city in your hands and exclude the original owner, you really get a certain benefit, but other What do the lords of the territory think of our wealth theology? Will they let us go to preach in other cities? You can put yourself in the position of the lord and think about it. "

She only thought for less than two seconds, and her face was frightened. She also guessed the result, which would definitely make the transfer of the current wealth gods at least ten times more difficult.

Sarah is not unwise, but lacks experience, and lacks continuous vigilance of history education.

There are very few records in one country in the world that can last more than 300 years, and one that is not more than 500 years old. Even the major deities are not interested in historical records.

Looking at Sarah, who was sweating cold, Beta said: "It's too late to take the initiative to withdraw your people and take the initiative to protect the city's main government and don't let them be hurt and hit by other forces. This should restore the image of our temple . "

Sarah took a deep breath. "I see. I'll do it now."

With Sarah gone, Carter looked embarrassed. This woman with a wonderful body was so impressive that she thought that Beta would scold herself, but she did not expect that Beta would just calmly say, "Go back to your temple, and try to cooperate with Sarah's actions."

"I ... I ..." Carter opened his mouth, then left in a stunned expression. Sometimes not cursing people feels more severe than cursing people, especially in situations where the relationship can't be maintained.

Carter felt that Beta was disappointed in herself, so she was in a bad mood.

In essence, Beta didn't really think that Carter was wrong. Carter should have been a sharp knife in the Vol'jin Temple, but because there are not many management talents now, Carter can only serve as the bishop of a temple, barely making up and using it. She was able to keep the Fen Shen Temple in a calm and calm state, which is quite remarkable.

Soon after, Sarah appeared in the city's main government house and was sent out by a group of people after a few meetings. After that, the originally weak city main mansion immediately became tough. Not only did they drive away the surrounding forces or the spies who organized it, but they also announced strongly that if anyone would send the spies near the city main mansion, it would be the same as the city main mansion. enemy.

Archbishop Salo, who originally showed signs of suppressing the city ’s mansion, took the initiative to reconcile with the city ’s mansion. This was beyond everyone ’s expectations. Careful people found that this situation happened after Beta summoned two beauty bishops. Many eyes noticed him.

After confirming that Sarah listened to her own words, Beta was very pleased. Unlike Joshua, although Sarah herself claimed to be deceiving Beta, her starting point was good, but she lacked experience and did bad things with good intentions.

Only young people like this have real training value.

Beta was ready to teleport back to the wetlands, and brought something to dry racks, but somehow, the spirit suddenly fluctuated a bit, and the teleportation array threw him out of Winterwind City.

Beta was in the woods, sighing as she looked at the high walls.

Then he stayed away from Winterwind City and stayed in a small wood. With the help of the two magical arts of fossil and mud and stone, Beta built a small cellar in the woods, and after making the stone bed, He closed the cellar and laid small magic formations around him.

Although no one came in such a remote place, even if someone came, there would be hardly any space in the ground, but Beta had done a good job for the sake of safety. After all, he would fall completely asleep soon after all. State, if someone sneaks in, it is difficult to react.

When he was ready, it was already dark, and the five fingers were hidden in the cellar.

Man ~ ~ Man ... all lower body animals.

Beta laughed at herself, then lay on the stone bed.

Two hours later, the pink nightmare space, the pink big bed.

The two snow-capped mountains with pink peaks are like waves, but they are full of elasticity like jelly, shaking up and down very rhythmically. The lady in the mixed-succubus form, gasping gently, her eyes blurry, but she gently looked at the men who came in and out of her body.

This time she did not use the aphrodisiac powder of the succubus, and the two were hugging each other in a sober condition.

This sober beta was less wild, but more tender. Sophia likes this feeling very much. Because of the irrational state, the first few times Beta is wildly like a dragon. Although it feels very good, women are always emotional. Many times, they will think that the atmosphere Much more important than that.

Neither of them spoke. At this time, there was no need to speak. The eye contact, the ‘body’ blend, the confusing but gentle rain, this was enough. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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