Noble Emblem

Chapter 551: I'm scared

Looking at the caliph who was moving to tears, Beta left.

Life was alive, all acting, and after leaving Caliph's house, Beta walked down the street with a smile.

Only half of what he said to the caliph was true, and the other half was 'use'. Of course, this is not the kind of malicious use, but just want to use this method to pull the caliphate into the fortune camp.

After two encounters, Beta confirmed that the caliph was a real scholar, a very talented one. In this world, as if in the dark, it is really difficult to find a scholar.

Now, this scholar is in trouble because of the suppression of others and the greed of relatives. In the terminology of the game, he is 'trigging' a special storyline. As a game veteran, Beta recruits at this time. When do you start?

Let Caliph translate the doctrines. On the one hand, Beta really does not speak the language of the Kingdom of Stanlow; on the other, he wants Caliph to come into contact with the teachings of the Temple of Vol'jin.

The more scholars, the more progress, the more interested in this doctrine beyond the times. Beta can see that Caliph has no real faith. If in the process of translating the doctrine, Caliph understands the doctrine and recognizes the doctrine, and then becomes a believer in Woking, he will make a lot of money.

If the caliph became a follower of Workin, even if he did not become a priest, Beta would definitely pay for the caliph to sacrifice gold coins.

Beta returned along the same path. When walking across the attacked road, he found that the man in black who had attacked him not long ago had disappeared, leaving only a few dark blood puppets around him.

Jeanne flew from the air, landed on Beta's shoulder, whispered a few words, and flew into the sky again, disappearing between the drifting snow.

Beta took time to go to the construction site of the temple, and Dole rolled over the supervisor, progressing quite quickly. But this is also normal. Beta is building a small church here, and in Woking City, the 'temple' is built. The scale is different. The appearance of a hundred chapels is not comparable to that of a temple. Footprint.

It took more than a year to build the Woking Temple, and this little church should be completed in about ten more days.

The statue of the goddess of Vol'jin, which really made Dore roll troublesome, was too difficult to carve.

The appearance of Woking is perfect. You can describe it by adding one point to the fat and one point to the thinner. From this, you can imagine how difficult the carving is. And the stoneworkers who are in charge of carving are also pursuing perfection. Since Beta has painted the goddess so beautifully, if they carved a stone that looks like a **** but not like God, wouldn't it have broken their own brand.

With this in mind, several stonemason masters almost broke their heads, and their eyes were covered with bloodshot. When Beta saw them, they were taken aback, thinking that Dorr had found a few beggars to flicker.

Knowing the cause and effect, Beta voluntarily graced the time limit, and each person gave 30 more silver coins as a reward.

Of course, Beta is not a fool who is believed by just a few words, mainly because he saw the semi-finished statue of the goddess. Although his face has not been carved out, the temperament is already like a quarter.

For those who really have the ability, Beta has always been generous.

Because in this world, there are too few people who really have the ability.

In the basement of the Temple of Worship, the archbishop Megeve watched more than twenty bodies before him, and sighed.

More than twenty dead men did not have any effect. Instead, he was easily killed. He found that he still underestimated Beta's strength. Now he finally knew how troublesome it was to be an archbishop.

The current archbishop was transferred to the front line. When he was the bishop, he thought his opportunity had come. As a result, he did not wait for the chair to heat up, and came to a temple of wealth that popped up. A clergyman forced himself and others to do nothing but to be beaten passively.

The opponent claimed to be a neutral sect and did not take the initiative, but once he was given a chance, he would fight back. Abraham was dead. The prestige of the gods in the city of Putti was greatly reduced, and all the dead men who supported him were dead. Empty. At present, there are only a few priests who maintain the normal operation of the temple. If they are attacked and fewer people are left, then the temple can only be temporarily closed.

However, Megeve does not intend to sit still. On the one hand, he sends people to the temples in the east and west cities for rescue, although they can send some people to help, on the other hand, he plans to give a speech tomorrow.

At this time, a subordinate came to report: "The archbishop, that heresy went outside the city wall again, I don't know what he was doing."

Megeve felt a little strange. For the past few days, the heresy called Beta has been doing outside the city walls, and now it is, what the **** is going on?

But it doesn't matter, and see how he deals with that heresy tomorrow.

The next day, the sky was clear ... this day is also the day of worship for the worship of fire.

Earlier, many worshippers worshipped around the temple to pray, and at the same time, many nobles also came.

After the routine blessings and believer blessings ~ ~ Mijeff stood on the prepared platform. He looked at the crowd around him with satisfaction. The believers in this city account for about a quarter of the total population of the city, which is already a large proportion. As long as they are used well, these believers are a powerful force.

"Today is the day of God's sacrifice. It stands to reason that it should be a happy day for everyone, but I am sad because our dear pastor, His Excellency Abraham, died and died in the hands of a heretic, his house was occupied, his I am deeply saddened by my wife's prostitution, but I ca n’t do anything about it, because that heresy is very powerful, and our elite fighters have already reached the front to fight against other heretics, and the enemy is taking advantage of our weakness , Killed dear Abraham. "

The aristocrats almost sneering in their hearts were sneering in their hearts. It was clear to them that the archbishop had reversed right and wrong.

But many believers were unclear, and many believers were surprised when they heard the news.

"Abraham's sacrifice accused this heresy of evil. He even threatened to destroy our church of worship and establish a new sect. We are not afraid of sacrifice, but we are afraid that after the church, the city of Tiberias is gone. The shelter of Vulcan, this will become a new cold world, it will no longer be warm, the elderly and children will be swallowed by ice and snow, we are afraid that there is no way to protect you, we are afraid, there will be no way to protect the children in the future We are not terrible to die, it is terrible that we cannot do our duty. "

Mijaf shouted loudly, his cheeks flushed, and even faint tears were in his eyes.

The believers felt the old man's indignation. They imagined the scene that the old man said. When they thought of their parents and the child died of the cold, their hands were shaking.

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