Noble Emblem

Chapter 552: Let me explain 1

"Down heresy! Protect our children, our family."

Finally, a believer called out ... In fact, this man was a trust that Mitchell had arranged.

"Kill heretics and protect the temple."

"The heretics are damned, and the unbelievers are damned."

After that, there was a response of thousands of people. The excited believers shouted frantically, and their eyes turned red, as if as soon as the enemy appeared in front of them, they would bravely rush up and tear the enemy into pieces.

The nobles who watched from the side, looking at the surging believers, were all pale, they dared not imagine, if the hostile target of this group of believers is themselves, what should be done? Can only escape and flee.

Looking at the enthusiastic believers around, listening to the roar like thunder, Megeve was very satisfied, and the corner of his mouth turned into a proud arc ... even if that heresy is strong, so many believers attack, It must also be obedient to concede and leave the city. Moreover, there is absolutely no way for that temple to have the ability to warm the city like worshiping the temple of fire.

As long as he bit this bite and let the believers preach it, the heresy must have no way to build a temple here.

Megeve felt that he was a bit silly the other day, why didn't he think of it.

But when he was proud, he heard a sudden sound in his ears: "The motivation is very strong."

Megeve's body suddenly became stiff, he turned back hard, and then found out that when I did not know, there was a person around him, and if he looked closely, it was Beta.

Here is a high platform surrounded by believers around him. He feels his tongue very dry: "How did you ... come up."

At this time, other believers naturally saw Beta, and they were also surprised at the appearance of the latter. It was too sudden, as if there were suddenly more individuals on the high platform.

In fact, this is not a rare technique, mainly because there are too few magicians in Stanlow, most of them are priests and priests.

The power of priests and clergy comes from the gods they believe in. They don't really know much about magic. In the night last night, Beta had already let Jeanne quietly place the space transition coordinates on this high platform in the middle of the night, which is usually called the teleportation coordinates in the game.

If Megeve was born as a serious magician, even if only LV3, at a close range, you can sense the weak magic wave generated by this magic coordinate, but he is a priest, although he can use the power of the **** to use spells But after all, the sensitivity to magical fluctuations is far less than that of pure magicians, even compared to warlocks.

"I'm a caster, and teleportation is not a difficult skill to learn." Beta grinned.

Megeve looked at Beta, his heart trembling. He suddenly pointed at Beta, and shouted to the believers below him: "This man, this heresy, killed our fellow Abraham, what do you say?"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

"kill him!"

After a brief silence, nearly a thousand believers roared in unison.

The angry believers in the front row have rushed over aggressively. Beta believes that if ordinary people fall into their hands, they will definitely be torn into pieces.

The enthusiastic groups often do terrible things.

Megeve was so proud of it that he really didn't expect that Beta was so idiotic and came to his door. He intends to leave the high platform so as not to be harmed by the pond fish.

Just when his body was about to move, his arm was caught by Beta. He tried to struggle, but found that the other party ’s strength was amazing. He struggled with all his strength, and he could n’t shake the other ’s arm. A caster.

Dozens of zealous and angry worshippers were about to rush to the platform, and Beta could even see the bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

"To shut up!"

It wasn't too loud, but it suddenly suppressed the sound of the entire area. If the fanatics shouted that if a flame could be condensed, then the sound of Beta was a large glacier, and the flame was directly pressed down, and even the smoke did not come out, it went out.

More than a dozen new believers rolled down like a gourd. The trousers were pissed.

For a moment, all the believers around were either squatting on the ground holding their heads and trembling, or kneeling and begging for mercy.

The closest to Beta is Megeve, who is a professional and dares to feel trembling and frightened, as if shrouded by the breath of death. And in fact, he is now more afraid than those believers.

Because he saw it, Megeve's bright golden eyes became a snake-like erect kernel at this time.

Although Megeve doesn't have much ability, he still has a little insight. This eye shape has been seen in a book.

"Dragon ... Dragon"

Beta didn't pay attention to Megeve's murmur ~ ~ He looked around, and wherever he looked, no believer dared to look at him, even those nobles who watched in the distance, even from a distance Unsure of Beta's appearance, she felt her feet trembling.


This is Beta's talent, which has a shocking effect, but he rarely uses it normally, because for ordinary people, the 'effect' of this talent is too exaggerated.

Moreover, in addition to the nobility, the level difference between him and ordinary people is really too large, and bio-level suppression has been formed. If you do not converge your own momentum, it is easy to form a suppression air field. In this air field, ordinary people have a large Most might not even dare to speak.

The aristocratic talent, combined with the suppressive air field generated by the biological level, produces a special stacking effect. Those ordinary people didn't even dare to look at Beta, the people in the inner circle didn't dare to move, they could only lie on their backs, and Huo Huo shuddered. Believers in the outer circle are less affected, and many have already begun to run away.

Looking at the group of people kneeling around, Beta was standing on the high platform like an emperor.

But he did not have much excitement, only emptiness, which is why he has always suppressed his aristocratic talent.

"I came up this time just to clarify two things."

"First, Abraham did kill me, but I did a glorious duel with him, and if anyone wanted to launch a duel with me, I immediately accepted."

"Second, our Temple of Wealth can also guarantee that we can protect you in the cold winter. Now I will show you the evidence."

Beta bounced her fingers, the air in the whole city seemed to shake, and then a light red magic enchantment would rise to the sky, enveloping the entire city, the air gradually became warm, and the snow on the ground had even melted. Signs.

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