Noble Emblem

Chapter 687: Wang Ling

The magic pet turns into a humanoid figure, and is also called a monster mother in the game.

In essence, Julie is also a monster lady.

In general, the magic pet will transform into a human shape between LV5-LV10. There is no difference between later and earlier, this just represents the affection and mentality of the magic pet, and has reached the point where it can become a person. For their basic combat strength and growth, later and earlier are not of much significance.

Of course, it is also beneficial to become a person. With the original racial ability, tools can be more conveniently used. In a sense, whether it is fighting or living, it will become more convenient.

In addition, there are ... other uses.

Beta used the night to sneak across the wall and return to the second princess's manor.

The next morning, he paid special attention to the maids in the second princess's house, and found that none of them looked similar to the black woman she saw last night, even if it wasn't at all.

If the man in black is not the maid in the manor, then why would he go out of the manor, and if someone sneaks in, even if Beta doesn't notice, Jeanne who has been on the manor's roof should still see it.

But it only saw the woman in black going out, not seeing it in.

Maybe it was Jeanne's negligence, but Beta and Jeanne were not alert at the same time, then something was wrong.

And the last place where the people in black disappeared was the closest to the royal palace and the princess's manor. If she was not from the palace, then most of them were the princess.

But Beta always felt that things were not that simple. A black woman who suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly gave Beta a feeling. Her appearance was purposeful and seemed to disturb some people's sight.

There is also the ashes of the underground secret room, one of which is the five princesses, so what about the others.

Most of those who can be placed with the ashes of the five princesses should be equal to her. Even if they are not, they should be more important people.

Beta suddenly felt that the city of King Franken seemed stranger than he thought.

It turned out that he thought it was royal court fighting at best, but now he feels a weird smell in it.

Would you like to ... leave?

It stands to reason that in this case, normal people should leave.

But Beta looked at the orange epic mission, and then looked at the square keys in the mansion space, which is more of a staying mind.

Beta ate breakfast, and the second princess Salsa yawned. I have to say that even if people are beautiful, even with dark circles, they look like beautiful smoky makeup.

Last night she was conducting a magic test all night, and it was not over until the early morning. Beta could feel her unstable mental fluctuations.

The two greeted and ate something face to face.

Not long after, the sixth princess Mu Lin appeared, and she said solemnly, "The body of the five sisters is gone."

Sasa was surprised.

Beta knew that, but he just hummed.

When the five princesses saw him, they said uncomfortably, "Sister five is gone, aren't you surprised?"

"What's weird," Beta chuckled. "She has nothing to do with me, and I'm not familiar with it. If you're gone, I might look for it."

Mu Lin was stunned for a while and was speechless. Seeing her like this, Sasa laughed slightly.

"The defender of Wang Ling sent out the task of finding the whereabouts of the five sisters' body." Mu Lin looked at Beta, although she still had obvious disapproval on her face, but there was a look of expectation in her eyes: "You come and help me Find."

"No help."

"Why!" Mu Lin slaps the table with anger. "I'm a princess ... is it so difficult for you to help me?"

"I'm currently employed by Princess Salsa." Beta ate and smiled at Mu Lin.

Mu Lin rubbed her teeth for a while, then turned to Princess Salsa: "Second sister, help me."

"Well, give some money to Cook." Salsa smiled and couldn't open her eyes. "I didn't pay any tuition, you just helped me to pay a part of it first. Anyway, you said it before and helped me. ,right."

Mu Lin turned her head, looked at Beta, and said, "A gold coin."

Beta ignored her.

"Three gold coins."

Beta still ignored her.

"Five gold coins ..."

Seeing that Beta still didn't respond, Mu Lin patted the table a few times with both hands, angrily: "Five gold coins are already a lot, don't be too much."

Indeed, there are a lot of five gold coins to help.

Beta thought about it and said, "Okay, then I'll go out with you."

This reluctant look was so angry that Princess Six's cheeks all hurt.

Beta isn't really the rare gold coins. If his wealth is released, even if you are in France, few people can match it. After all, the gems in the tomb of the ancient elven kingdom were taken and converted, but it was a huge sum that normal people could not imagine.

He just used this excuse to go out with Mu Lin to check the situation.

He was interested in the guards of Wang Ling, after all, the epic mission was clearly directed there. If you run into the investigation yourself, it may be noticeable, but going out with Princess Six is ​​different.

Princess Six was very anxious. After seeing Beta's consent, she immediately called for him to leave.

The two went out of the second princess's manor, took the carriage directly to the outside of the city, walked around a small path, then walked into the valley sandwiched by two mountains, and then passed three checkpoints. Mausoleum of King Frans.

In front of a very wide valley hinterland, a huge granite-built pyramid stands in the shadow of the valley.

On the left side of the pyramid is a square building that looks a bit like a fortress, with people in grey robes coming in and out of the gate.

The carriage stopped in front of the building, where three mercenary-like men were waiting. At a glance, Beta saw two men and one woman, of which the oldest skinny man was a master, while the other two were elite.

They ushered in, before Mu Lin saluted, and then looked up and down with beta eyes, and even a touch of hostility.

Beta nodded to them, then looked at the surrounding environment.

The terrain of Wang Ling is very similar to the 'Ω' character. The entrance is narrow and easy to defend.

"Princess, is this the smart guy you invited?" Asked the thin, dry middle-aged man, looking at Beta.

The other two mercenaries looked at Beta, and they looked like they were not trusting.

Mu Lin said: "Without doubt, he is smarter than all of us, after all he is a caster."

When the other three heard this, they were all expressions that were not convinced but could not be refuted.

After all, everyone knows that the caster is a profession that requires more intelligence.

In the fortress-like building, a short-haired man appeared with no ordinary life, but his face had a sense of indifferent life, not the kind of dusty hidden world, but a dark and hidden temperament, as if The opposite of ordinary people.

"The smoker of the gravekeeper sees His Highness Six Princesses."

The man saluted slightly, then raised his head, and said in an apparently numb and indifferent tone: "The six princesses are for the five princesses, please follow me."

Five people followed behind this black robe man, and all the way saw many gray robe men. These people seemed to be indifferent to other people and other things except to slightly salute the six princesses.

There were not even mood swings in their pupils.

"I feel a little uncomfortable." The maid looked around and muttered quietly: "These people are not like living people, but more like dead people who can only move."

The man leading the way naturally heard the words of the maid, but he did not respond at all.

Mu Lin smiled awkwardly: "It's always been the case of the gravekeepers, and they have been the same when I came as a kid, I have never seen them laugh."

Beta has been looking at the environment and structure inside the building.

The building is built of granite, and even the ground is covered with gray granite.

The whole building is cold and does not seem to have much 'popularity'.

The gray robe gravekeeper black smoke took the five to a small refrigerated room, where there were many stone tables, and a fat man was lying on a stone table. Beta was very familiar with him, that is, the card that he killed. Le.


Mu Lin murmured at the person lying on Qingshi's table, with a little mockery on her face.

Then Black Smoke pointed at a stone table in the corner and said, "The corpse of the five princesses was originally placed there. We planned to sew the broken corpse, but did not expect that the corpse was found the next day."

Five people walked over and rounded the stone table.

On the grey granite stone table, there were some clots, and apart from that, they couldn't find anything of value.

"We don't know how the bodies of the five princesses disappeared."

Hei Yan continued in a dry voice: "Princess Mu Lin, I hope you can find the body of the five princesses."

Mu Lin held the stone table and sighed, "This can't be found at all. There is no other place except blood."

The other three mercenaries also look like they don't know how to start ~ ~ Skinny man is a thief, very good at tracking and looking for clues, but he has tried it just now, on the granite floor, there are no footprints Will be.

But Beta looked around the stone table, and then bounced her fingers. A layer of magic elements like water mist covered the stone table. After a while, there were a few looming elements on the stone table, as if they were monster paw prints. thing.

"This is it!" Mu Lin looked at Beta in surprise.

"Magic adsorption." Beta explained: "I just felt a faint magic residue on the stone table. I tried it, but I didn't expect it to be the same."

"What do you mean?" Mu Lin didn't quite understand

"That is to say, the person who stole the corpse of the five princesses, or other things, has a strong level of magic." Beta explained: "But the remaining magic is too little, and it also volatilizes and deforms, so I can't conclude it. Whether it is a person or a magic pet. I personally judge that it should be a person.

Mu Lin was immediately overjoyed: "Bring you here, it really is the right decision."

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