Noble Emblem

Chapter 688: that power

Compared to Mu Lin's surprise, the faces of the other three mercenaries were not very good-looking.

They have a relationship with Mu Lin's employment contract. They have not been employed for a long time. They are afraid that if they do not perform, the six princesses will not renew their contract with them.

After all, the salary paid by Princess Six is ​​quite high.

"Six princesses, I am very good at tracking. Could you please ask this friend to assist me, if I have him, I can find you in three days." The thin and dry man vowed sternly.

Beta looked at the man and smiled slightly. When the other party was talking, he had a little thought. He wanted Beta to assist him and he was in a dominant position. If the prisoner who had stolen the body was found, the leader of the credit must be his leader.

Beta understands the other's thoughts. He is not interested in these careful thoughts, nor is he interested in the so-called ‘find the prisoner’.

He can assist the other party in reconnaissance and tracking, but it is also limited to this. If the other party dares to let him run a leg, or yells, he will naturally say nothing and turn around and leave.

Mu Lin looked at the skinny man and said after two or three seconds: "You are wrong, not Cook to assist you, but you to assist Cook."

The skinny man's face suddenly became a little ugly, and the other two mercenaries also had an expression of being taken advantage of.

Many people, especially those who claim to be capable, do not see where the limits of their abilities are. They always think that they can do things that others cannot do, and the results are generally not very good.

In fact, even if Beta's ability is not better than that of thin and dry men, Mu Lin will like Beta to lead. The reason is simple. Beta is ‘own’.

Mu Lin is a noble, and Beta is also a noble. Although it is a small noble, it is not bad to match the status of a dragon warlock. This is why Beta irritated her three times and four times, and she was just angry, angry, and did not really become disgusted or kill.

But what is the identity of a thin dry man, just a mercenary.

In Mu Lin's subconscious mind, the reason that nobles are led by mercenaries is that they have no ability.

Seeming to understand the expressions on the faces of the three mercenaries, Mu Lin frowned: "You don't want to?"

Feeling that the six princesses seemed a little angry, the three mercenaries quickly shook their heads, and the thin man said, "No, we are willing to obey your Royal Highness your order."

Still cautious ... Obviously obey Mu Lin's order, but in essence, it is 'just obey the princess' order. When Mu Lin leaves, the other party's natural attitude changes greatly.

Beta chuckled in her heart and didn't care much about it ... a master and two elites, he naturally had a way to convince the other party.

Thousands of miles away, Hollevan, Okinawa.

Shirley was working on government affairs in the city hall. Amanda came in and sat aside and said, "Mrs. Lord, our road has been repaired by someone else's city, but others will not let us pass through the city. What should we do?"

"Walk around from outside the city." Shirley had a feeling for the word "lord's wife", she smiled and continued: "Send the frost wolf knight on the road, if there is a" robber ". The" robber "dare to harass Good business, catch it if you can, and kill it if you resist too much. "

"Okay, no problem, I will convey this to the Virgin Winter Wolf in a moment."

Amanda took a deep look at Shirley and left the town hall.

In order to think of the residence of the Frostwolf Wren, we must pass in front of the Woking Temple. Amanda was riding in a horse-drawn carriage. When passing by, gently lift the car curtain, and then I saw a group of people in the field on the left side of the temple. The elves are busy farming.

Except for the elf whose skin color is the most yellowish, the other elves are still a little darker, but much better than when they first arrived.

When Beta first asked her to buy the dark elves, Amanda thought that Beta wanted to try the taste of the dark elves, after all, many nobles were good at this. But now she finally knew that Beta had other intentions to buy the elves back, such as ... turning these elves into a part of the Vol'jin Temple.

Amanda is just a businessman and has a broad perspective. Naturally, you can see how many people and benefits will be brought to Woking City when these dark elves are truly 'transformed' into Woking City.

After transmitting the message to the Virgin Winter Wolf, she returned home ... because she is now an adult, and even has enough status, she has become independent from the family, and she is now the head of the family.

After looking at the recently collected information in the study, it didn't take long for the maid to come in and confess that there was a businessman outside for help.

Amanda guessed who it was, and asked the maid to ask the guests to wait in the lobby on the first floor. After dressing slightly, she went downstairs.

There are two fat men sitting in the hall. Although they are wearing Chinese clothes, they are all ordinary people's styles. Most businessmen are quite fat, with only a few exceptions. This may be related to the fact that business people are more delicious and lazy.

"Ms. Amanda, I'm glad to meet you." The fat businessman stood up and saluted slightly.

Although they are both businessmen and ordinary people, the backing behind Amanda is the main mansion. Ordinary businessmen dare not arrogantly stand in front of Amanda.

"Please sit down." Amanda sat down first, then said, "Hi Soron, I heard that you have done a good business in the east. Why did you have time to come and chat with me?"

"It's just a small business. It's not as powerful as Ms. Amanda," Sauron said sincerely. "I'm here to make a deal with Ms. Amanda."

"Please speak."

In business and business, Amanda, as a businessman, is naturally interested in business.

"I heard Ms. Amanda bought some slaves some time ago."

"Indeed ... Your Excellency, do you have more Dark Elves slaves to provide?" Amanda looked at the other side with a little excitement. "If you have extra Dark Elves, please let me know."

"I didn't mean that," Sauron waved his fat hand and said, "I want to buy your dark elves."

"Although the Dark Elves are scarce, they are not rare goods. If you look for them, you can always find them." Amanda looked at each other and said, "The only problem is the price."

"I'm not interested in other dark elves," Sauron said. "I want the dark elves that you‘ reformed ’. We are willing to pay you four times their original price.”

"Okinkin City will not sell people." Amanda was a little upset.

Sauron smiled and said, "But you also bought the population, and even if you sell it again, it is not a big deal."

Although Sauron's words sounded nothing, when he thought about it, it was quite harsh. He was saying that since Amanda had bought the slave, it was considered a half-slave merchant, and the sale was originally one, and told Amanda not to ‘pretend to be’.

Amanda seems to have thought about the other side ’s problem, she smiled and said, "We buy slaves in Okinawa, because we want to turn slaves into ordinary people and save them. Don't treat us and those slave traders who make money from slaves. Confuse. "

Amanda's face was not only righteous, but also disdainful when it came to slave traders.

Sauron looked at her for a moment and said slowly, "Ms. Amanda, you may have been working for the city owner for too long, and you forgot a famous quote from our businessman."

"Everything, or emotion, has a price. If you make a price that others don't accept, then your price is low."

Amanda was silent for a while and said, "That's my previous idea, now I'm a Working believer."

"We, the Workin merchants, must have a bottom line in doing things. The slave trade is either no or no."

Sauron watched Amanda quietly, and from her face she saw persistence and faith.

Generally, a businessman only chases interest, but when a businessman starts to insist on persistence and faith, it means that the businessman is not far from bankruptcy.

"It seems that Ms. Amanda, you are unwilling to trade with us." There was not much loss of emotion on Sauron's face, but he was inspired and said, "Then we will change the conditions. If Woking City is willing to sell Some dark elves who have passed the college entrance exams have given us, then ... businesslike things, we can help you settle. "

Amanda froze, "Are you sure?"

"Okay." Sauron nodded. "But this is no longer Ms. Amanda you can decide. I hope to see Ms. Shirley."

Amanda sat quietly for a while, and seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, she suddenly said, "You started with this purpose, talk to me, most of the time you want to pit me, right."

Sauron naturally denied that: "Nothing."

"Okay, I'll take you to meet our founder lady of Okinawa now." Amanda stood up: "Of course, I hope you will not be too sloppy when you arrive, after all, you are the guest I brought with me, if it is too rude If I do, I will be ashamed. "

Although Amanda had reminded him earlier, when Sauron saw Shirley, he was still out of character.

He quietly looked at Shirley's face and held it for a while ~ ~ Until Shirley became impatient and attacked with a slight spirit, which directly hurt the latter's head for a while. Let Sauron's attitude be normal.

"Ms. Shirley, we want to do business with you."

Under Shirley's cold sight, Sauron stuttered and told Shirley the content of the transaction.

As a result, Shirley's face became colder, and only one word was spoken.


Sauron left the city's main house in embarrassment.

Shirley looked at Amanda with a little disappointment: "I remember telling you that the Dark Elf is a piece of Betab, and no one can decide whether or not they will stay except Beta, understand?"

"I know, but it's really important." Amanda was a little unhappy about being reprimanded: "I don't have decision-making power, so I can only bring him to you."

"You want power?"

Shirley looked at her with a smile.

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