Noble Emblem

Chapter 769: surreptitiously

How much hate Nana hated Beta, hating to dream of him almost every night when she slept.

Therefore, after she entered the city, although she was far away, she recognized Beta only by her size.

After seeing the unforgettable enemies, she couldn't help her anger at all, and the first reaction was to rush over.

And then ... on the street.

The gulf that runs between the two cannot be bridged by anger alone.

When the night leopard rushed over, Beta evaded sideways, while holding Nana's chest clothes, holding her whole body to the ground. The huge impact made her whole body stunned, and she groaned unconsciously.

The elves envoys saw this scene, and were shocked. They urged the horses to surround Beta, and then they pulled their bows at Beta on the ground. One of the pretty handsome elves yelled: "Despicable mankind, let go she was."

"Vile?" Beta's sword was still pointing at Nana's neck. He stood up, then raised his right foot without mercy, stepped on Nana's chest, and sneered: "But she moved first hand."

The elves were unmoved. In their opinion, human beings are lowly. Nana is a genius in the clan. What about the first move?

"I repeat, you let go of her, or you die." The elf just continued.

Beta smiled, ignored him, turned to look at Greenton who came slowly, and asked, "What do you think?"

"Take your weapons away," Greenton said to the elves next to him. "Here is human territory. In any case, Nana is going to do it first, and she is wrong."

Although the elves were reluctant, Greenton's prestige was indeed relatively high. The elves gathered their weapons and glared at Beta.

"I'm Cook-Green." Beta loosened her feet and said to Greenton first, "I'm glad to meet you, the legendary power of the Elves."

Cook Green!

Greenton smiled. He remembered that in his dreams, his master often liked to change his surname to do some more difficult tasks, which he understood immediately.

"I'm also glad to meet you." Greenton decided to cooperate with his original owner: "I apologize to you for Nana's behavior. Besides, can I take her away?"

Beta stepped back and made a 'please' gesture.

The two elves rushed over, set up a coma Nana, and returned to the team.

The Night Blade Leopard walked over and licked his master's face gently.

After slightly nodding his greetings to Beta, Greenton took someone away and went to the palace.

A group of soldiers gathered at the city gate. They thought the elves were going to make trouble. Now that the situation has subsided, they have returned.

After Greenton disappeared, Beta was casually strolling in the street, but she was a little confused.

Elves have always been self-defeating and rarely participate in external affairs. It is said that for more than a thousand years, they have not participated in the coronation of any king. When the queen of his own family was crowned, he never invited foreigners.

However, because of the relationship between France and itself as the largest country, almost all foreigners will send out an invitation letter. It does n’t matter if you come or not, anyway, I ’ll do it.

With this idea, every time the king of France is crowned, he will send a magic message to the elves, dwarves, and even orcs. For centuries, foreign races have never appeared in the crown of the new king of France. At the celebration, but this time, the elves came.

So Beta felt strange, thinking to herself that there must have been a lot of changes in the Elven clan, and I didn't know what the reason was.

After wandering for a while, Beta returned to the welcome room. The archer had already returned. The kiss marks on his neck hadn't had time to disappear, and he knew what to do at a glance.

Next, the three of Bradley went out for a stroll.

The relationship may be too tired to do certain things, the archer soon fell asleep. There are also bookshelves in the welcome room with biographies or travel notes.

These books are very new, and Beta has taken them and is passing the time.

After a short while, they heard the door open, and then Tina's door was knocked.

Out of caring companion instincts, Beta got up, walked to the door, and gently opened a slit. Although the palace is very safe, it is a VIP area of ​​foreign countries. There are many envoys of other countries. Who knows whether the envoys of those countries have any problems in their minds.

Standing in the doorway, in the event that Tina encounters something, Beta thinks she can go up to rescue faster.

The paladin is indeed very strong, but if he does not wear equipment, his strength will be at least halved.

The voice of a man from outside the door seemed a little feminine: "Beautiful girl, you are the hottest sun I have ever seen and the most gentle moon I have ever seen. Your eyes are like clear lake water, your skin is like Milk is generally smooth. "

The man praised Tina with a sigh-like voice, and then Beta heard Tina's helpless questioning.

"and then?"

Uh ... the man seemed to hold back. Tina's reaction was completely unexpected.

"I know I'm beautiful, and you don't need to say it." Tina's voice was a little impatient. "You have at least fifty people like this poetry that is nothing new."

Then there was the merciless closing.

When Beta heard this, she almost laughed. He really didn't expect that when he looked at Tina, who was gentle and gentle, there would be such a side.

There will be nothing for the next two days. Beta will occasionally chat with Tina. Most of the time, she will stay in the welcome room. As the time for the coronation ceremony is getting closer, there are more and more foreign VIP areas here. Foreign envoys move in.

Soon it became a little lively here.

A group of messengers with different intonations and different skin colors are coming and going here. Tina is the most visited person. After all, she is a beautiful girl. Everyone likes to be closer.

Then on the third day, Beta left the palace and turned left and right to a restaurant, which was a bit remote and few people.

He went up to the second floor, knocked two long, three short codes, and after a while, the door opened a gap, and Beta flashed in.

In the room was Greenton.

"If you want to see me, you don't have to be so sneaky." Beta sat down and asked directly. Friends didn't need so many complicated etiquette.

Two days ago, when they met in the city, Greenton used the secret code that was only known between the Knights of the Round Table in the game that year, and agreed on the time and place to meet today.

Greenton sighed: "Actually I have something to ask you."

"Well, let's say, as long as I know, I can answer."

"Our ancestor is back. She asked us to find someone. According to her description, I think that person should be you."

Beta is a little strange: "Your old ancestors? Is the world tree?"

"No, the mother tree is the mother tree, and the old ancestor is the old ancestor." Greenton thought for a while and said, "She said you took her bath towel."

Oh ... Beta sounded, he knew who Greenton was talking about.

"That female elf is your old ancestor?" Beta thought about it, not surprised: "Also, from the style of the mausoleum, it is indeed a person from the pre-elven era."

Upon hearing this, Greenton's mouth twitched a little: "You're not going to plan the old ancestor's grave?"

Beta laughed a few times.

Greenton sighed helplessly. The sons of gold all have quirks and always like to dig others' graves. This is not a question of one or two sons of gold, but all sons of gold have this habit.

Greenton sometimes doesn't understand what the children of gold think, and why they are so obsessed with digging other people's burial mounds.

"I can only assume that I don't know it is you." Greenton felt discouraged. "But then again, you have become a lot stronger."

A year ago, when Greenton saw Beta, he felt that he could win steadily, but now when he sees Beta again, he feels that he has no certainty to win.

The sons of gold are growing very fast. He knew this, but once again seeing Beta is about to enter the legend, he felt that the hero was short of breath. I have worked hard for nearly three hundred years to achieve this strength. The man in front of me has just caught up in a few years.

"There is one more thing that must be talked to you." Greenton said seriously: "We Elves intend to open the border and actively integrate with the human world."

Beta was a little surprised: "Are those old antiques of your elves clueless?"

"On the contrary, Lord Morton, they didn't think so." Greenton smiled. "It was the ancestor who made this happen, and she alone persuaded us all by force, and then persuaded the mother tree."

"Well, it is indeed a big event." Beta thought for a while and said, "But your elven forest is too far away from our Kingdom of Holavin. Even if the border is open, it has nothing to do with us. Did you specifically ask me to come here today, Just to talk about it? "

"No, it's about you ~ ~ Since opening the border and actively integrating into the human world, then the major deities are also the goal of our alliance." Greenton smiled: "You are the pope of the Workin **** It should be dealt with. We have sent people to the wetlands ... Uh, Okinawa, but I didn't expect that you were lurking here. Since you can't tell you things in public, you can only secretly ask you to come out. "

"Allied, that's really a good time to go back and see." Beta didn't feel embarrassed. Although Woking City is far away from here, it is just a matter of two or three teleportations.

"Thank you for telling me." Beta suddenly said something: "By the way, the female elf named Nana the day before yesterday seemed to use cavalry skills, did you teach? You plan to let the elf clan have real lightness. cavalry?"

"The Elves need cavalry."

Beta agreed and nodded. The Elves don't have a solid forward line, because the Elves' bodies are generally weak, and it is impossible to form real attack infantry. During the war, there was no solid forward line, and it was very disadvantageous. The long-range formation was approached by infantry and cavalry, and they rushed.

However, if you cooperate with the Night Blade Panther and become a light cavalry, you can barely be considered a forward line. With the mobility of the elves' archers, as long as someone helps to restrain them, they have more tactical space to maneuver.

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