Noble Emblem

Chapter 770: situation

Under normal circumstances, the battlefield must pay attention to the coordination of arms. It is difficult for an arm to fight the world.

As far as the Mongolian archers can sweep across Asia and Europe, it is purely a good age. The Song Dynasty lost horse breeding grounds, and there were almost no cavalry. In addition, due to institutional reasons, Wen was strong and weak. The European side has not developed. The population is too small. A small population means less troops. They are rubbed on the ground by the Mongolian army.

The Mongolian Empire is just a special product of special times and special circumstances.

So this empire collapsed in less than two hundred years.

But in this world, light bow soldiers, or bow cavalry, are useless. The Hussars charge, the infantry shields cooperate with the mage regiment, or the archers, and the so-called bow cavalry army is burst in minutes.

Because of this relationship, the Elves have been relatively weak. They are very powerful in small-scale battles, but they have entered the big battlefield. Elves without a forward line, even with a lot of powerful legendary mages, still cannot change the situation on the entire battlefield.

The individual human strength is not high on average, but there are many people, very many people. In the Kingdom of France, a war call order can casually bring up a million-level battlefield.

The entire Elven clan is not enough for humans to be a part of a big battlefield.

Such a disparate comparison, there is no way to fight, so the elves have to open their borders and integrate into the human world.

"The old ancestors of your elves have a vision of governing the country." Beta said lightly, "Population is the foundation of a racial continuity. Even if you lose, even if there is no land, as long as the people who inherit the culture do not disappear, Hope for a new rise. "

This is a civilization with a history of 5,000 years. It is a profound experience in exchange for dozens of dripping blood.

Greenton had little confidence in the policies of his ancestors. But listening to Beta's words, his confidence rose sharply. Even the sons of gold have said that, there must be no problem.

Although nothing on the surface, in essence, Greenton has a strong sense of awe in the group of the sons of gold.

The five-person battle team system they created, aimed at different situations, and carried out different professional matches, was simply too strong. They have strange views and a lot of theoretical conclusions about fighting.

They are good at hitting less with more, winning with weakness, and they are better at digging the truth. Some of them can be the best tailors, the best chefs, the best blacksmiths, and ... the best generals and lords.

The sons of gold know everything. Many times, Greenton heard it more than once in private. The sons of gold disdain the various kingdom systems. He even watched with his own eyes, Beta turned barren land, wetland into a paradise for everyone.

Now, Beta has once again turned the wetland into a paradise, and at the same time has made his Bronze Drum City more prosperous, cleaner and better.

And Beta has said in a dream before that he is just an ordinary person among the sons of gold. He has professionals who manage the country and cities, which is more than a hundred times more powerful than him. He felt it was just modest words.

So when Beta thought the population policy was feasible, Greenton was convinced that it was really feasible.

After toasting Beta with a glass of wine, Greenton left the room.

Beta was in the room, but she thought about it. The Elves take the initiative to open the border and take the initiative to join the WTO. Then, the pattern of the entire world has changed a lot.

Especially when a large number of semi-elves appear and grow up, the world must be more complicated and changeable.

His own Workin's religion must transform the drow elves into beckoning cats faster.

In this way, there is a special group of elves in the deities. No matter what the elves do, they can use this trait to add a leg. If the development is good, it may even affect the internal affairs of the elven kingdom.

This matter must be put on the agenda early.

Beta used the pass to get out of the gate, and then used teleportation to return to Okinawa City.

After spending time with the excited Shirley, Beta told the news he heard from Greenton.

"The elf messenger hasn't arrived yet, otherwise I'll know." Shirley thought for a while and said, "It seems to increase the purchase of drow elf slaves."

"It's still too conservative." Beta thought for a while and said, "We can be more proactive. I remember the mercenary union has already settled in our Woking City. Posting tasks to them said that we need a lot of drow Elf slaves, high prices ... no matter whether they are men or women, young or old. Tempt them to hunt slaves in the drow's underground kingdom. "

"We can even provide some help we can, for example, provide them with some simple standard equipment and buy topographic maps of the underground kingdom from the Assassin's Union. We print a lot, as long as we pick up at our mercenary union in Okinawa City. The mercenary groups that capture the drow elf missions all get one for free. "

"The topographic map of the underground kingdom is only peripheral. Even the Assassin's Union can't provide detailed topographic maps." Shirley sat on Beta's thigh, pinching his neck, and said, "Will this cause Zhuo The hatred of the Elves? Attacked us? "

Beta sneered sneerfully: "If it's an elf clan, it's possible. But the drow elves affected by the power of the queen spiders are selfish and will only try their best to benefit from their clan people. To help their own people. After capturing a large number of their people, if they unite and come out of the underground world to avenge me, they will not be easily affected and controlled by the Queen ’s power. "

Speaking of which, Beta froze, and he suddenly remembered something.

The bald eagle of the year of the earth also did similar things. They called on the people to take Indian children away from their fathers, and their reputation was to make them evolve into civilized people.

However, there are some differences in nature. The bald eagle did this for genocide, and Beta did it for the drow to return to its original state.

Shirley wrote down Beta's words. She was very good at dealing with what happened under the established rules, but it was difficult for her to make things that were truly transformative and beneficial to the sect.

Beta is just the opposite. He is good at planning the big picture, and has some headaches for very tedious things.

"In addition, when the emissaries of the elves come, there is no problem in aligning with them, but try to win as much as we should."

Shirley nodded, understanding.

The two talked for a while and hugged for a while, then Shirley felt satisfied.

She prefers pure Plato love to the flesh. Of course, physically, she will not resist, after all, the purpose of her being 'made' is to become a 'scabbard'.

Beta then teleported away, and Shirley began to deal with government affairs in a spirited manner. After she had done most of the things at hand, she asked Amanda to come over.

Amanda has been buying drow elven slaves recently, only to return to the city these two days, and is preparing to rest for a few days before going out.

"Beta has just returned," Shirley continued. "Now that things have changed, we need to increase the purchasing power of slaves."

"But the drow elves slaves in Hollevan have already been bought by us, and the prices have risen by about 30%." Amanda frowned, and continued: "Some aristocrats are unwilling to sell. The price of drow slaves will go even higher. "

"Then buy it in other countries." Shirley thought for a while and said, "Start your network, your business circle, or entrust your friends to help, bring as many Drow elves as possible, I will stay I will talk to the Virgin Winter Wolf and hire her Frostwolf Cavalry to be your guard. In addition, the Church of God supports a lot of gold coins for you. This matter must be fast and well done. "

Although Amanda didn't know much about politics, when she heard this, she also knew that something big would happen during this time.

Shirley put a blank piece of paper in front of Amanda: "This is my task. The reward above is empty, because I don't know much about the outside market. You go back and help me calculate, the mercenaries from the underground kingdom How much money were caught in the drow elves slaves, the elderly, daughters, children, adult men, etc., so that they can earn money and not let us lose too much. After filling it out, you can paste it directly to the mercenaries The union goes and shows that this task is effective in the long run. "

Amanda took a deep look at Shirley. Taking such an important matter to herself, not even reviewing it, was enough to demonstrate Shirley's trust in her business capabilities.

"Okay, no problem."

Amanda left with the task list.

Shirley continued to sit in her chair and deal with government affairs.

Time soon arrived in the evening, and there was a strange traveler at the gate of Okinawa City. As they walked, they all wore grey robes with their heads wrapped around their bodies and bodies. ~ The security guards, naturally, could not put such suspicious people. Put into the city, a team of soldiers came down from the wall, and another team of bows quickly arrived, at least a hundred people pulled their bows and pointed at the wall below.

From a distance, the leader of the gray robes made a move, and the other dozen people immediately opened their hoods. The blonde had long ears and was all a good-looking elf.

"I am an elf messenger, Anturagun. See the Pope of the Workin. Discuss the alliance between the two parties."

Although the elves are proud and look down on people, they are not bad people. Most people know this. Moreover, there are also many "fortune cats" walking around in Okinawa City. People in Okinawa City have gradually become accustomed to the beautiful appearance of the elven clan.

The archer was withdrawn, and twenty men were separated from the city guards. They temporarily acted as guards and sent the elves to the welcome building next to the city's main government house.

When Shirley received the news, she was a little surprised: "Coming so soon?"

But she decided to air these people for a day or two before she said that if you want to get enough benefits and benefits in the negotiations, you have to see who is more calm.

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