Noble Emblem

Chapter 787: Compare

"What's wrong?" Tina was puzzled. "Is the lord just wrong?"

"That lord is a charmer," Beta whispered. "His other two sons are also charmers."

Tina looked shocked: "How is that possible!"

Not to mention Tina couldn't believe it, Beta thought things were bothersome. The Devil's handwriting is too big. How many charmers have they sent to the human world? Anyway, Beta now has a feeling that wherever I go, I can see two or three charmers.

Beta pointed to her eyes: "I can see through a certain degree of illusion, and I can guarantee that the lord and his two sons are charmers. So we must leave immediately, and even guard against the enemy's pursuit."

Tina hastened her pace, and at the same time she was a little puzzled: "Then why did they not leave us just now, 4,000 people, except for the two of us who barely hope to escape, others will not survive. Unless you are willing to reveal your identity, use Heavy rain, or thick fog. "

"No, he doesn't dare," Beta continued, explaining: "The Charismatic Demon has very poor frontal combat ability, and they are also very cautious at the same time. Four thousand pairs of eyes are looking at him if he is determined to deal with a holy holy Samurai, the news can be completely covered? You are a samurai, but not a light knight. So, if you are missing, what do you think of the sanctuary, you will definitely send someone to check it, check it, and find him. . "

Tina understood: "If he is a charmer, he is definitely not willing to attract the attention of our bright deities. So you will worry that they sent powerful professionals to assassinate us?"

"It's just possible." Beta smiled. "I don't dare to guarantee that he will do it."

"But the possibility is very big, right?" Tina was convinced of Beta's judgment, and then she sighed: "Unfortunately, there is no way to give enough compensation to the dead and seriously wounded soldiers. "

"Surely there will be compensation, but it will be later." Beta smiled. "You pass the lord here to the sanctuary, and then it will be unlucky."

"But the lord is a party in his own right, and our sanctuary is going to move him. Without the approval of the royal family, it is unlikely." Tina said with a little embarrassment.

She looked so embarrassed that she looked very cute. People look beautiful, and what expressions they make are all paintings, which look pleasing to the eye.

Ahead of the road, you can already see the Guardian soldiers left in front of them, Beta said in a low voice, "Don't worry about the royal family, I can tell them what happened."


In the common language, the third person is gender-neutral.

Tina looked at Beta with a smile. "Do you know the new Queen Salsa?"

"Know," Beta answered without hesitation.

Beta is not too worried about telling the truth to Tina. After all, the system shows that Tina's loyalty to herself has exceeded 90. At this value, as long as Beta didn't deliberately die, Tina would never have betrayed him.

"Well, no wonder."

Tina smiled slightly, and there was a wonderful branch in the corner of her pursed mouth. She remembered when Queen Salsa was crowned and seemed to watch Beta twice.

At that time, she felt wrong, thinking that it was only her own illusion, but did not expect that the new queen really knew Beta.

This man ... everywhere I go I know such a beautiful and capable woman.

Then Tina couldn't help but start to compare herself to the Queen.

In terms of height, she is slightly taller, with similar looks, jelly on her chest ... Well, the queen obviously has an absolute advantage, then talent and identity.

If you are talented, you should be more powerful. Although the queen is also a professional and a magician, her strength is average.

As for identity, he is a paladin, and the other party is a queen. Overall, it should be open. However, the identity of the samurai is also very good, which represents holiness. She knows that men like to defile holiness. For example, Tuolao's family was in the water ... Besides, now Beta and herself can often be together. The other party is a queen. Considering the wind assessment, even her identity may be a burden to Beta.

Overall, I have a slight advantage.

Comparing to this, Tina immediately felt relieved.

In fact, once a woman falls in love, she will fall into a misunderstanding. Many times when a man chooses a woman, it is not a comparison of conditions, but simply a ‘hobby’ of his own.

For example, there is a funny paragraph in the earth's network. A king chooses his wife. The beauties are slaughtered, and three of them come to him. One is very beautiful, the other is very capable, and he can help him manage the country. One is very temperamental and kind and gentle.

Then the king chose a passer-by who was passing by because the passer-by had a big and beautiful breast.

Tina, who felt she had a great advantage, became happy again.

But when she saw the dead pagans and the wounded, the little joy disappeared.

She called in the lieutenant, followed what Beta had just said, and arranged.

The lieutenant was quite capable. He heard a lot from Tina's words, and seemed to know that his group of people might be hunted down. After letting a group of paladins leave with the heavily wounded robes, the lieutenant left with thirty men. Tina originally wanted him to leave with the others.

Looking at Tina's doubtful eyes, the lieutenant smiled: "Madam, our team has been established, and we have sworn to the goddess to protect you forever."

Tina made a noise and didn't care. She even glanced at Beta, fearing that the latter had any bad ideas.

The lieutenant sighed slightly when she saw this. He could see that Tina's heart was all on that magician.

Their feelings and admiration are destined to become water, not to be noticed and sympathized by anyone.

But it doesn't matter.

Who Tina likes is her business.

They admire Tina ~ ~ This is their business. The two do not conflict.

More than thirty people arranged some traps on both sides of the road. Three of them were magic traps set by Beta. They were very hidden and very 'sinister.' .

Now they have some sympathy for the enemies that are about to come.

A group of people waited for nearly three hours near the trap, and it was already dark. At this time, two carriages finally came in front of the road.

The sound of the carriage running across the ground was dull, as if it contained heavy things inside.

More than thirty Holy Guards were dispersed as originally planned.

Beta and Tina are at the front.

With their strength, even if the legendary powerhouse comes, it is impossible to hurt them in a short time.

They stood in front of them with confidence.

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