Noble Emblem

Chapter 788: trap

In the era of cold weapon wars, generals often determine whether an army is strong.

No matter how sophisticated the equipment and the rigorous training, if the general is a coward, dare not go to the battlefield, and even under the protection of his soldiers, he dare not come to the front line, then this army will soon be scrapped and become glorious No-name army.

And for an already very powerful army, if there is a more powerful or even brave general, then the outbreak of combat power will surprise everyone.

This is the case now. Both Tina and Beta are, to the paladin, the heads. They could take the initiative to stand in front, and the nobles did not hesitate to die, let alone their ordinary soldiers.

Although Beta was less than forty people, the momentum was strong and scary. Not to mention an army, even if it was a dragon, it was estimated that these elite paladins would dare to charge forward.

After the two carriages, there was an infantry regiment of nearly four hundred men, and a squadron of about a hundred men.

Looking at the scene, Tina said with a side in Beta's ears: "It seems your guess is fulfilled, the other party is not good. But they came here so late, it was a bit surprising.

One or two pale golden strands of hair were blown to Tina's face from Tina's earlobe, making it a little bit itchy.

At the same time there was a faint, unspeakable flower scent that passed into Beta's nose.

"It's convenient to kill talents in the dark," Beta said lightly. "Besides, we have a lot of seriously wounded soldiers. When they want to come, we should not go far."

Between them, two horse-drawn carriages and the army of about five hundred men stopped at a distance of 100 meters in front of them.

It was dark, and two of them came over each holding a torch.

"Dear Madam Tina." The visitor was a relatively mature man, unable to see his true age. He was wearing a brown leather armor, which was a bit old, and his body also had a strange smell: "In the two carriages, there was the 'lead' given to you by the lord, a very heavy 'lead'.

Judging from the sound of the carriage, the contents of the two carriages are indeed very heavy.

The night breeze was cold, Tina smiled and asked, "What kind of clues need two carriages to carry, and it's so heavy, it won't be yellow."

"If it's yellow, the number is too big." The mature man's face curled up and smiled charmingly: "Madam, it's gray."

Indeed, if it were gold coins, the weight would be at least nearly 10,000. This is not to say that the life of the paladin is not worth so much money, after all, life is priceless, but that ordinary people are unwilling to pay so much to compensate dozens of papal saints, which is about a hundred gold coins.

But if it is a silver coin, multiplying it by dozens of times the weight is almost so heavy.

"Gray." Tina thought for a while and nodded. "Okay, then I thank your lord for me."

Tina waved her hand, trying to get a few Holy Guards past to drive the carriage over.

But the charming man said suddenly, "Ma'am, please go up and take a look, lest we say that we lied to you. After you pulled the carriage back, there was less shortage, and we would not recognize it."

Tina smiled: "If you do n’t confess your account, it ’s not your lord's turn to confess it. If it's not enough, we will come over again when we have time."

Come again, at that time, it will not be dozens of people, maybe hundreds or thousands.

Everyone heard Tina's faint threats clearly.

The adult man's face collapsed: "Ma'am, the lord has confessed, you must let you go to the carriage and check the quantity, otherwise I will definitely be punished when I go back."

"You can't be punished, it's nothing to do with me." Tina reprimanded angrily, and then she continued to wave her hands and let the paladins drag up the two carriages.

The man said urgently: "Ms. Tina, please, give me a way to live."

Tina was unmoved.

The man sighed and threw a bag of powder on the ground without warning.

A piece of white smoke shook, and Tina hurriedly covered her nose, not contaminated, but even so, she felt the eyes and nose were a little spicy.

Chili powder!

After dropping the thing, the adult man turned into a dark mist and quickly retreated to the rear, then waved to the front: "It was not fooled, kill them."

Take a look at this. The last Hussar moved, split into two lanes and came around from both sides of the road, and started to accelerate.

The horseshoes boomed, and the 400-foot infantry moved, and they began to charge.

Seeing this, Tina said in a panic, "You guys, how dare you?"

Then she turned and ran away, at which time Beta had already run away.

"This is the paladin?" The man hiding in the crowd was surprised and thought something was wrong.

But anyway, five hundred to forty, no matter how they look, they will not lose. Even if the opponent is a famous samurai.

A paladin is a man, not a god. No matter how great he is, he will be tired, not to mention this is a female samurai, whose strength must be discounted.

Uneasy, the man directed the infantry to continue.

Tina fled quickly, and the nearby guards saw Tina run away and ran behind. It just seemed that they were calm when they ran.

The Holy Guard and Tina run faster than the cavalry. About thirty seconds later, the cavalry are about to catch up with Tina. The distance between the two is only twenty meters.

The leading cavalry puppet was excited. Before coming, the lord promised that if he could catch Saint Samurai, he would get fifty gold coins.

The money was enough for him to live a stable life for the rest of his life.

But at this time, Tina stopped and smiled.

An unpleasant sensation appeared in the mind of the leading cavalry, and then he saw suddenly that a thick stone wall, like a sudden cover, appeared five meters ahead.

He could even see that the wall of this stone wall was covered with dense stone spikes.

These stone spikes are thick and not sharp enough. Under normal circumstances, people should not be injured by stepping on them.

But in high-speed charge, these stone nails will definitely become a spike.

It's over!

The leading cavalry only expressed this feeling ~ ~ and then led the horse to the stone wall.

With a snap, a large red flower appeared on the wall.

Then the cavalry in the back, although they also found the stone wall in front, after the cavalry charged, it was not easy to stop, they were like moths fighting fire, one by one with desperate eyes, hit the stone wall.

Although there are many people and horses hanging on the stone wall in front, the people in the back slam into the endless stream, and the people and horses in front become meat sauce in a few seconds.

By the time more than a hundred cavalrymen had hit them, a thick layer of red meat had been stuck on the stone wall.

Only a few of the last cavalrymen survived, and they became flesh for the same front, giving them a great buffer.

It was just when they were struggling from the stone wall that the whole person was drenched with ketchup.

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