Noble Emblem

Chapter 889: I can do it alone

Seeing the suspected dragon knight, he cut off one of his robes. Although the soldiers in the rear were angry, they did not dare to make any statement.


The young man with the severed arm had a pale face because of pain. He knelt down on the ground and looked up at Beta: "I ... where ... offended the Lord?"

A lot of blood flowed from the young man's arm stubble, and his face became increasingly white. If he was not treated, he would be unconscious for at least another five minutes.

"Are you from Mystery Eye?" Beta asked indifferently.

The young man's eyebrows shook when he heard the name of the organization. If it wasn't for careful observation, he might feel that he made this tiny action because of pain, but Beta's mental strength can acutely feel the wrong expression of the other side.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

"Still silly?"

Beta turned back and waved a sword, and cut off the dead red dragon's tongue.

With a bang, the huge dragon tongue fell in front of the young man. Above the tongue, there was obviously a white eye sign, exactly like the young man's arm.

The evidence is conclusive, and this is impossible to deny.

What's more, repudiation is meaningless when both sides know it well. Beta is not the kind of Virgin Mary who needs to plead guilty to act. As long as he thinks he is 100% sure of the suspicion of the other party, he can directly act and ignore the sophistry of others.

"Honestly, I really didn't expect to meet your organization on the way." Betaly said with joy: "Your organization is too mysterious, mysteriously people can't find any clues."

As Pope, Beta also let the people below secretly collect the news of the mysterious eye organization, but after a few years, there was no gain at all.

The young man laughed tragically.

"I don't know why the red dragon you organized will attack your city, or is this one of your superior means?" Beta looked at the soldiers behind him: "These have nothing to do with me, I just want to You know, where is your organization hiding? "

The young man grinned: "I know who you are! The Pope of the Fortune God, Beta-Lyon."

Beta chuckled: "Tell me where your organization is, I can spare you and help you get my arm."

"Impossible, tell you where the organization is. I will die terribly, and my family will die terribly." The young man ’s **** is desperate: "So kill me. Ask me again, also meaningless."

"I can take shelter of your family," Beta said. "I'm a dragon knight. It's not difficult to transport a few or a dozen people to my Okinawa City."

At this time, the young man's eyes swelled and flashed a weak struggle, and Beta thought there was drama. But after a few seconds, that faint glow of hope disappeared.

"Useless, the organization's control over us is not what you can imagine."

The young man grinned and showed his neck.

A golden light flashed, and the young man closed his eyes in despair, but the unexpected death did not come. Instead, a scroll was thrown in front of himself.

Beta sat back on Solirana's back, and the Golden Dragon vacated.

The young man laughed loudly for the rest of his life.

In the air, watching the snow and ice fields below gradually grow, Beta sighed, and the white mist suddenly grew.

"Why didn't you kill him just now?"

"It's not necessary." Beta sighed. "I saw that man had a magic restraint on him and his soul would be destroyed directly after death, even if he wanted to torture his soul. Just let him live first. Wan If something happens later, you can start with this person. "

"Oh I got it."

Solilana also stopped speaking.

In fact, Beta has one more thing to say. The reason why he recognized so quickly that there was a restraint on the other party was because he saw his technique.

If you want to ban people, you will certainly do the same.

Because there was an inverse bounce in front to help shield the wind, although Solirana was flying at high speed, in fact Beta did not feel much airflow. In the middle of the night, he thought of the vision he saw in France some time ago, the man who was suspected to be his own memory clone, and the girl who had some inexplicable familiarity.

That man should have a deep relationship with the mystery organization.

After another two hours, Solirana, holding Beta, finally came to the royal city of Neraya.

Viewed from a high altitude, this king city is obviously a bit deserted, and no one is walking on the street, which is more inactive than the border city on the south.

Beta's eyes slowly swept across the city, seeing that several parts of the city have been turned into ruins, just someone is busy rebuilding.

"Did even the King City be attacked?"

Beta murmured.

Solirana lowered some heights, and soon caused panic below. Not many pedestrians on the street ran away and quickly hid in the house.

Not long after, soldiers stood on the city walls and on the towers of the royal palace, one by one bowing towards Solirana.

Several more crossbows were pulled out.

Seeing the magic wave shining on the crossbow, Solirana felt a little uncomfortable, and her subconsciousness increased.

It didn't take long for the two style magicians to float in the air, shouting in amplifying magic: "The messenger of wealth is above?"


"What evidence?"

Beta threw down the token that had been prepared earlier. This was a token given to him by Doron before, saying that if the Pope passed first, he would need to gain trust. After all, the Nyala state is already in a state of being a soldier.

The wind magician adjusted his body in mid-air, took the token, looked at it for a while, then looked at Solirana, and shouted, "Dear messenger, please come with me."

Guided by the wind magician, Solirana landed on the largest penthouse in the palace.

The construction quality of this palace is quite good, so Solana's body is so heavy, it falls firmly on it.

Two full-armed guards of honor rushed out of the stairs.

There were about thirty people, all wearing turquoise leather armor. Although they did nothing extraordinary, they looked very unfriendly at Solirana's eyes.

Beta jumped off Solirana's back, which turned into an elf.

Then the look of the honor guards got better.

To them, the appearance of the elf is far more pleasing to the eye than the dragon, even if it is clear that the essence of the elf is still the head of the dragon.

A young man who looked like a prince came up, and bent slightly, saying, "This ambassador, thank you very much for coming. Please follow me. The father and king are waiting for you."

The stance of the prince was low.

This is also a normal thing. Now that Nyala has reached the final stage, and if she supports it for a few more months, she will definitely collapse.

Without food and equipment, the five-colored dragon will attack aggressively every time.

Behind the prince, Beta entered the palace, and in the Chaoyang Hall, the two guards wanted to come up and search, and the prince said lightly, "No need. This is a noble guest."

The two guards retreated.

Pushing open the door of the Chaoyang Hall, Beta saw the elderly king sitting on a high throne, and a black carpet in the middle led to the throne, and around the red carpet stood about thirty nobles, They saw Beta, most of them showed eager eyes, dared to have a few, obviously holding a look of distrust.

Even when she first arrived, Beta could feel the silence in the Chaoyang Hall and the deep anxiety and despair mixed in it.

The prince led Beta to the throne, then he retreated to the aristocracy.

Beta looked directly at the old king above, and smiled, "The wise king of Nyala, I'm glad to meet you."

The old king looked at Beta for a moment, and frowned, "You are not an ordinary envoy. What is your identity?"

"The Pope of the God of Wealth, Beta-Lyon."

As soon as this word came out, not only the old king, all the nobles around him showed an incredible look.

A pope of a theologian came to another country alone without any guard?

No, the dragon behind him is a very strong guard, but even so, the pomp is too small.

"Sir, it's not that we don't trust you." The old king tried to make his words as sweet as possible: "It's just that this matters, how do we confirm your identity."

Beta took out the pope's scepter from the mansion space, and then fully opened.

Everyone present, except the old king sitting on the throne, barely able to keep calm, the others looked completely changed and stepped back.

The few weak aristocrats even knelt down in deterrence.

Two master-level fighters looked up to the king.

The momentum came to an end, which was less than five seconds.

But this can give a very strong impression.

A general nobleman who came back to fight on the battlefield ~ ~ exclaimed: "Legend!"

Everyone's look changed and became unbelievable.

Beta doesn't have any definite method to prove his identity, no matter if he puts out paperwork or physical proof like heraldry, it is not very useful.

If the other party does not believe it, these things are rubbish. Moreover, now that Nyala is being destroyed by the surrounding countries, they no longer have much trust in outsiders.

Beta's legendary strength is the best way to prove it.

The words of the top powerhouses, whether they are individuals or forces, must be carefully considered.

The old king felt that his palms were full of cold sweat. He said, "I now believe that you are under the crown of the Pope. Then, under the crown, why do you come alone? The large teleportation magic circle Doron said should require a lot of hands Make it. We the magicians of Nyala are running out! "

Beta smiled. "I don't need other magicians, I'll do it alone."

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