Noble Emblem

Chapter 890: Doubt is the inferiority of human

It took only six days to complete the large teleportation magic circle.

Young, strong and knowledgeable.

This is the common view on Beta from the center of the country.

In fact, this is also the collective view of NPCs on players in the game.

Eighty percent of the 500,000 players who tested at the time were undergraduate graduates, 15 percent were graduates with a bachelor's degree or higher, and only about 5 percent had undergraduate degrees.

Although the rabbit country at that time claimed that there were as many doctoral students as dogs and graduate students walked around, it was just an illusion. According to data provided by authoritative institutions, the proportion of undergraduates in the entire rabbit country was only 13% of the national population. Not to mention the bachelor degree or above.

In other words, the players at the time were almost all elites.

Even though many of them have not done much in society, under the system education for more than ten years, no matter the quality, the knowledge reserve, or even the learning ability, they are much stronger than the NPCs.

In the game, the near-real world experience further strengthens their abilities.

The magic circle is built in the basement space of the royal palace. The circular magic circle covering an area of ​​about 900 square meters emits a light green light. The mysterious lines flowed, and in the surprised eyes of the onlookers, bags of rice appeared in the magic circle, and after a few minutes, they piled up like a hill.

The aroma of wheat floats in the underground space and becomes stronger and stronger.

Apart from the members of the royal family, the Minister of State, who was able to watch here, they were all excited when they looked at the grain that appeared out of thin air.

"Next, please send in a few reliable magicians, and I will teach them how to use the magic circle."

"Is it difficult?" A minister asked.

"It's not too difficult," Beta smiled. "But you need basic magical control and basic telepathy. You don't want the other party to send an army over here, so you can accept it together."

This made everyone stand upright, and thankfully Beta hadn't teleported the army just now.

If this is done, then the state of Nira will certainly fall immediately, after all, the most important people of Neraia are gathered here.

After the horror of Han Mao's handstand, it was fortunate. At the same time, he felt that the wealth gods did not have any hostility to them.

"Come here, bring me all this food." After the king gave an order, he turned to Beta and said, "You have worked hard under the crown. Please take a break first, and wait for us to clear these things and make sure I ’ll let you know who will learn to control the Magic Circle. "

Beta nodded, knowing that the other party had a lot of things to consider and discuss, he left with a maid and lived in a luxurious room prepared for him by the royal family.

In the evening, the royal family invited Beta to dinner.

In the palace hall where the royal family met, Beta saw some familiar faces, but found that there were more young girls.

Two of them were princesses. A few days ago, Beta met them, and the other girls were also with red lips and white teeth and delicate skin. At first glance, they were the daughters of noble families.

The gazes of these girls looking at Beta were very hot.

"Under the crown, these are the girls who are going to follow you to learn the magic array operation." After dinner, the king said gently, "Teach them which ones you think are suitable."

The girls stood dignifiedly and looked at Beta in silence.

Quite colorful.

Beta can guess the king's mind, it is nothing more than to control the operation of the magic circle in his own hands, and send Beta a wave of benefits.

"I think it's all good."

Of course, there will not be only one large magic teleportation array. Beta plans to build more in Nyala to facilitate the transfer of materials, and to facilitate the mission of the wealthy priests in the future.

But hearing this from the king became a misunderstanding.

Beta wants to put all these girls in her palm.

Despite this psychological preparation, the king still frowned. So many women, can you eat it alone?

The Nyala Kingdom's intelligence system has almost collapsed, but according to previously collected information, it is still known that the Pope of the Fortune Gods seems to have three beautiful women.

That's why I targeted some beautiful young girls out to learn from him. I thought the other party just picked two or three casually. I didn't expect it to be full.

But it doesn't matter ... Compared to the upcoming aid, sending a few women is not a big deal.

After dinner, Beta brought all the girls to the adjacent hall.

Many people thought that the mighty Pope was about to hold an unveiled meeting, so the guards went a little farther.

Close the hall door.

A group of girls stared at Beta.

Born in aristocratic families, they have long accepted their destiny, but they prefer to have a one-to-one situation rather than such a one-to-many environment.

Then Beta stepped to the wall and took out a sound of white wood and several charcoals from the mansion space.

"Okay, I know you do n’t have much time, so try to spend as much time as possible to learn more. In two days, I have to go to other cities to help you build a large teleportation magic array. Now, you first remember this magic array node, it Is the most important core ... "

A group of girls looked at each other.

Soriana, who saw the whole situation in her eyes, smiled, she thought it was very interesting.

Then, after the two-hour magic circle tutorial, the nobles waiting for the news were also incomprehensible expressions.

Regardless of the reaction of the girls, Beta expounded the instructions for the use of the magic circle at a fast speed, and after confirming that at least two girls have mastered the method of use, he said to the king: "Next, which city do you want, Can you get immediate aid? "

"Of course it is the frontline ~ ~ The expression of the king is a little pleasantly surprised:" Whether it is Rafah or Coms, a lot of materials are needed. "

"Then your Majesty sent an envoy to inform them. I'll go back first, and there are some things to deal with. Three days later, I will come again."

After the figures of Beta and Solirana disappeared in the teleportation magic circle, the king asked his little daughter, "Can you learn this teleportation circle in reverse?"

The little princess shook her head: "Impossible, I can learn how to use it, and it is already very good."

"Then do you think this teleportation magic circle is safe?" The king thought for a while and said, "For example, if the other party wants to teleport something we don't want, can you stop it."

The little princess nodded: "It should be possible, at least according to the grain rules on the surface of the magic. The teleportation magic circle wants to teleport things over, after all, we must also be sure, agree."

"I'm afraid he has a hand behind him. He can deliver things without our consent at critical moments."

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