Noble Emblem

Chapter 915: Oolong

It's no wonder that Katy and the young bishop are such happy expressions.

Under the cracks of war, ordinary civilians suffer most. No one cares about their lives. The superiors pay more attention to the interests of the other side, such as territories, such as wealth, and power.

On the premise of ensuring that these three benefits can be sought, they will pay a little attention to the living environment of ordinary people. After all, for them, the people who lead them are barely regarded as a resource, and they are still very worthless.

Anyway, I cut a stubble, and after a dozen years I can grow a stubble.

Although Katy is now a high-level, but also from poor people. Now, the bishops of the Vol'jin Temple are almost all from poor families. They all know how hard ordinary people have been under the crushing forces of power. They have even witnessed it, or have heard that ordinary people in war A powerless struggle.

If the orders from the Holy City of Woking are to seek benefits in the gap, then they will obey the orders and will not have any doubts about the instructions from the Woking City. After all, all forces will do so, which is normal.

But a theocratic who is willing to salvage, mainly ordinary believers, is almost unique in the human world.

In this way, in the eyes of other power leaders, most of them are stupid. But the people below will not see it that way, they will only feel it, and think that such a religion is totally worthy of their allegiance.

"Announce this to all the believers in the church and tell them that our theologians will not give up any one of their members."

The young bishop ran to the side and excitedly told everyone the news.

There was a brief silence in the church, and then cheering excitedly.

Thank the goddess, thank the city of Orekin, thank the pope's voice, one after another.

At the same time, Shirley was reading a report in front of Beta in Okinkin City, more than 1,000 kilometers away.

"Now the desert kingdom seems to be controlled by the worship of worship, and the king has become their puppet. However, their rule is not stable, and there are often sporadic uprisings, which has greatly weakened the ability of war worship to mobilize."

Beta thought for a while and said, "It's normal. To completely occupy a country, it will take at least decades, even hundreds of years of indoctrination. But I am more curious when the worship of the fire has taken over the desert kingdom. We actually No news was received. "

Shirley lowered the paper in her hand. "The Temple of Storms seems to know something, but they don't ventilate to other deities. We operate most of the time in Hollevan. Recently, we have either been digging canals, or conducting self-examination and rectification. What is outside us Not much is known. "

Beta laughed, "The maiden of the Temple of Storms is with us. Besides, they are being beaten by a fire worship. They may feel ashamed that they don't want to say it. Moreover, recently, the religions are jealous of each other, and they do not want to expose the fact that they are already weak I am afraid that other sects will take the opportunity to fall into ruins. "

"It's pitiful." Shirley sighed. "I'm afraid that if one day the Temple of Storms can't hold up, I'll ask Emma, ​​the maiden, to go back to the rescue. As Emma's man, don't you just look at it? help?"

Beta nodded, then sighed "It's possible."

"So you take Emma's virginity early. As long as she is not a maiden, there will be no reason for the Temple of Storms to ask her to return." Shirley chuckled.

"I think again."

Beta had to admit that Shirley made a lot of sense. Now it seems that the Temple of Storms will soon be forced into extremity by the worship of fire. At that time, as a sage, Emma must have to go back to help, and she must not watch She mothed back to the crumbling Storm Deity.

Shirley saw that Beta was seriously considering this matter, and then she pulled out a piece of paper. "Now Judy has taken the pterosaur team to Sicily. One of the white crocodile squads is just in the waters of the canal near Sicily. On patrol, they may reach their destination faster than the pterosaurs. "

Because to help the metal dragon family convert a giant dragon, a pterosaur was sent over there. In the past two years, there have been nineteen pterosaurs in addition to the three golden dragons. it is good.

"The striker can really protect the believers temporarily, but I think the war between the two sides will escalate again." Beta looked on the map for a while and said, "The south is Domingo, and Frankie is the east-west connection. The online In 13 cities, all bishops took half of the priests and guards to support the city of Sicily and obeyed Katie. To protect believers, the first priority is to stay, and if the war ends in a short time, they stay and take charge of the residents of Sicily Post-war comfort and urban reconstruction work. "

Shirley exclaimed, "This will strengthen the spread of the religion in Sicily."

"After the bishop's expedition, the affairs of his theology are temporarily presided over by the doctrine instructor. It is necessary to do a good job of defense, which is the top priority."

Shirley wrote it all down and went to the cathedral to spread the magic message.

At night, Beta finished the task at hand. After bathing, she saw Shirley on her bed.

Then there is the lingering attention. Since the legend, Beta has been interested in that.

In the fierce hand-to-hand combat, there was a strong tenderness.

More than half an hour later, when Shirley was about to usher in the first peak, a golden beam of light fell from the sky and shrouded Shirley, and even Beta was shrouded in.

Shirley lying on the bed, his temperament began to increase rapidly, becoming sacred and inviolable.

Beta's body was stiff "..."

At this time, Shirley, it should be said that Owkin's expression froze. She looked at the strong body of Beta above, and her eyes drifted down to see her own legs.) The two sides' bodies were tightly connected together. .

Then waves of 'heat waves' poured into the soul.


After a soft chant, Jin Guang shrank back into the sky as if he had been electrocuted.

This came and went in less than two seconds.

Shirley's body twitched in bed for a while, then she covered her mouth and laughed with a smile.

That sacred feeling has disappeared.

Beta drew a cool breath. "You're still laughing. The goddess won't choke me later."

Shirley laughed even more happily. She hugged Beta and excitedly bit her mouth on his shoulder.

Two hours later, Beta, who was asleep, was summoned to the kingdom of Vol'jin.

Working fluttering in a white dress looked at him fiercely.

Beta pretended that nothing had happened, and asked, "Goddess, you haven't called me for nearly a year. Is there anything important!"

Seeing that Beta's expression was dull, Woking felt relieved, and her tight face looked better. "There is something to notify you. A few days ago, many gods suddenly became obvious, and there were a lot of blessings of faith. Go down. "

"Forcibly raise the rank of a believer?"

"Yes!" Woking nodded. "They have accumulated a lot of faith, and it has been less than ten years since I woke up, and my strength is less than one-third of the original. It is difficult to help you. At most, I will put snow again. Li, and Katie ascended to legend. "

Beta sighed "Jihad is finally about to begin."

Woking looked at Beta, and there seemed to be a few apologies in her brilliant eyes. "Trouble you, be careful yourself."

Returning from the kingdom of God, Beta returned to the study and asked Shirley to call Angel, Emma, ​​and even Pamela.

Pamela's light wing illuminated the entire room like daylight. Recently, she has been living in her home in Okinawa City rarely. She rarely stays in the house. At most, she helps Beta calculate the tax account books, so Okinawa City rarely knows her existence.

The four women in pajamas looked curiously at Beta.

Pamela is a goddess of love. She is naturally charming and fascinated. She said with all manners, "Her Majesty, do you want to call us ..."

The next words, even if she did not finish, everyone at the scene understood.

Beta snorted. "Serious! Pamela, let me ask you. Have you noticed any changes in the power of Eros recently?"

Pamela shook her head for unknown reasons. "No."

"So that God of Eros is out! It's not surprising that her temple has almost disappeared, and there are not many people who believe in her." Beta looked at Pamela and suddenly asked, "Are you interested in becoming a god?"

This is not to say, let alone Pamela, even the other three women were frightened.

Become **** ... Is this something that can be said?

Beta turned and looked at Shirley. "Notify the goddess, and pull Pamela and me to the kingdom of God at the same time. Angel, Emma, ​​go ahead and issue an order that all the temples in the city pay attention to other deities' actions. All of them are suspiciously reported. In addition, I am sorry that you have sorted out the information that has been sent. "

"no problem."

The mother and daughter said at the same time.

After a few minutes, Betara took Pamela's hand and entered the kingdom of Okinkin ~ ~ As soon as Pamela appeared, she knelt on the ground and couldn't look up.

This is the kingdom of Vol'jin. As an alien god, she will naturally be greatly suppressed.

"What do you bring up with a woman who smells like a female watch?"

"I want her to agree with you, the master and servant, and turn her into love."

Woking's eyes lit up. "The smell of Eros's woman is really weak. Have an idea! Tell me about your plan."

"Help Pamela build the temple, build the idol, and the name of Eros will be called Pamela afterwards." Beta smiled with two points of coldness. "Help her write the doctrine and indicate that Eros is your servant god, yes The spawned **** of your "marriage goddess", and at the same time, make the doctrine of love **** more biased towards neutral order. Pamela is the original love god, she can also quickly attract the power of love god's faith. In five years, the original **** of love will no longer be known, and will even become an unknown god, and eventually it will fall. Pamela can replace it. "

Woking smiled happily. "Yes, I wanted to kill that **** hundreds of years ago."

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