Noble Emblem

Chapter 916: I repeat it only once

Generally speaking, the deity in weakness does not make a divinity.

For one thing, this weakens the power of the gods. Another reason is that the divine clone is easily used by the enemy, and even studies and analyzes the weakness of the gods.

Only those who deeply believed in Beta, such as Woking, would give him the divine avatar.

When the soul returned from the kingdom of Vol'jin, Pamela stood up on the bed, looking at the golden circle in her left wrist, like a gold coin. She smiled bitterly at Betha next to her, "You have forbidden my soul, and now you are the servant of the goddess of Vol'jin. I feel that you two have me."

"After all, we haven't been able to trust you completely. And what we're going to do is really too involved."

"When will you fully trust me? This time it should be OK."

Beta smiled: "When you become a true **** of love."

Pamela stunned and smiled: "If you can become a god, let alone be a servant god, even if it becomes your sexual 'tool', I recognize it."

At this time Pamela's expression was a bit strange, with three points confused, three points unbelievable, three points expected, and one point of gratitude.

Beta shook her head: "The person you want to thank is the goddess, not me."

"Is there any difference between you and her?" Pamela smiled. "Although I am weak, I am also a clone of Eros. When the goddess Woldin talks to you, she is an idiot. I can see, but she still has to pretend. I can guarantee that if you get along alone, if you dare to hold her, you can clean her up. She scolds you seriously at most, but she won't resist at all . "

Pamela's words were firm, but Beta was not convinced.

This is like joking among friends, saying that XX definitely likes you, and you should quickly confess pitfalls.

In Beta's view, Pamela also intends to pit himself, of course, not with much maliciousness.

Mostly, she made her a servant **** herself. She was furious and wanted to look back.

"Don't be angry." Beta thought for a while, explaining: "You have been in Woking for a while, and although I haven't fully believed in you, I have gradually treated you as a friend. I became a servant of Woking. It ’s better than having a divine clone in the future, but without any backing and wandering everywhere. The divine clone without a protector is no different from a piece of fat in troubled times. "

Pamela looked at Beta, her eyebrows bent: "You're explaining, considering my emotions?"

"That's right."

As soon as Beta's voice fell, Pamela hugged Beta. Three pairs of wide feathered light wings wrapped the two.

Xiangyu was full, Beta was a little surprised and didn't move.

Pamela's appearance now is the war angel Colodi, and her appearance is not under Shirley. She put her lips to Beta's ears: "Tell you a little secret, but I really like you too."

Beta still smiled. Pamela's character was very erratic. She was the kind of woman who was very joking, and she was half-true and half-false, and it was difficult to judge. In the face of her, there is no need to think too much, just treat her as a joke if it is not the business.

Seeing Beta's eyes clear, Pamela chuckled and left his body.

After Pamela left, she didn't have a lot of time, Shirley entered the room.

Beta, who was sitting at her desk, put a plan she had just written in front of Shirley: "This is a plan I made after discussing with the goddess. Do you have anything to add?"

Shirley picked it up, watched the meeting, and said in surprise: "Turn Pamela into a true **** of love? This idea is too bold. Is there a way to control her?"

"The goddess of Vol'jin turned her into a servant god."

Shirley nodded: "I'm relieved then. By the way, Katie just sent a magic text message, you can check it out."

A magic letterhead was placed on the table, which Beta received. There were only a few words on it.

‘It ’s going on as planned, rest assured. ’

Very ordinary tone, like the bland feeling of saying ‘I ’ll go out and come back in a while’.

But in essence, Katy, far from Sicilia, is far less relaxed than she said.

The worship of Vulcan and the Temple of Storms have been turned upside down in Sicily, and from time to time, large-scale magic falls on the city. Citizens who fled in astonishment only dared to stay at home, because as soon as they went out, they would be attacked as enemies.

A magic came down and died.

But staying at home is not the way. It is affected by large-scale magic, and there is still hope of surviving the collapse of the house. If it is involved in magic such as fireball, fire wall, etc., it is definitely dead.

So now the people of Sicily are not fleeing nor staying, they can only stay at home desperately, waiting for death to come.

In the suburban Vol'jin shrine, the believers in the enclave seemed much more relieved because of the protection of the enchantment.

However, many relatives are still in the city and do not know their lives.

They stared at Katy eagerly, with strong, anxious expectations in their eyes.

They knew that every second passed, their loved ones became more and more dangerous, and those who might be alive would be affected by magic and died in the next second.

But they knew better that this matter could not be urged.

How many guards and priests there are in the temple, they also know that even if they go out, it may not be enough for the warring parties to plug their teeth, let alone bring them back.

But yesterday, Ms. Katy and the bishop told them that the Holy City of Workin had sent some people to protect them, and by the way took their loved ones out of the city.

It was getting brighter, Katie and all the guards were still keeping their eyes closed, and they were all asleep.

The first ray of sunlight came in through the church's MiG window, and Katie opened her eyes, and it was scary for a moment.

"Our people are here."

Hearing this, a group of guards and believers ecstatically ran out of the church and looked north.

Through the pale golden enchantment, you can see the blue sky and white clouds at the margins, and some black spots floated over.

Soon the black dots approached and could be seen from a distance. These black dots were pterosaurs with a length of at least four meters, and each pterosaur sat on its back with a 'fortune cat.

The beckoning cats have short bows on their backs, and pterodactyls have four quivers on each side of the back. Each quiver can hold thirty arrows.

In other words, these lucky cats riding pterosaurs can launch at least two hundred air attacks if there is no accident.

Judy flew forward. She was the only member of the Pterosaur team that did not ride a pterosaur, because she would fly by herself, and faster than the pterosaur.

She carried a long bow made entirely of light.

When forming a pterosaur squad, she found that her light blade distance could only extend up to about 50 meters, which did not match the attack distance of the pterosaur squad.

With the archery of beckoning cats, they can hit the enemy's eyes at a distance of 100 meters, and they can hardly miss the target at about 300 meters.

Therefore, the best attack range of the pterosaur team is between 100 meters and 200 meters. After all, the pterosaurs move around in the air. Even the elves with excellent archery are not possible. Guaranteed extremely high hit rate for archery.

Therefore, Judy, who has only an attack distance of 50 meters, cannot cooperate with the Pterosaur team to attack.

To this end, Judy also practiced archery for about half a month. Later, she found that she did not have the talent in this area, but she suddenly thought about it, turning her light blade into the shape of a long bow, and then using The light element energy is ammunition, and it turns out that this is very good.

As a light creature, she has strong control over the energy of bright elements. Even if she is two or three hundred meters away, she can perform a certain number of manipulations. This makes her use of light bows improve her hit rate.

The most important thing is that the light element arrows she shoots will explode, and the power is good. A large-scale attack can completely make up for the shortcoming of the low hit rate.

Coupled with her ability to mentally suppress the pterosaurs, she is well deserved, the captain of the pterosaurs.

Seeing that the pterosaur team was about to fly to the church, the believers here were already preparing to cheer. In the jungle behind, several fireballs were shot suddenly.

All the pterosaurs climbed and fled, avoiding those fireball magics that were not fast, but used as a deterrent.

"The pterosaurs that belong to the front are unknown. This is the battlefield between worshipping Vulcan and Storm theologians. Any military force coming in is regarded as a declaration of war. Please return if you do not want to misunderstand.

The sound is very loud and can be heard within a few kilometers, obviously using the magic of sound reinforcement.

Five red priests came out from the edge of the woods.

The church heard it too.

Many Woking believers raised their hearts.

In the impression of all humans in the world, wealth theology is rich and kind, willing to build roads and mountains, but no one has ever thought that they have a powerful fighting force.

After all, it is a little teacher who has appeared for less than ten years.

A large number of believers,, even believe that this pterosaur team may retreat when they hear the threat of worship.

Although there is some disappointment in my heart, no one complains. After all, most people understand that believers believe in goddesses. It is a matter for believers. In this world, no sect has ever been willing to live and die with other ordinary believers. Teach war, especially in this very sensitive situation.

The pterosaur team circled in the air, and the unvoiced female voice passed down at the same time: "We are the rescue team of the **** of wealth. Let ’s take them safely, obstructers, let alone kill! Let ’s repeat again, let alone kill. ”

The priests in red robes laughed angrily.

On the other side of the church, believers and guards cheered.

Katie's smile was sweet, and she shouted to the surrounding guards: "Don't patronize yourself, be prepared for battle. Your pope, you can be really irritable."

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