Noble Emblem

Chapter 932: Hear the brave story

When Beta heard that Kyle was seriously injured, she temporarily put down her work and teleported to Winterwind.

When he saw his student, he found that the latter was leaning on the bedside and enjoying the "service" of two beautiful girls. One

One is Beta, a student of Beta, and the other is a magic girl in a black robe. Beta doesn't know her name, but she must be one of Kyle's women when she is here.

Seeing Beta coming in, Kyle immediately swallowed the food in his mouth, jumped to the ground, and smiled awkwardly, "Teacher, when are you here?"

"I've been waiting outside for a while, hasn't Barbara made anyone come to inform you first?"

After a brief silence, both the master and apprentice understood Barbara's intention. I want Beta to see how slutty he is as a student, but also a silent complaint: see what you have taught your students!

At this moment, both the master and apprentice smiled awkwardly.

Belin came over and smiled sweetly, "Teacher, it's been a long time."

Belin, who was just in her early twenties, has lost the young girl's youthfulness, and has a young woman's charm. She was very grateful to Beta, and several turns in her life were all brought by Beta.

And another black robe magic girl Anna Xing Beta formally salutes, she knows what this man is in front of her.

Knowing that Beta and Kyle had something to say, Belin took Anna's hand and left the room.

Beta looked at Kyle.

Once the youth of Qing Shi has become a steady young man, although the corner of his eye is still taking off some young people, but it has faded.

"sit down."

Beta first sat down, then looked at Kyle, his opponent's arm was completely cut off, and his left shoulder was covered with a thick layer of white gauze. No blood was visible.

Broken arms may be a big deal for ordinary people, but a trivial matter for professionals. A powerful healing and broken limb regeneration magic, according to personal constitution, the arm can grow back in about ten days, but it will consume a lot of vitality.

The average person's vitality is not strong enough, rebirth of broken limbs can make them lose about ten years of life, but for professionals, it will only lose about five years.

And the life expectancy of professionals is generally much longer than normal people, so they are not too afraid of a sudden loss of body. But even so, professionals cannot regenerate their limbs too many times, after all, they have a limited life span.

"Can you tell me in detail what happened?" Beta smiled. "The message you sent me is too brief, and I don't know many things."

Kyle repeats things again.

After listening to it, Beta groaned for a while and said, "It's clear they came at your arm. To be precise, they came at your round table system."

"But I'm still a round table knight." Kyle was puzzled: "They paid a strong man for it, is it worth it?"

"Those evil characters are extreme egoists. As long as their own interests are in hand, others don't care whether they live or die, and they don't have the concept of companionship." Beta sneered: "I probably guessed something. Someone wants to test it. , Can I **** the round table system from me or copy it out. "

"It seems they can't take it away."

Kyle also knows how ‘powerful’ the identity of the Knights of the Round Table is. The task system that can gradually become stronger as long as you do n’t do any exercise, as long as you complete the daily tasks of chai, oil, and salt, is too bad.

His wife Barbara does not practice magic and meditation very much now. Every day is to complete the daily tasks given by the system. They are cooking or making bread, or watering flowers. They have less experience level, but they ca n’t stand 'persistence'. Two words.

After a few years, her strength rose instead of falling, although it was a bit slow, but she has begun to move towards the master level.

And Kyle himself, often surrounded the bear people, from time to time the system will give the task of killing how many bear people, after finishing, you can get an experience, naturally better than his wife's watering and cooking tasks.

In recent years, his strength has begun to move towards legend. He figured that he would hold on, and hopefully broke the legend before the age of thirty.

Who does not want such a knighthood of the Round Table.

Moreover, there are other very useful small functions in the Round Table Knight system.

Beta said a little apologetically: "In essence, they came at me, and you just got hurt."

"Teacher, don't say such things." Kyle said very seriously: "If it weren't for you, I would still be an ignorant kid. If it weren't for you, I would be at the mercy of my destiny and live a miserable life. If it were not for you, me You can't marry Barbara. It can be said that my life is yours, and everything I give you. Even if I give my life to you, I should do it.

Beta was touched a little and patted Kyle's shoulder. Kyle is the most affectionate and the best student he has ever taught.

Compared with Joshua, it is a world different.

After chatting with Kyle, Beta left, not long. I probably know what's going on, and it's much easier. Next, we can formulate countermeasures or take precautions.

He is a pope, and now has a lot of teaching affairs, and his personal free time is getting less and less.

After Beta left, Barbara entered the room and saw Kyle sitting in a daze, she said, "Why don't you let the Pope stay a little longer? He came less than half a day ago, and spread it out. Others thought we were entertaining us. The guest is not good, or he thinks he has something to do with our family.

"The relationship between the teacher and me does not require so many polite things." Kyle pushed the two baubles in front of him to Barbara: "This is a gift that the teacher gave us two children, and he made it himself. "

These are two very delicate and even cute wristbands. The bracers are made of pure gold, hollowed into a mesh, and decorated with many gems. From this description alone, it may make people feel the taste of an upstart.

But the magic light pattern flowing above immediately made the style of the two wristbands upscale. Gems can be used as the core material of magic equipment, which is almost everyone's knowledge. Anything related to magic is upscale.

Each of these two wristbands is inlaid with at least seven gems of different colors. At the current price of gemstones, plus the energy consumed to create these two things, etc., these two wristbands have light materials and time cost. It is worth at least three hundred gold coins.

Not to mention this is still a magical item, the technical value inside is even more expensive.

"You broke an arm for him, and he sent two pieces of invaluable magic equipment, and it was considered intentional, so I managed to tie it." Barbara muttered softly.

But Kyle's face suddenly became serious: "Barbara, you can't say that."

Barbara was a little surprised. Her husband had always been very gentle to himself. He had never seen him really look at himself for so many years after marriage, but now, his expression was rare and severe.

Kyle stared into her eyes: "The identity of the Knights of the Round Table was given to us by the teacher. Not what we deserve. If you think that the identity of the Knights of the Round Table is a burden for us, then I will go immediately Okinawa City, ask the teacher to take back his knighthood. "

Barbara was suddenly dumb, she was not stupid, and she was also worldly. It was just too painful for her husband, and when he knew that the enemy was coming towards the Knights of the Round Table, he subconsciously complained about Beta. This is the instinct of a good wife.

Now Kelti ordered, she immediately understood. The value of the identity of the Knights of the Round Table.

Anything of value will be watched. If, for this reason, you throw away valuable things, or turn them away, then you will surely let people countless opportunities.

Let her abandon her identity as a Knight of the Round Table?

She couldn't do it, the more she knew about the knight system, the more she felt the value of that identity.

Not only her, neither Kyle nor her mother Sophia, got strong power and qualification from this identity.

How many people are stuck at the elite level can not be advanced, how many people can not break the wall before stopping at the master level. And they didn't have that trouble.

The most typical examples are fathers and mothers.

After discarding his role as a Knight of the Round Table, his father stood still, and as he grew older, there were still signs of regression.

The mother, who was already a master-class assassin at this time, was also moving in the direction of legend like her husband Kyle.

Even a lazy man like herself, drinking afternoon tea every day, and occasionally completing some daily tasks, her strength has grown much faster than Anna's diligent little sister-in-law.

Ask her to abandon her role as a Knight of the Round Table?


Barbara's expression softened and she said, "I know I'm wrong, don't be so fierce."

Kyle rubbed his face, sat next to his wife, and said, "I haven't told you something, I didn't want to say it, but now I feel like talking to you."

Barbara nervously said, "Do you have children outside?"

Kyle almost spurted blood ~ ~ He looked a little distorted: "I want to say that if no teacher changed my destiny, I should now marry Emma, ​​and most of you want to It's dead. "

Barbara looked dumbfounded.

Next, Kyle told Barbara about the fate.

After listening, Barbara's palms were all sweaty, and her body was shaking slightly because of fear.

In Kyle's narrative, she should have died and became a catalyst for Kyle's 'outbreak'. Death was terrible, but what really scared her was that the destiny daughter of her husband in fate was Emma.

The first beauty in the kingdom, the maiden of the Temple of the Storm, has the most perfect female princess Emma.

Anna's charming little bitch, she still has the confidence to win, but if her opponent is Emma, ​​she has no confidence at all.

You ca n’t win.

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