Noble Emblem

Chapter 933: Backyard Trivia

In fact, the big boss in Barbara's eyes, Emma, ​​a powerful enemy that was almost impossible to defeat, was accepting Shirley's criticism at this time.

"How long have you been? You haven't let Beta leave your front yard? Take your own initiative. If you always let a man go through the back door, his psychology will gradually change."

It was unwise to talk to a female hooligan, and Emma ran away, covering her face in shame.

"People who have played with Beta so many times and are so shy." Shirley muttered disdainfully as she watched Emma flee.

"Don't bully my daughter like this." Angie, who hadn't been snoring in the room, said helplessly, "You have deliberately ashamed her, is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

Shirley sat down in front of her and said, "Well worthy of being the former queen, she is really smart."

"Don't sneer at me," Angie said as she combed her hair. "A little cleverness without power can only make people feel funny. In the eyes of really powerful people, I'm a little clever woman like a monkey. . "

"Don't make it so miserable." Shirley chuckled. "You are now Beta's woman, one of the top executives in Okinawa City. Even the goddess acquiesces in your existence, who dares to underestimate you."

"The goddess's acquiescence?" Angie was a little surprised, but also unknown. Nothing related to the gods can be trivial.

"If you know it well, don't say it. If you don't know it, you don't need to know it. It's a good thing for you anyway." Shirley continued, "I want to talk to you this time, mainly to ask you , Did you deliberately use methods to enhance the probability of pregnancy, such as special postures, when you and Beta are intimate? "

Silent for a while, Angie nodded. "I love him very much and want to have a child of his."

"This is also the purpose of my talk with you this time. You don't need and can't do this." Shirley said calmly: "It is reasonable to say that we can't conceive a child of Beta, after all, in terms of soul rules and physical fitness There is a big difference. But Beta has a very special blood of the dragon race. The combination of dragon creatures and any creatures has a certain chance to make interracial pregnancy, so you don't deliberately strengthen the chance of pregnancy. "

Biting her lips gently, Angie looked a bit lost: "Why can't I just because I have other men?"

"That's not the case." Shirley looked at Angie, who seemed a little sad, and felt that something had to be thoroughly understood by her, lest she be unhappy, and try to coax her with Beta. Then he said, "It's not that you can never have his children, but it's not right now. Beta's first child must be ..."

Shirley stopped here and pointed to the roof.

At first Angie didn't understand what was going on. Looking at the roof for two seconds, it was strange, there was nothing on it. Then he reacted suddenly, and above the roof was the sky.

The sky has always been the site of gods.

The reason suddenly came to an end, and Angel had no other thoughts immediately. She smiled: "I see, I will wait patiently."

Coy Emma escaped the room and came to Beta's study subconsciously. Although it was almost late at night, Beta was still dealing with educational affairs.

Looking in from the window, you can see the young man in white pajamas working attentively. Serious men are the most handsome, and this statement is also feasible in the other world, and Beta's face is still very high.

Emma looked fascinated.

Seems to be feeling the sight of others, Beta raised her head, saw Emma, ​​and beckoned.

Emma walked in, and a small heart fluttered. It's evening and it's really a good time for intimacy again.

Beta took out a piece of paper and put it in front of her: "Tomorrow I will make a hundred copies of this portrait and send it to all the bishops of the temple, tell them to stick it on the door of the temple. The woman in the portrait is wanted to catch twenty One gold coin, ten gold coins of the corpse, providing valid information, one gold coin. "

The portrait is of a girl Emma also met. She had previously heard Beta tell her true identity, and was a man inside.

A man has a pair of such "wonderful shame", and Emma feels that the world is deeply malicious to her. Why is she so cute, but she has a flat body.

Too unfair.

Instead of picking up the portrait, Emma looked at Beta, her eyes wide, her pupils hydrated, and she reflected the bright light: "I'll deal with this tomorrow. No ... other things? ? "

Beta raised her head, saw Emma's slightly red face, and then looked at her slightly expectant expression. As an old driver, he immediately understood what Emma meant.

The teaching affairs are almost finished, and the rest are not important. It doesn't matter if you stay tomorrow.

Beta thought for a while, walked over to a princess and picked her up, and went into the inner room of the study. There is a quite comfortable large bed there.

(About a thousand words are omitted below. If you want to see the full version, please pay attention to my WeChat_Yan002 ’. It will be uploaded in two days.)

The next day, Angel came in with a basin of water, wiped Beta's face first, and then pulled Emma, ​​who was hiding in the duvet, out of sight.

"Afraid of ugliness. You have grown up. I don't know how many diapers and clothes I changed for you. Why are you afraid I saw it?"

Angie's gaze was a little ridiculous.

Emma couldn't bear it, quickly put on her clothes, leapt off the bed, and ran out. It can be seen that her pace is slightly deformed, and Angie, the sharp-eyed, still sees a pool of blood stains on the bed.

She sighed slightly, her mood was a little complicated, she was a little bit upset, and she was a little bit lost. After all, her daughter really grew up.

Beta was a bit embarrassed. Anjier looked at his awkward appearance, forgave him at once, and laughed softly.

Life is now a hundred times better than before. Don't worry about political struggles, don't worry about the moody men you serve, don't worry about life after falling out of favor, and don't worry about anything.

I even have a lot of freedom and power.

This kind of life is already a paradise in her childhood dreams. Even if there are a few small flaws, she can't ask for more.

After all, there is no real perfect thing in the world. Even the goddess may have to share a husband with herself. The little problem of herself and her daughter is nothing at all. What's more, he also encouraged the man to push the daughter to himself and could not blame others.

Angie, who figured it out, became extremely happy again. After a few moments, Julie also came in. After she helped Beta change her clothes, she has always been reticent and said suddenly, "Jessica came back last night."

Jessica formed a three-member mercenary group with brothers and sisters Rooney in the past two years. Has been undertaking mission exercises throughout Hollebun.

Under Beta ’s strong demand, they only take on tasks that they can do. Although they say that this will make the growth of power slower, they win in safety.

Moreover, with the help of the mission system, their growth rate is not slow. Compared to those mercenaries with ordinary qualifications, it is already extremely fast.

Beta went to the third floor and met Jessica who just woke up. When she saw Beta slammed, she rushed over. First, she gave Beta a big hug, and then she ran around with her hands and feet.

Excited like a husky.

After a dozen laps, Jessica stood up again. I haven't seen it for more than two years. She is at least 20 centimeters tall and her body has grown. She has changed from a little girl to a pretty girl.

And it's the kind of energetic, healthy and lively beautiful girl.

Jessica suddenly grabbed Beta's hand, put it on her chest, and said proudly: "Master, my‘ small steamed bun ’is grown and ready to eat.”

For Jessica, letting her master taste her **** is the most important thing in her life.

It may be that there are too many big gimmicks recently played, and it has become a habit that Beta has subconsciously grasped.

It should be the cause of the werewolf race. Jessica's **** is very flexible, as if holding two extremely flexible water balls, pressing it down, then releasing it, and it bounces on the ground.

Jessica's face was a little reddish, and she didn't expect that it was so strange to be scratched by the owner, and she also had a contented comfort.

No wonder Shirley they like to scratch their heads so much.

Looking at Jessica's somewhat shy expression, Beta stroked the top of her head and said, "Grow up."

Jessica focused on: "Well. Master, I can help you in the future, whether it is fighting or ... otherwise."

The return of brothers and sisters Jessica and Wayne Rooney relieved Betac's shortage. Jessica has now entered the master level, and after a period of training at the bottom of the temple guard regiment, she is a very powerful combat force.

The siblings of Rooney also passed the elite. Although they did not reach the master, they were not far behind. My sister can help Emma in the town hall ~ ~ Just like Jessica, my brother throws it into the temple guard and starts from the bottom.

Life in the next two months seemed very peaceful, and the cult followers of Holewein were exterminated by the “capital order” of the God of Wealth, so nothing troublesome has happened in the country recently.

There was only one real thing ... King Hollevin and the lords led their troops to Sicily.

The shadows of war began to hang over the people of both countries.

The priest of the Fortune Religion has arrived in Sicily and has been staying in Sicily. Katie, who is responsible for supervising the reconstruction, met his patrons.

"It's really jealous." The young king looked at Katie, who was standing, and twitched at the corners of his mouth: "Beta's **** snatched my Angie and snatched you away too, I really think Give that guy a hard shot. "

Katy's face was cold: "Her Majesty, please be careful. I was only a mercenary you hired and never belonged to you. In addition, please respect our Pope."

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