Noble Emblem

Chapter 934: Conspiracy

Katie is grateful to the king, the former great prince. Had it not been for hiring himself and giving him a lot of money, this would have required the priest to hang on to his mother's life and propagate Beta to him like Prince Charming.

But this is not the reason the other party can insult Beta in front of him.

Katie is very clear that if she is grateful to the king, then to Beta, she will not be able to repay the broken bones and cannot repay the kindness.

The grace of saving the mother is so great that she is public and private, and she is reasonable, and Beta is the first in her heart. Even the belief in the goddess is not so piety.

She had decided that if the king insulted Beta again, she would immediately turn her face. After all, she is also the third person in the Fortune Gods by name, and now she is qualified to do some wayward things.

In front of her was nothing but Beta and Shirley. As for Saint Joan, she is still leading a group of newly graduated pastors to help the poor in the countryside. After a few years of success, her reputation will naturally rise.

At that time, I could probably compete with Katie for the third place in the teaching.

The king looked at Katie with a bit of surprise. He didn't expect it. When he looked at the honest and introverted, the unintentional Katie now became so domineering and dared to shout to himself.

"You ... have really become a little different." The King sighed softly: "I apologize, in fact I respect the Beta Crown. But he has too many good things that I don't have, beautiful things, I'm jealous That's it. "

When Cathy looked at the king with an apologetic seriousness and did not seem to be cheating, he gently exposed the matter and asked, "Is there anything important that the king called me to meet?"

The king nodded: "There are certain things. I want to ask if that pterosaur team can be recruited into our army. As a chaplain in the army, I heard that you have their command."

Upon hearing this, Katie flatly refused: "Impossible, Your Majesty. Although I can command this Pterodactyl squad, but the scope is limited to Sicilian City. They are essentially under Her Majesty, and no one can change it except the Pope. The order they received before. "

"You can't be a dark consul?"

Katie shook her head. "No."

It was a pity that the young king came to Sicily, and when he saw the pterosaurs that appeared from time to time in the air, he coveted.

He didn't fancy the beauty of Judy and the beckoning cats, but simply saw how a powerful air force would change the battlefield pattern.

Apart from that, a wide range of reconnaissance horizons are enough for them to be valued, not to mention that they have extremely powerful combat capabilities.

"That's a pity." The king sighed softly. "If you contact Pope Beta and say I don't want him to provide war funding, or he will lend me the pterosaur team temporarily."

Katie shook her head again: "Without sending a message, I can tell Her Majesty explicitly here, it's impossible! I understand the character of Beta, I will never lend my woman."

"I have no interest in his woman."

Katie waved and said, "You can say that, but no one will think so. Your Majesty the King, you are young and strong, and Ms. Judy is suffocating. No one can guarantee that Your Majesty will not mind you. Don't dare. "

The king was silent for a while and said, "That's a pity."

"If nothing else, I'll retreat first." Katy gave a slight salute.

The king waved his hand silently, signalling that she could go.

When Katie left, a young general next to the king stood up.

Just now he was watching the conversation between the king and Katie. At this time, his face was not very good: "Your Majesty, this woman doesn't seem to respect you very much. I think the wealth theology is too powerful and its reputation is too great. Faintly rebellious. "

"Which deity does not have antipathy?" His Majesty said gently: "Only the theology of wealth has written its own doctrine of non-interference in the internal affairs. Only the wealth of religion is really building a road. , Digging canals, applying medicine to save people, and to benefit our citizens. "

He looked at the young general and said, "I know you are a devout believer in the life deities. Did the life deities do this?"

The young general suddenly sweated.

"Why don't I know that the wealth deity has reached this step, it is already dangerous. But the short one is taller. I don't support the wealth deity that really does the actual thing. Do we want to support some people who are neutral in order, but what is it? Did n’t do the right thing, but the sect that has been absorbing the blood of ordinary people? ”

The king's gaze was like a knife on the young imitator: "Well, Engel, tell me, what is the major move of life theology to benefit the people recently?"

"We recently ... conducted a large-scale event to treat the people for free." The young general thought for a while, and said slowly, his figure was also straightened.

"It's quite big," the king chuckled. "It's carried out in six cities around the sanctuary of your life deities, benefiting tens of thousands of people, and it's not just our nationals, Hahaha."

Hearing the king's contemptuous laughter, the young general's face was ugly. Indeed, the actions of the Temple of Life compared to the theology of wealth are like children playing in a house.

But which theology can be more powerful than the 'wealth movement'. Even the sanctuary that had not been destroyed before, such as the bright deity of the sun and the sky, could not achieve this level.

It can only be said that the recent 'policies' of Fortune Theology are too far beyond their imaginable specifications.

The major deities do not fully understand what the purpose of the wealth deity is to do good things and hardly ask for returns. Really have too much money to spend?

This is actually the reason for the wide gap between the two sides. Just like in situ, many people oppose the construction of high-speed rail. They believe that repairing high-speed rail will be a bad job for the people, and most of the routes will not make money, and it will require state subsidies.

However, they did not see the economic effects brought by the completion of the high-speed rail network, the advantages of large-scale regional integration, and the economic effects brought by the future, far exceeding their construction and maintenance expenditures.

Even in the information age, many people do not understand why a high-speed rail was built, let alone in a world where the literacy rate is less than 1%.

Only a very small number of high-ranking people faintly felt something and felt the benefits of road construction, but their eyes were still on their own territory and place, and they did not put it on a higher economic trend. on.

The economy is up and business is alive, even if no one trusts Woking. Its profound business practices can also generate enough faith.

Therefore, the business atmosphere of Hollevan now is very strong. On the avenues built by the gods of wealth, running a continuous stream of merchants and travellers, the whole country of Hollevan is linked together ... Now the divine power of Woking returns Quickly, he even dared to leave the kingdom of God and ran to the void to inquire about the news.

The young general bowed his head and was afraid to say anything.

The young king said to him, "I want you to stay here today, and I want you to tell your pope on behalf of you. When will the life deities do half the work of the wealth deities? . "

The young general left with no expression on his face, no greetings, no salute, quite arrogant.

The king hummed softly, and was a little angry. It is true that the Wealth God's teachings do not interfere in internal affairs. Occasionally touched the line, and after the reaction came back very quickly.

But life deities are different. He found that one fifth of the generals in his army actually joined life deities.

In the palace, there are also several maids who are true believers in the **** of life. Recently, he also wanted to pull his lover into the religion.

If it wasn't for Dong Zheng, he would definitely come for a cleanup.

This time he just beat the life theology by the wealth theology. The former provides military priests and military resources, as long as they have the right to preach in the occupied area.

The life gods eroded his subordinates without saying that he still wanted to ask him for military power, and even wanted to claim territory after the victory of the war.

Who gives them such a big face!

Katie returned to the church and sent the conversation to Beta. Beta soon responded.

‘Do n’t worry, the King is not targeting us. ’

Seeing this sentence, Katie immediately felt relieved. She knew that her political sensitivity was not high, and maintaining the reputation of the gods and popes was the top priority, but in case it affected the layout of Beta, it would be bad.

After relaxing, she flipped the information slip over and over for a while, and didn't find any more news.

I want to be your knight ... you couldn't agree, after so many days, I didn't give a letter of trust, which made people's hearts go up and down.

Katy grinds her cute tusks resentfully.

In fact, Beta doesn't need to think about it at all. Katie is also an old friend. She wants to be a knight, naturally it is ok. When she comes back ~ ~, let Shirley register her as a second-level knight.

He now faces another option.

"Our little queen, intends to come and live in Oregon City for a while. If you agree, her safety will be guaranteed by your Okinawa City."

Coco Yala from the elves smiled mischievously: "Of course, we also brought more than twenty druids of good quality. If you agree, the druids will stay. If you don't agree, , We elves will retreat to the elven forest. "

After hearing this, Beta's face wrinkled sadly: "Why your little queen is going to Okinkin City, isn't the Elven Forest enough for her to play?"

He could see that Cocoara still had a great interest in his 'seeds'. But these things cannot be said on the bright side.

"No way, the little princess is still young and has a lot of fun." Coco Yarra chuckled: "We sent twenty druids over, and we have shown great sincerity, you protect What happened to our little princess! "

Beta felt a toothache. Yang Mo, this is Yang Mo.

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