Noble Emblem

Chapter 942: Picking up trash is Husky's instinct

Winter is almost over, but the weather is getting colder because of the melting snow.

In the palace of the King of France, not only is it warm as spring, it also has a hot atmosphere.

The dignified Queen Salsa was now embracing Huan under a handsome young man. A pair of round, white jellies rocked up and down rhythmically as her body jolted.

"You haven't ... see me in a long time." Sasa said hardly, her voice as if crying: "Bully me when you come. Is it interesting ...?"

It ’s interesting. Of course it's interesting.

Beta blinked and said, "I look happy at you."

Sasha's face turned redder, annoyed, angry and shy, unable to speak at all. In addition, Beta strengthened the attack. She only uttered a few beeps and was continuously vacated by continuous attacks. I didn't know how long it was empty, it was already evening when she opened her eyes to be awake.

With a memorable aftertaste remaining on her body, Sasha stood up and a maid next to her immediately came to her and put on her veil.

Beta was sitting on a chair in the room and silently watching the melting snow outside the window.

Salsa came to him and sat down, asking, "What are you thinking about?"

Her face was rosy, and at first glance she was moisturized and was about to make up for it.

"Thinking about things when I was a kid." Beta smiled and switched off the subject: "Why didn't you see Mu Lin?"

If it had been before, Mu Lin would have come to chat with him.

"Just put people on the bed like that. Now put on your pants and ask your sister if you have any conscience." Sa Sajiao said.

Even the innocent princess Sasa of that time will now have a yellow cavity. I have to say that the courage of a woman who has gone through personnel will be much greater than before.

Beta smiled awkwardly, and he asked Mu Lin, she just wanted to meet her old friend, and had no other meaning.

But women are emotional. The more you refute, the more they doubt. In this case, the best response is not to speak.

Sure enough, Sasa waited for a while without seeing Beta, and explained: "Did you not build a lot of large teleportation magic circles with us last time. There were a few minor problems. How did Mu Lin lead someone to investigate the past? Something happened. "

"It doesn't seem to be a matter of formation."

Sasa nodded. "Operator's question."

Beta can probably guess what is going on. The benefits of large teleportation magic circles are really too great. Even the transmission authority is in the hands of the royal family members. But it is difficult to guarantee that these royal family members sent out will not have other demands or desires.

With appeals and desires, there is a possibility of being bribed and extorted.

Mu Lin mostly went out to 'clean up the portal'.

"You can stay here for a few more days until Mu Lin comes back." Salsabe leaned her head on Beta's shoulder and continued. "She has been thinking about you some time ago that you forgot us."

"I've been busy lately. When I set up a cabinet to discuss politics, I'll relax, and I will often have time to meet at that time."

"You're willing to let power out?" Sasa was a little surprised. "Can you make sure you don't raise tigers?"

Beta replied: "As long as the system is perfected and military power is in the hands, it can't be turned upside down."

"Then can I do the same here?" Sasa's eyes were gleaming. "I know that you are much better than me in terms of internal affairs. You just know the way you pull the wealth theology. I know I also want to be relaxed. "

"It's difficult for you." Beta said helplessly, "The core of the gods is the gods. As long as the doctrine meets the gods' concept and then holds the military power, who dares not move the pope. But the core of a country is the emperor, you No one protects you. Once something goes wrong, you have to carry everything by yourself. Such things as people ’s hearts are too difficult to guess. Moreover, France is too big and too small for the cabinet system. At least I dare not be in France Sri Lanka has a cabinet system. "

"What a pity."

Salsa sighed long. Now she found it interesting to be a queen. It's also fun to be with Beta.

It would be perfect if you could be a queen and have enough time to borrow from Beta.

"I'm here mainly to see you. There's one more thing I need to tell you."

Beta went on to say something about Rose and the Temple of Life, and also told him to send someone over to assassinate him. Finally said: "Even if Rose becomes the goddess of life, her nature will not change so quickly. I have killed the life priest before, and they have all become human spiders."

"I see." Sasha frowned, and quickly stretched out. She didn't want to show too many negative emotions in front of Beta, affecting her man's mood: "How many days can you stay here?"

"Leave tomorrow," Beta said. "I plan to go to the holy city of the Temple of Life."

Sasa guessed Beta's intention and lay on her body and smiled happily: "You are really careful, if someone hits you, you will find a way to fight back. I like you so much."

Beta stroked the queen's smooth back.

Sa Sa raised her head and smiled. "Since it's going to leave tomorrow, why not compensate me for some more time?"

Beta looked into her eyes: "Are you sure your body can handle it?"

"Come and try, who is afraid of who?" Sasa shouted in disapproval.

By noon the next day, Sasha finally woke up. She felt like her body had been sieged all night.

With fatigue, with a satisfying comfort.

She got up and looked around without seeing her man. A maid next to him said, "Queen, the prince has left. He said he would try to find time for you in the future."

That's it. Sasa was a little happy. She knew Beta's personality and she would do it. I just wait here quietly for him to come back.

But ... she suddenly said, "Go first and tell Scott of the CIA Military Aircraft to the Jinjian Hall to wait for me, and help me prepare hot water and clothes for washing."

Several maids left the palace.

Salsa took a bath with the maid, and removed the pleasant smell from her body. But when she was taking a bath, she found a few red marks on her neck, and she was a bit shy.

When she was wearing clothes, she wanted to cover it up, but she didn't think about it again.

Beta went to the palace for two nights, and many people knew. Covering the ears and stealing the bell is not interesting.

After getting dressed, Salsa met Scott in the Jin Jian Hall.

This is a young man with dark green wavy hair. Judging from his looks, this man is very loyal.

"Help me investigate how many temples of life and priests there are in the country. In addition, investigate again and see how much they have done.

Scott saw the pink red marks on Salsa's neck, and hurriedly lowered his head, afraid to read more.

"Queen, you have to deal with the theology of life?"

Scott heard the evil spirit in Salsa.

Salsa nodded: "I don't like the way the Temple of Life has been doing recently."

The Temple of Life has not been doing anything in France recently. Who told the Queen's Temple of Life, or said something bad about it.

As soon as this doubt appeared in his mind, Scott immediately thought of someone.

Prince Beta-Lyon.

Legend has it that he is the Pope of the God of Wealth.

This man wants to deal with the life deities and then drag Queen Salsa to his warship?

With this in mind, Scott immediately shouted on one knee and shouted, "Queen, we cannot be a knife in the hands of others. You have to consider for our citizens. Now that we have finally ended the civil war, we can no longer drag the entire country Into the mire of war. "

"I didn't intend to do anything to the **** of life." Salsa looked at Scott and said coldly, "I just let you investigate what they can't see. You are so reacted, do you think that the temple of life, Did n’t do anything that deserves our attention? "

Sa Sa is a good magician, originally a professional, and has not weak courage over ordinary people. Plus she's now a queen, and she has more authority.

Scott felt he couldn't take it anymore, and he lowered his head even lower: "Queen, this is my word of loyalty. Now it is really inappropriate for France to start a war. We need to rest for at least five years. "

"I'll let you investigate, you'll investigate." Sasha said calmly, "If you don't want to sit in your current position anymore, I can satisfy you at any time, understand?"


Compared to your own future, what is the Temple of Life. Scott naturally knows how to choose.

After bending over to salsa, he left the hall.

At this point Beta had left the city of Frans, hired a carriage, and was moving slowly south of Frans.

As he walked south, the snow on the ground was disappearing. By the time of the French border, there was no winter breath, only spring rain.

Spring in the south always comes earlier.

Jessica leaned her head out of the carriage, looked around, and was about to move. The wolf blood in her body made her extremely excited.

If it weren't for the owner sitting next to her, she jumped off the carriage early and ran away with a whisper.

Julie sat in the carriage, like a statue.

After a while, she turned to Beta and said, "Master, let's go back to that space. The carriage is not very comfortable."

Although they are both maids, Julie and Jessica have opposite personalities. One joy, one joy.

Beta also felt that the carriage was bumpy and uncomfortable than watching the scenery outside, and Julie should prefer to sit in the mansion to read a book or rest.

After putting Julie into the mansion, Jessica suddenly pulled Beta's arm and looked at the latter with anticipation.

Beta understood her meaning, touched her head, and said pettiously, "Go out and relax yourself, remember to follow up."

Jessica happily hugged Beta, then jumped out of the carriage, and rushed into the woods by the road at a rapid speed, and faintly heard howling in the trees.

Mafra opened his window and pointed to where Jessica had disappeared, anxiously speechless.

Beta smiled. "It's all right, she'll be back in a moment."

The groom felt relieved when he saw that he was dull.

The carriage continued, and Beta closed her eyes and stunned.

About an hour later, Jessica caught up from behind, and her mouth seemed to be holding something.

When she caught up with the carriage, jumped into the carriage, and then opened her mouth with a porch, she sprayed out a humanoid gadget.

This little humanoid was about the size of Beta's palm. It was contaminated with Jessica's saliva. When it fell to the ground, it also called "Oh!"

Then he stumbled to his feet, looked around, crouched down, and shuddered, afraid to look at people.

"Master, what is this?" Jessica looked curious.

Beta looked for a while, and found that this little thing had dragonfly-like transparent wings, which looked exactly like humans, but shrank countless times.

She wore a green one-piece dress made entirely of leaves.

"It should be a flower fairy." Beta also felt strange: "Isn't a flower fairy usually staying in the elven forest? How did you run outside? There are thousands of kilometers away from the elven forest ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Jessica said, "At first I thought it was edible. After all, it smelled like a sweet honey. It turned out that he looked like a human and caught it. "

This little thing is still squatting on the ground and shaking.

Beta, from the mansion space, took a stick and poked at the little thing, and asked, "Little guy, what's your name, how did you come here?"

The little things still trembled on the ground, afraid to move.

Beta thought about it and threw this little thing into the mansion space. Julie is in there. As a maid, she should be able to bathe this little thing.

The carriage continued on, and Jessica was crazy outside for more than an hour. She was crazy enough, and was resting against Beta's shoulders.

Two hours later, the carriage reached Lorde, one of several border cities in the south of France.

Beta left a magical beacon outside the city, and then passed through the city, crossing the border with the guard's gaze.

As a magician, no one dared to check his identity, and no one dared to stop him.

Out of Lodri's walls, you can see the greenery in front of it, and even the temperature seems to be about two degrees higher.

The coachman hurried ahead in front of him and said, "Master Master, if you go further, you will reach the first city of Longgekang. If you can, can you hide your little maid?"

"Why?" Beta asked.

The chariot whispered, "The lord of that city is very lascivious, and he especially likes to rob someone's girl to go back and abuse it. The average woman is not beautiful enough and he despises it, but your little maid is really ..."

Beta frowned, and Jessica was stowed into the mansion space.

If you are out of the house and you are unfamiliar with your life, you can do one thing less.

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