Noble Emblem

Chapter 943: Hit face

943 hit the face

Thanks to the driver's reminder, no accident occurred, and Beta entered the city of Xixiang in Longgekan easily.

Because it is a border city, Beta can see soldiers appearing on the street from time to time. And these soldiers are also very elite.

In addition, Beta also saw a huge military camp towering next to the city's main residence. Beta estimates that there should be more than 700,000 civilians and nearly 80,000 soldiers in the city.

Such regional power is relatively strong in the world.

Without the shelter of the World Tree, there would be no Cocoara. The power of such a territory is estimated to destroy the elven clan.

Such regional forces are everywhere in the human world. Therefore, Coco Yala has such a strong sense of urgency. However, she has experienced the spirit of the era of the real 'Great Empire'. With her previous experience, she can see how powerful the human world is now.

Dragons ... There is really no way to compare human strength with humans.

That's why she found Beta and found a wealth god.

Entering into the city, Beta found a hotel to stay in, then went out and bought some dye to come back, and dyed her hair, which was like golden silk, to gray-brown.

After all, this is the site of the Temple of Life. It is good to be cautious.

After closing the door of the hotel room, Beta also entered the mansion.

Julie and Jessica were lying on the table, looking at a small thing in the center of the table.

The little thing had been washed by Julie at this time, and she had changed into white clothes.

Beta knew at first glance that the clothes for the little things should be made from some of the clothes left in the mansion and the corners torn off. It must be Julie's handwriting.

The little thing was lying on the plate, sucking some honey on the plate. To it, the plate is as big as a bed, and the honey on it is a big meal.

Beta's appearance scared her, and she flew up and hid behind Julie's arm.

"Is your relationship so good?" Beta asked curiously.

Julie closed her palms and held the little thing in her hand, then opened it in front of Beta, and said softly, "She's called Dove."

The name is so familiar, where have you heard it?

Beta, who was a little bit out of her mind, later found that Julie's expression had become much softer.

Since she and Joshua parted ways, she has rarely shown such an expression. Perhaps it was an excellent breakthrough for her to unlock her heart.

Originally, Beta also wanted to find a chance to send this little thing to the woods south of Woking City, and let the druids take care of it. At most it was the cost of a teleport. It is not expensive for the current beta.

But seeing what Julie looks like now, Beta thinks that leaving this little thing for a while is also a good choice.

Little things still have a lot of caution to Beta, she held Julie's thumb and looked at Beta timidly.

Beta looked at her twice and lost interest. In the game, he has seen a lot of flower fairies, and don't think it's strange.

"You guys stay here first. I'll go out and check the news."

Then he came out of the mansion space, also went out of the hotel, and walked up the street.

It's already afternoon, and the temperature here is so warm that people just want to sleep lazily.

Not many people walk on the street, most people should be resting. Beta soon found the city's temple of life.

The shrine is very large, covering an area of ​​five acres, which is estimated by beta. Many believers were blessing at the door, and the gate of the temple was opened. Except for the four guards, no priest seemed to be seen.

Beta summons Jeanne to let her watch the area from the air, and she leaves.

In the evening, Beta, from the perspective of Jeanne's spiritual link, finally saw the priests successively add to the temple from the outside.

One of them was drunk, and Beta remembered his appearance.

The next day, the priest went to drink again early in the morning.

Other priests also left the temple. Suddenly, this temple of life was vacant again.

Beta feels a little strange. The priests of these temples of life do not need to preside over prayers? Nor do you have to explain doctrines, let alone enlighten believers?

What do they eat?

If this happens to the God of Wealth, everyone in the entire temple will be severely punished.

But this is the life religion, and has nothing to do with Beta.

He asked Jeanne to watch the drunkard last night. Sure enough, the priest went to a tavern after leaving the temple. After staying there for three hours, the priest came out, turned to the alley next to the tavern, ripped off his robe, and spit on the spot.

Because of the drunken relationship, he didn't notice that there was a little beggar sleeping in the corner of his shit. As soon as he dipped in urine, he woke the little beggar.

It might be a frightened relationship. The little beggar leaped up, and then hit the priest, and then the whole person bounced back to the corner, and it hurt.

There is a huge difference in strength between professional and non-professional, not to mention this is a thin little beggar.

The little beggar got up again and was about to run away, but was kicked to the wall again by the priest.

The priest looked at the wet place in front of him, and a whisper came from there. His face gradually turned blue, and the look at the little beggar became fierce.

The beggar was thin and yellow, and could not distinguish between men and women. When he saw this, he knelt down on the ground, crying hard and begging for mercy.

He shook his head while crying.

But the priest was unmoved. He raised his foot and stepped on the left arm of the beggar with a heavy kick. After a click, the beggar fell to the ground and rolled, and his left arm was bent at a strange angle.

Sharp screams spread outside the alley, but no one dared to enter.

The priest's drunkenness seemed awake, but his eyes seemed to become more bloodthirsty.

He raised his foot again and stepped on the right thigh of the little beggar.

There was a click again, and the little beggar's rolling strength was gone, he just lay on the ground, his body was shaking, and there was a gasp sound that seemed to be dying.

The priest felt that he was in a better mood and wanted to leave, but when he saw the wetness in front of him, he went back to the little beggar again and raised his leg.

This time his gaze locked on the little beggar's head.

But he didn't step on his leg.

This was not because of his conscience, but because he felt his back of his head caught by something hard and powerful like iron tongs.

The opponent's strength was so great that he couldn't even turn around. Yu Guang could barely see it. He seemed to be standing behind him.

"Who, I'm an alternate bishop of the Temple of Life."

The people behind him ignored him, but slammed his entire face against the wall with a force in his right hand.

Warriors have the thickest skins because they are strong. If the soldier's face hits the wall, most of the broken pieces will be the wall. But this man is a priest.

With a bang, he felt his nose was unconscious, and the flesh of the entire face seemed to rot.

The severe pain made him scream, and the alley came out. This time, no one was still in the alley because I didn't dare.

Looking at the priest's face, she smiled and said, "Not enough!"

Then again, he struck the man's face against the wall again. After slamming the floor, the man's nose was completely invisible, and the whole face seemed to be flat, and the flesh was blurred.

But even then, the priest did not die.

Beta throws him aside, then walks to the little beggar, drops a healing scroll, and pulls out two pieces of dry food at the same time.

The healing scroll completely healed the little beggar's fracture, and it didn't take many minutes.

Then in the surprised and unbelievable eyes of the little beggar, Beta slid two pieces of dry food into his hands, and said, "Let's go, it's best to leave this city."

The beggar looked at Beta's face as if to remember him in his heart. Then he stood up, bowed to Beta with tears in his eyes, holding two pieces of dry food, and turned and ran ~ ~ Watching the beggar leave the alley, Beta walked over, dragging the clothes of the priest's back, and led him into the alley.

Five minutes later, Beta snorted softly at a dead human spider in front of her.

"Sure enough, Rose has begun to corrupt the priest of the entire life deity."

Beta didn't stay in this city much more. He first burned the human spider with ashes by magic, and then went to the next city while no one was found missing in the Temple of Life.

In the new city, he found another priest with a very bad character and killed him directly, and found that the man had also become a human spider.

Every time he went to a city, he would kill one or two priests with "bad spots". Almost all priests became human spiders, and only one priest maintained the appearance of a human.

After more than ten days, he was very close to the holy city of the Temple of Life. The disappearance of a large number of priests finally caught the attention of the heresy interrogation bureau of the Temple of Life.

A team followed the city that Beta passed and followed up. They could not find the missing priests, but after drawing a red line on the map for the missing city, the entire team fry.

"Someone is coming towards the holy city of our gods."

Everyone in the heresy interrogation squad looked dumbfounded. They quickly returned to the holy city, and informed the pope of the Temple of Life about this guess.

The pope with green hair on his head, looking at his pine bark-like right hand, said faintly: "Since I became pope, I have been assassinated by idiots who are not afraid of death once or twice a month, but they have never succeeded. This time is the same No need to panic, you just have to be prepared as before. "

Calmness is a necessary quality of the Pope, but heresy interrogation teams encounter such things and cannot be calmed down. They can only go crazy.

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