Noble Emblem

Chapter 944: Greed

The heresy interrogation team launched an arrest in the holy city involving almost the entire city. I caught some people, but never got to the man who was very handsome and had a little maid beside him.

Although no one was arrested, the heresy interrogation bureau was not vegetarian. According to the information collected during the follow-up, they found that the magician, except for his hair color, was suspected of the pope of the **** of wealth.

After reaching this conclusion, they were a little surprised and excited, and immediately reported to the Pope.

After hearing about the Pope of the Life Gods, he frowned slightly: "This is impossible. You think a Pope of a sect will leave his own place at will, and take a maid to the enemy's house, and along the way Still so high-profile? "

The questioning of the heresy interrogator was dumb, and the Pope's reasoning was indeed very logical.

"So, did you catch this young man posing as a pope of wealth?" Jiao Guan stared at the interrogator.

The heresy interrogator still shook his head. At this moment, he seemed to be a waste, and nothing was done. He actually ran to the Pope to show his credit?

"Be calm for a while," the Pope sighed. "You have to think about things before you speak and do things. You have a good ability, but your character is impulsive, otherwise you can rise to a higher position."

The heresy interrogator stepped back with great shame. Out of the Pope's Hall, he said fiercely to his subordinates who had been waiting for a long time: "dig the ground three feet, and find out the fake pope who teased us, understand?"

As soon as this order came out, the sanctuary of the **** of life was a chicken flying over a period of time.

But Beta was not in the sanctuary of the life deity at this time. He is not a fool, knowing that his actions will cause the other party to be alert, naturally he will not continue to stay in the other's base camp.

He left a hidden magic beacon on the outskirts of the Holy Spirit of Life, and then teleported back to Okin.

Unlike Longekan, Hollevan is still in the tail of winter. The snow outside the city makes it feel a bit cold.

Not far from this time in Okinawa City, in the new-born elven woods, there are four seasons like spring, and the birds call insects, full of vitality.

Such a scene naturally attracted the attention of many people. Some nobles and large businessmen in Okinkin City also wanted to move in, but they were blocked, and they couldn't even do it near the periphery.

This naturally caused some resentment.

Then naturally there will be some not very good discussions, circulating in a small circle.

When Beta returned from the outside, Angie reported it to him.

Holding the report and sitting in the arms of the former queen Angie, Beta frowned slightly.

At this time Emma came in and saw her mother sitting on Beta's lap, and her clothes were taken to her shoulders. She rushed over as soon as she turned red. Pulling down her mother's clothes and dragging her aside, she sat on Beta's lap herself.

This meal is fast and skilled.

Angela covered her mouth, smiled, and said to Beta: "It's my turn today, and I'll wait for you at night."

When she watched her mother leave, Emma blushed red. She was holding Beta's neck and said affectionately: "You and your mother take a break, in case you have a baby in trouble, I have another baby, what should I do?"

Hmm ... this is indeed a problem.

"But we've been in trouble." Beta sighed. "Sometimes you're stuck in the middle."

"Don't say it." Emma shyly covered Beta's mouth, then threw a government order slip on the table, and ran away.

Betta frowned slightly, holding the information that Angel gave.

After a while, Shirley came in, and she asked, "What about your nobles and merchants who want to move to the elven woods?"

"Invite these four to come in a better tone." Beta ordered the names above.

Shirley looked at the names and smiled. "Okay."

The invitation soon reached the hands of the three nobles and a large businessman. After getting the invitation, their first thing was to get together.

The firewood in the fireplace was extremely hot. Viscount Sharp-Harry sat on his seat, looking at his three allies.

As a fifty-seven-year-old man, he doesn't look old, but rather looks like a young man in his thirties.

"Her Majesty the Pope has entertained us, presumably our thoughts have been passed on to his ears." He said with pride, "Anyway, our thoughts are at least correct. Next, we must have the same heart Concession to Her Majesty. The city is big, but all power is in the hands of the Pope, which is not good. "

The others smiled slightly.

But someone asked, "What if the Pope does something to us? Our force is far worse than he is."

"Impossible." Viscount Sharp said with confidence: "The God of Wealth is an order-neutral sect. They even prefer the kind side. Such a sect, they cherish their reputation and will not do anything for no reason. ... especially if we do not use force. "

"If you do that, it's against the teachings. Then, even the pope, the strength will be reduced, maybe the gods will be angry."

Another person asked: "But I heard that the current pope is the husband of the goddess."

"This is even more nonsense," Viscount Sharp said dismissively, "do you think it is possible to be gods and mortals? Even if there is such a thing, it should be the legendary brave or the legendary dragon knight."

"The Pope is the Dragon Knight."

"Dragon knights are warriors. There has never been an example of a legal profession serving as a dragon knight." Sharp patted the table heavily, and a jealousy flashed in his eyes: "He just used his interests or threatened a dragon to become his mount, and Not a real dragon knight. "

The other three did not speak.

"I'm still saying that. Wealth is sought in the wealth." Sharp's tone became indifferent again: "I have 90% certainty that I can use the doctrine of wealth theology to force him to make concessions. Even if we don't open the elven forest to us, Can get some benefits. Now, those who are willing to save money, follow me, feel no hope, or feel that I do not have the ability to talk nonsense, please leave. "

No one left.

Sharp nodded with satisfaction: "Everyone go back and prepare for the evening dinner, we have to dress better."

At night, the main hall of the city's mansion was lit up.

The delicious wines and delicacies created by the hero's feast are ten miles away.

The four of Viscount Sharp came together, and they found that, in addition to the four of them, Beta also invited the Virgen of the Winter Wolf and the emissary Emilia.

Viscount Sharp changed slightly, but still confident.

When the guests and guests were seated, everyone was not in a hurry to talk about the business, but talked about something fun while eating.

Emilia was very interested in fruit wine. After drinking two more glasses, her cheeks turned slightly red.

The Virgin Winter Wolf is a little confused, and has been looking at Beta, the three human nobles, and the merchants.

Beta waits for them to eat and drink, and when the night is up, while the wine is up, the topic is directed to the business.

"I've heard some rumors lately, which is very interesting." Beta looked at Viscount Sharp. "It is said that our wealth theology favors the elves, even the orcs. It is said that we are good to humans without elves. This matter, I do n’t know if there are any of them. heard about it."

The Virgin Winter Wolf frowned. Although the Wolf Clan has now joined the Wolkin City, in essence, they are still regarded as outsiders.

Convergence is not a matter of years or decades, but at least several decades.

Emilia had an indifferent expression on her face. She smiled at Beta and said, "I have been in the elven forest recently, and I don't know anything."

Beta looked across from him: "Viscount Sharp, do you know?"

"Have heard of it." Sharp nodded, and he looked at Beta with little respect in his eyes: "I think this rumor has some truth."

Beta said curiously, "Why do you say that?"

"Why the Elven Woods in the south prohibit us from entering the city of Woking. The fairies can come into our city of Woking at any time, which is unfair."

Emilia's expression finally changed. She looked at Sharp and looked at Beta, with some worry.

Beta nodded: "The rules are set by me. After all, the Elves are an indisputable race. They are not used to places that are too busy ~ ~ We understand." Viscount Sharp said: "But we only need A fair does not need too many people, as long as a few, even a dozen people can move in. Fair transactions, fair trade, and even fairness between people, isn't it the truth pursued by wealth theology? ? "

"You make a lot of sense." Beta nodded. "But you forgot a little bit. Wetland is my territory. I rented the land to the elves, and they paid a lot. There is no public place, no There is a fairness issue. "

Lord Sharp frowned. "But most people don't think so."

"Everyone sees it that way. It's you who don't look at it that way." Beta smiled with a bit of oppression. "Why do you want to live in the elven woods?"

Sharp looked at his three companions and gave a secret sign with his eyes.

The big fat businessman asked: "We don't have to live in the woods. Dear Pope. We are not greedy for your territory. We just want to understand why outsiders are so treated in our human world. Great courtesy. Whether it's the Elves, the Frostwolf Clan, orcs ... "

"I'm still saying that. This is my territory. It is up to me to decide what kind of policy I want to make. It is my business to whom I want to be good." Beta laughed: "Otherwise, I Make a luxury tax. Whose luxury is more, the more money it collects. How about that? "

The businessman turned pale and smiled awkwardly. Stop talking.

Sharp said lightly: "The Pope, it's not good to help outsiders to oppress their own people. Okinkin City is indeed yours, but it is more human. At least, we humans built this city. Not

Orc or Elf. "

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