Noble Emblem

Chapter 949: it's time

Wealth theology has a lot of money, but it also costs a lot. Because the canal was completed in a relatively short time, not even one-tenth of its real capacity was reached, so it did not receive much tax.

And a large part of these taxes have to be passed to the lords everywhere.

In addition, the water gods also scored a point.

Coupled with the monthly gold coin sacrifices, the income of the God of Wealth can be said to be a marginal surplus.

It is a very healthy business model, but it is also very good to send it with money. What's more, such trading behavior itself will generate the power of faith. The amount or quantity of a single transaction will affect the strength of faith.

So Beta is very interested in the demand of the metal dragons.

After thinking about it for a while, Beta said, "I have two types of magic equipment specifically for the Zerg here. Although the cost is higher, and more gems will be used."

Noah smiled proudly: "Gems are no problem."

"The problem is that these equipment are for human use and small in size." Beta thought for a while and said, "If you want to use them, you have to change some styles. But before that, I will tell you what they do, You choose one. "

"Can you choose only one?"

Beta nodded: "After all, we have to keep some technical reserves, do you mean?"

Noah thought about it and said, "Then you introduce it."

"The core function of both equipment is carapace puncture. It also causes additional damage to arthropods." Beta said: "But one set is supplemented by the detoxification function, and the other is capable of casting a magic knot within a certain period of time. In the world, the type of dual resistance of physical and magic, the hardness depends on the user's spirit, the resistance to dragon breath is also there. And the dragon breath power of the human face spider, on average, should not be as big as yours. . "

Noah thought about it and said, "Of course not, but they are many. This is a troublesome thing. I think both pieces of equipment are very useful, or else we simply sell the drawings to us."

"That's impossible." Beta smiled. "This time, we only sell finished products."

Noah's face was unpleasant: "Why not, we are allies."

"The Dragon clan also has many unique techniques. Do you also sell all your drawings to your allies? For example, the production technology of Dragon Crystal Core?"

Noah thought about it and said, "Okay, then I take a step back. We just need a drawing of the equipment."

"Sorry, only finished products."

"Really don't think about it?" Noah said lightly. "Don't you really think the friendship of the metal dragon is important?"

"We are indeed allies," Beta said earnestly. "But allies do not share everything. A drawing, a continuous flow of production equipment, no competitors, and the benefits that can be produced, you should also know how big."

"We can guarantee that the drawings will never be passed on."

Beta still shook her head.

If it is a general human negotiator, it must be all sorts of **** at this time. But Noah was a dragon, and they were used to going straight.

"Then I will go back and report your opinion to the Presbyterian Church." Noah paused and said, "The next thing I do is not to threaten you, but to advise from a friend's standpoint."

Friend ... Beta nodded slightly, "Please say."

"The patriarchs are used to being high above them. They have never been to the human world, and they are not clear about the current situation." I still want gems as a reward, or even the emergence of a dragon bed crossbow. They have a bad perception of you. "

Beta understands what Noah means: "Will this break them from our allies?"

"It's possible!" Noah left such a sentence and left.

These words surprised Beta, but it makes sense to think about it. The dragons are arrogant. Whether it is a five-color dragon or a metal dragon, they are essentially despised by humans.

Metal dragons just do things more in line with mainstream concepts.

And Beta, as a human 'small force', not only did not kneel to lick the Dragon clan, but even made a lot of 'money' from the Dragon clan. The Dragons have a kind of obsession with shiny and bright things. When these things are delivered to the hands of outsiders, their hearts will hurt.

And most importantly, Beta actually provided drawings of the dragon crossbow to the entire human world, which made the metal dragon veteran feel worse about Beta's senses as an enemy.

But now Beta doesn't dare to 'turn in' the drawings, and Noah's intuition tells herself that things should develop as she imagined.

After thinking for a while, Beta shook her head slightly. If it was a wealth **** three or four years ago, maybe she really had to hand in the drawings in exchange for peace.

But now, Beta has dared to release even the large teleportation magic array. In his eyes, the metal dragon is not a powerful enemy, at most it is a little troublesome.

What he was really worried about was the largest internal fight in human history ... Jihad.

And the future threat of the underground Demon Kingdom.

Noah changed back to Platinum Dragon, and it took three days to fly back to Dragonscale Mountain.

This place was not originally called Dragonscale Mountains. However, after the platinum dragon returned from the ectopic plane, he occupied this high mountain range and directly renamed it the Dragonscale Mountain Range.

In the huge cave at the peak, Noah passed the original words of Beta to the Dragon. Sure enough, the four Archaeological Dragons were furious on the spot.

"It is unreasonable for a human being to dare to reject our kindness."

"Stop allies. We don't need them anymore. There are already thirty gold dragons, both male and female, and they can reproduce." Another giant rusty steel dragon said lightly.

Noah's huge body looks like a baby in front of this rusty steel dragon.

The other two dragons also responded to the two dragons' decisions with Dragon Yin.

Swire Red Bronze Dragon said to Noah: "You go to Nijin City again and tell the little Pope that he has lost the friendship of the metal dragon."

Noah sighed and asked: "Then how do we deal with human spiders. Although face-to-face, we will definitely have a chance to win, but it will also cause the younger generation of metal dragons to suffer heavy casualties."

"It doesn't matter." Taikoo Red Dragon said: "I'm going to communicate with the astral world, and ask the Father God to lower the blessing of God. It is not difficult to break the human spider and the five-color dragon."

Noah wanted to say something, but think about it, but gave up.

Out of the hole, she was about to start again, but did not expect to be stopped by another rusty steel dragon. It was her old friend Reggie.

"The patriarchs have decided to sever allies with Fortune God?"

Noah nodded. "Yeah."

"What was expected." Reggie reluctantly said, "The Patriarchate has always only seen the enemies of the five-colored dragon in the eyes. They have not known humans, and they are not willing to understand the current humans. I said in the last time, As a result, I was reprimanded, and on the ground that I was too inclined to humans, stopped me here in the mountains. "

Noah also sighed: "They really thought that the five-color dragon's failure was the metal dragon's great contribution. But afterwards, we found that the most killing of the five-color dragon was actually humans. Although they also paid nearly 200 million population."

"200 million people, less than one-twentieth for humans, and will soon be able to replenish it." Reggie smiled sneer: "The ancient legendary dragon ... is really too old."

Noah didn't answer.

Reggie said: "Don't come back after you stay in Okinawa City, what? If the veteran would call, you deliberately pretended not to feel magical messaging."

Noah looked at Reggie a bit unclearly.

"Beta is a very strange human. He is very knowledgeable and strong. I have studied his history and found that he has a very complete knowledge system. The grade may be above all races."

Noah blinked: "I admit that he is great, but you say his knowledge is systematic and above all races, this is too exaggerated."

"No exaggeration." Reggie turned back to humans: "This is what I collected, what he said in public. One or two sentences can't see anything, but if you link them together, you will find clues. "

Noah also turned back to humans and took the booklet: "I'll see it when I have time."

"Remember, find a way to get Beta's friendship." Reggie said anxiously: "I have a feeling that we metal dragons may have a day to seek him. There is a head dragon who can speak in front of him, Maybe things will be easier. "

Noah laughed when she heard this, "How is this possible!"

Although Noah also felt that the veteran's decision to sever allies was inappropriate. But she didn't think that the Metal Dragon would one day seek Beta. After all, all creatures, except gods, have the highest level of combat power.

"I don't want that day either."

"You're too cranky." Noah shook her head, turned back into a dragon, and flew up.

Three days later, Beta knew nothing about the decision of the Metal Dragons, and didn't respond much, just saying a polite word ~ ​​ ~ I also regret the decision of your Presbyterian Church. I am a great loss to both of us. "

Noah looked at Beta and said, "I intend to stay as an envoy. Please prepare a yard for me. In addition, allow me to transform into the air and fly in the city, rest assured, I will not be crowded and crowded Somewhere to do this. "

"No problem." Beta nodded. "Even if we are not allies, that's normal diplomatic relations. Rest assured, we won't be hostile to your metal dragons."

Noah felt uncomfortable when she heard this.

These words should have been spoken by the Dragons, but the result was first spoken out by the relatively weak Wealth Theology.

Who knows your ‘no hostility’.

Noah wanted to refute a few satires, but somehow she thought of Reggie's words and gave up the act.

Then, a few days later, Beta was teleported to the outskirts of the Holy City of Life Theology.

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