Noble Emblem

Chapter 950: There is no difference between butterflies and spiders

950 Untitled

It's been a month since the last time Beta left.

Now he has dyed his hair black. Then the pupil color of the eyes asked Pamela to help, and a small illusion was attached. There was almost no magic fluctuation, but it could change the perception of the pupil color around him.

Beta-Beta's bright blond hair and bright-golden pupils are two unique characteristics of Yunlong bloodline.

He changed his robe and wore himself in leather and a regular sword, posing as a common magic swordsman.

With this appearance, he easily blended into the holy city of the **** of life.

Compared with the formerly bright sanctuary, the holy city of the Temple of Life is smaller, only about 1.5 million people, only half of the sanctuary.

But Betan ’s Oklahoma City now has just over half a million people, even fewer.

However, the former two have undergone hundreds of years of development and expansion, and this population is normal.

Beta is making trouble this time. After he checked into the hotel, he started to collect news without any trace. After several days of exploration and the news collected on the 'internal affairs' system, he also had a certain understanding of the city.

The pope of life is in the same faction as the saint, and the power of life and death of the gods is in the hands of the pope. And most importantly, the Pope of Life has a pretty good reputation.

Everyone praised him as a kind saint.


Would a saint think about assassinating another pope?

When the opponent sent an assassination squad over, the hatred had already settled.

With the current strength of Beta, it is easy to assassinate some high-level temples of life, and it can also bring a lot of trouble to the temple of life. But he felt that this was not good. Now his target is only the Pope, and even if he cannot be killed, he must be allowed to live in anxiety and terror in a short time.

But how to approach the Pope is a big question.

Beta continues to stay in the holy city of life, waiting for an opportunity.

During this time, he registered with the mercenary union in this holy city. Registering mercenaries is easy due to the lag of information dissemination, and there is not much review.

As long as you have enough strength.

But Beta later found that the method in the Sanctuary of Light was not applicable here. The Holy City of Life does not trust mercenaries at all, they will not allow mercenaries to enter the Great Life Church.

Only the true life priest will be selected to serve in the Cathedral of Life, so it is almost impossible for Beta as an outsider to mix into the Cathedral of Life.

I stayed here for more than half a month and made no progress at all. The Pope stayed in the Cathedral of Life and never went out.

Is it really only possible to kill two or three high-level deities, give them a mess, and leave in a humble way?

For any power, how to assassinate several high-level hostile forces has caused them great trouble, then it is a victory.

But for players, failing to achieve their stated goal is failure.

In other words, it is easier to understand: the mainline task failed, and only a few branch tasks were completed.

Not at all.

Beta walked down the street and sighed.

The road ahead was a little blocked. After asking the people around, I learned that there was a living priest in the slum ahead to treat the poor for free.

He had no interest in this, and was about to leave, but occasionally glanced from the gap of the crowd, but saw a somewhat familiar woman, a priest.

He frowned, observed for a while, and found that the woman looked like Monica.

Then he stayed on the street, watching the woman all the time. Watching her treat the poor, and seeing her happy smile as her patient recovered, her face was extremely holy.

It's completely different from the gloomy Monica in the impression.

It's just that Beta has been watching.

Free treatment activities continue into the evening. The priests said goodbye to each other and went back to their families.

The female priest walked in a slightly lonely path and walked very windily. Her waist was twisted and twisted, even if the wide priest's robe could not cover the fat hips.

Beta is following him. Although his tracking and hiding techniques are not as professional as those of thieves, ordinary priests should not find him more than ten meters apart.

And Jeanne was under surveillance in the air, and it was impossible to follow.

But somehow, this woman actually went faster and faster, and even trot up in the end.

Was found? Beta followed, and no longer hid.

Occasionally a pedestrian passed by on the dark path, the female priest gasped nervously, striding forward, but dare not ask for help.

She panicked and walked around the alley. But how could a priest of her get away with this legendary nobleman of Beta.

In less than ten minutes, Beta blocked her at a junction where no one was passing.

Standing in front of the woman, Beta looked more and more like she felt like Monica.

"Why are you running away?" Beta looked at her with a smile.

"If you don't chase me, I won't run." The woman looked terrified, covered her chest with her hands, and smiled strongly: "I am the alternate bishop of the Temple of Life. If I do something, you will definitely be investigated Yes. "

Beta didn't care what she said, she just looked up and down her body. Betamonica was a bit thinner and her cheekbones looked a little taller.

But this female pastor's face was a little fat, and she looked very round and smooth.


Beta suddenly called out.

The woman looked puzzled: "Who is your name? I'm Seris."

"That's right, I'm wrong."

Beta turned and left. The woman was relieved.

But at this moment, Beta turned abruptly, her eyes shivering. A sword-light flashed like a galaxy fall, directly cutting the woman in half.

There was no blood flowing out, two broken bodies fell to the ground, and they became strangely spiders on the ground, crawling away in all directions, because there were too many, and even a tide-like brushing sound.

But Beta dropped a magic scroll, and a magic shield directly enveloped her surroundings. Those spiders couldn't wear a shield to go outside.

"Change back, otherwise I will use a large range of fire wall. I believe this time, I will never let any spider escape."

"I have a few spiders in other places." The cold voice sounded, and these spiders combined together at a very fast speed and became the female priest just now.

But her priest's robe was still on the ground, and it was cut in half, so the whole person faced Beta.

Beta was not interested in her seductive body, but looked at her head with interest. In his mental perception, Monica's spirit fluctuated greatly.

"But I know, you're scared." Beta thought for a while and said, "Well, scaring is not appropriate. You should say that you are scaring me."

Monica's spirit was more ups and downs.

"I really didn't expect that you actually got into the Temple of Life. And the position seems not to be low."

Monica did not speak.

Beta's sword was raised slightly, and it was a sign of preparation.

Monica took a big step back. She looked at Beta, with a slight humiliation in her eyes: "For Sasha's sake, let me go. I'm her eldest sister, and I've never held her maliciously. "

"Well, you know?" Beta sword didn't continue to lift.

"After all, these are my two youngest sisters, and I will certainly care about their news." Monica looked at Beta strangely: "You can push Salsa or Mu Lin to the throne, I can guess. But I I didn't expect you to think about turning them into your puppet, which surprised me. "

"Sasha and I are friends."

"Sasa's figure is so good? Good enough that you can give up the big country?"

Beta frowned. "It has nothing to do with that."

Jessica looked at her body: "If you like beauty, I can give myself to you, just ask me to give me a way to live, and I have never seen me before. I just want to be in the God of life Climbing up. I have no interest in Francis. After all, my sister is already a queen. It does not make any difference whether she or me is a queen. They are all family members. "

"I don't like playing with spiders."

Although Monica was terrified at heart, she was not convinced: "What is the difference between a butterfly and a spider is a bug. You haven't spoiled that butterfly to heaven. Besides, I don't look bad."

Beta chuckled: "Have you investigated me yet?"

Monica said rightly, "I have to know what kind of man my sister is."

This statement makes good sense and Beta can't refute it.

"It's OK to let you go." Beta suddenly had an idea: "I want to assassinate the Pope, you have to help me."

"!" Monica looked at Beta in surprise, as if looking at a lunatic.

"This is the holy city of life gods." Monica sneered: "You want to assassinate the pope here?"

"What's weird about this ~ ~ Beta smiled:" He also sent someone to assassinate me, it's normal to come back and return, isn't it? "

"Really?" Monica wasn't convinced.

"I don't need to lie to you in this matter."

Monica considered it for a while, and her eyes gradually opened up: "If the Pope dies, then the power of the life deities will definitely be reshuffled. This seems to be an opportunity!"

Upon hearing this, Beta knew that Monica was a woman with a lot of power.

She turned her head sharply. "I can help you. But it takes time."

"Aren't you afraid I will kill you when things happen?"

"You didn't kill now, so you won't kill later." Monica smiled. "I'm afraid you won't give me a chance, but now that you have something to do with me, I know that I can survive. Instead Do n’t you believe me? Would you like to pay me? ”

Sleek Monica has a fascinating attraction.

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