Noble Emblem

Chapter 959: doubt

959 Confusion

After Monica left the house, the three professionals entered the inner room silently, two people surrounded Beta, and one more was blowing in the doorway.

Beta looked at these three people's 'position', and found that they cooperated quite well, and also had a basic sense of vigilance, indicating that the defense against danger had been integrated into their instincts and was indeed a mercenary veteran.

"Boy, now that you have eaten the meat, at least give us some soup." A middle-aged mercenary around Beta said, from the outfit, he should be a soldier: "Of course, you can also refuse us As long as you feel you have the ability to hit a dozen. "

Beta looked surprised: "Aren't you afraid I'll sue when Monica comes back?"

The three sneered at the same time: "When she comes back, I don't know when it happened. And we killed you and left here with a big swing and then went to other cities. What can she do to us?"

After speaking, the three laughed in unison.

Beta sighed softly: "I can see that you really admire Mo ... Selia, why are you thinking about taking advantage of her now? It doesn't make sense for men and women to force them, and you three people at a time ... "


The soldier's mercenary slammed the tabletop with a few punches, cracking in the center of the table. He sneered: "We didn't say anything about men and women. We really admire Ms. Celia now, how kind and kind she is. Although there is some casual relationship between men and women, we really don't underestimate her. I didn't mean to take advantage of her. "

Beta was a little puzzled: "Then you guys?"

"Gem!" The soldier mercenary said coldly, "We saw that she had a lot of gems. And it seems to give you a lot. Now, you give them all out. Women give you, we take away the wealth, this is not Fair thing? "

The maid at the door made a duck-like smirk, but this time no one attached to him. Instead, the two teammates looked at him like an idiot.

The man shut up and stunned immediately, continuing to let out the wind.

"That is to say, how many gems do you want to take?" Beta smiled. "I thought you were interested in Celia's body, and wanted me to cooperate with you and faint her."

"Women have precious stones," said the soldier's mercenary, of course. "Well, after saying so much, it's time to take out your gems. Otherwise don't blame us."

Beta stood up, punched and kicked in the bedroom, and then screamed three times.

Beta returned to her chair, and in front of him, all three mercenaries were lying on their backs and passed out.

The battle was resolved in less than fifteen seconds. Although these three mercenaries can also be regarded as veterans, the difference in strength is too obvious.

Monica was brought to the Pope by a shadow scout.

"I heard that you have something important that you want to explain to me? And just report it to me alone?" The Pope looked at Gorgeous Monica with a slightly surprised look: "My time is important, if What you say is not worth thinking about, so you know the consequences. "

The invisible power makes people feel atrial tremor.

Monica took a deep breath, took the drawing from the middle of the two soft meats on her chest, and took out her gemstone jewelry.

"Her Majesty, this is the drawing of the magic jewelry I presented. This is the finished product."

As soon as Monica had finished speaking, the Pope stood up.

"What did you say? Drawings of magic jewelry?"

Monica lowered her head: "Yes. It's a drawing of magic jewelry."

The pope returned to his chair and asked blandly, "So, did you study this drawing?"

"How is it possible!" Monica smiled. "I'm just an ordinary female priest. I don't know such a deep knowledge of magic equipment design."

The pope's eyelids opened slightly, then closed, and he continued to ask, "How did you get this drawing?"

"Pick it up!" Monica said with a little embarrassment.

The Pope chuckled: "How could it be found. To be honest!"

Monica's expression struggled for a while, and finally gave up, saying, "Pope, I actually snatched this drawing."

"Where did it come from?"

"Before I came to the holy city, I worked as a high-level priest in Baghdad. One day, a foreign alchemist came to the city. He drank high in the tavern and blew his skin, saying that he had extremely precious magic There are so many equipment drawings. "

The Pope nodded. "Then he died, right."

"Yes," Monica smiled. "His body was dragged into the slum. Many people were fighting for drawings. Then I happened to give the poor people free treatment in the slum. I just got one of them."

"Just got it?" The pope shook his head helplessly: "I didn't investigate how your drawing came. As long as the finished product is indeed effective."

Monica held the gem necklace in both hands and raised it overhead, as if to dedicate it to the gods: "Please ask Her Majesty to identify."

A man suddenly appeared beside the pillars in the hall. She was wearing a black robe and black clothes. Go to Monica and hold the magic jewelry and drawings in your hand.

After using detoxification and cursing to eliminate two kinds of magic, and indeed there were no problems with both things, she took the drawing and gem necklace, walked to the life pope's face, and gave her hands.

Her Majesty held the gemstone necklace in her hand, and after reading it for a while, she read the drawing and said, "This is indeed a good magic equipment. You have my heart. I will accept the drawing for now, what kind of reward do you need? ? "

"No reward is needed," Monica said with a smile. "It is the duty of all believers to be able to work for the temple."

"That's right." The pope nodded approvingly: "You go back first. The reward will not lose you, the drawings you send are important, and the reward should not be too shabby, I have to think about it."

Monica departed happily.

After Monica's departure, the pope's expression immediately became cold: "Go and call the heretics interrogator. In addition, let the great craftsman come too."

The assassination assassin that just appeared suddenly took the lead.

After more than ten minutes, the two summoned were in front of the Pope.

"This is the magic jewelry and a drawing sent by a bishop just now. Dunlop, look at what's wrong with this drawing."

Dunlop is the master craftsman of the Temple of Life. He took the drawing, looked at it for a while, his eyes immediately became excited, and he began to dance: "So it is, so it is. This is really interesting."

Then he took the magic jewelry again and looked down, and said, "Pope, there is no problem with the drawings, there is no problem with magic jewelry, it is indeed a finished product."

"What's the effect?"

"Speeding up the chanting speed of spells and speeding up the recovery of magic powers seems to have the effect of improving concentration. But it is not very obvious."

The Pope nodded: "So, how difficult is the production?"

"I have to say that the person who painted this drawing is a genius. Although the magic pattern is complex, it has a clear vein. Obviously it is a traditional magic jewelry made by a person who has experienced very systematic magic material science and texture science."

The pope's eyes opened slightly, and he continued to ask, "So, how does it compare to the drawings transmitted by the God of Wealth. Is it the same thing?"

"Absolutely not." The big artisan shook his head: "The person who made this drawing is indeed a genius. But it is still limited by knowledge. And the drawing of magic equipment passed by the Pope of the God of Wealth is an epic miracle."

Speaking of his profession, the great artisan Dunlop was so excited that he couldn't restrain his behavior: "The drawings of the Pope of the Fortune God, with the simplest magic lines and the simplest combination of gems, can make equipment close to the legendary magic effect. If you really want to rank the alchemists of this world, then the Pope of the Fortune Gods is definitely the most powerful, and no alchemist dares to compare with him. Absolutely not. "

"It's just a pity that most of the magic equipment effects he passed on were aimed at dragons. I heard that the crown of jewels of Fransasa's jewel has different magic effects. I really want to see the drawing of the crown. "

The pope was not interested in magic equipment drawings, he asked, "That is to say, the creator of this final drawing could not be the pope of the **** of wealth?"

"Absolutely impossible," said the artisan categorically. "Although this drawing is also good, it is comparable to the Pope of Fortune God, just like the difference between a child and an adult. And the style of the magic pattern is completely different, which cannot be done. fake."

The Pope waved and said, "Dunlop, take this drawing and the finished product back to your workshop. I will see at least five such magical equipment in ten days. You need the gems and materials, you can logistically Application. "

"I'm glad to serve you, my Majesty." The great craftsman was glad to leave with the drawing. There is nothing more exciting for a technician than seeing a new drawing ~ ~ Next, there are only three people left in the Pope's Hall.

The pope asked the heretics interrogator: "You have previously investigated what the Pope of Fortune God suspected of coming to our holy city. How did you investigate?"

"Your Majesty, it turns out that indeed, as you said, it was an illusion. It was our fault." The heresy interrogator smiled helplessly: "We have found at least five people in the city that are very similar to the Pope People, but their temperament and hair color are not the same. "

The pope seemed a little disappointed: "So, the killer who had killed everyone near our holy city before had no clue?"

"Yes," said the heresy interrogator. "According to the information we found, that person is most likely from the Netherworld."

"Dark God?"

The pope was silent for a while and asked, "Why do you think so?"

"Because we have used fate to reshape magic, we can't see anything, only a dark group."

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