Noble Emblem

Chapter 960: Katy's encounter

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"Fate reinvented?" The pope's expression seemed even weirder: "How many professionals did you sacrifice to use this magic?"

"Twenty." The heresy interrogator hurriedly replied, "Her Majesty, please rest assured, those twenty professionals are all our enemies or prisoners. We did not kill one of us."

The pope nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

The magic of destiny reshaping is a bit evil, and it is necessary to sacrifice a certain number of powerful souls to the goddess of destiny before it can be launched. Something can be observed at a specific place and at a specific time.

This is not time to reshape magic, but causal magic.

There are also a lot of magic that can shield the observation of fate reshaping, such as the gods of the underworld, the Dark Iron Curtain has this effect.

Therefore, both the Pope and the heretics interrogators agreed that the reinvention of fate was blocked by the dark iron curtain.

"I heard that the **** of darkness seems to have fallen." The pope looked thoughtfully. "Why can their clergy still use the dark iron curtain?"

"Perhaps it hasn't completely fallen, but you're still breathing." The pope hummed softly. "Recently, the gods have a lot of problems. First, the sanctuary of light deities was destroyed by some inexplicable divine power, and then the **** of lying lies disappeared. God fell, always feeling that the world of God is not peaceful. "

The heresy interrogator did not dare to talk.

The Pope of Life waited for a while, seeing that the other party was not talking, he was boring, and said, "Go and look up the mercenaries beside Celia, you may not find anything, but you have to check it. In addition Go to Baghdad and see if you can find two more magic equipment drawings back. "

The heresy interrogator nodded and retreated.

And Monica returned home at this time, saw three mercenaries lying on the ground, and then looked at Beta who was sitting and reading, couldn't help but smile: "They provoke you?"

Beta closed the book and told the story.

Monica laughed suddenly, looking at the three mercenaries with a very ironic look. She used magic to awaken the three from a coma.

When the soldier mercenary woke up, he cried, "Master, this little white face is going to roll your gem and run away. We want to stop him, but he was beaten like this."

When Monica heard this, her face became strange. I do n’t want to smile, I want to scold, but I do n’t have any anger. Have to ask back: "Since he wants to escape, why are he still here?"

The mercenary squeaked for a while, and came up with a very idiot reason: "Because he may think he can't escape."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" Monica shook her head. "Now get out of here and take the initiative to cancel the contract with the mercenary union, otherwise you don't leave."

Three people escaped the room like rabbits.

Monica sighed: "It's really difficult to find a reliable subordinate."

Beta asked: "What happened to the magic drawings?"

"It's okay. The Pope is really suspicious of me." Monica sneered sneerly: "Although he covers up well, he too underestimates my ability."

Beta nodded, stopped talking, and continued reading.

And Monica reduced to his side, and smiled and asked, "The drawing was sent, really wouldn't make the pope suspect that the drawing was from the God of Wealth?"

"How could drawings of completely different styles be suspected together?" Beta thought for a while, explaining: "For example, although they are the same blood of the dragon race, do you think that pterosaurs and dogheads are the same species?"

"Is there such a big difference?"

"That's how big it is," Beta laughed. "Unless the pope of life doesn't ask a professional, he just doubts your head with instinct."

Monica patted her chest, and a wave surged: "Then I'm more at ease. The Pope is a very cautious person, I can see it."

Beta has considered the problem of drawings, so the drawings he gave Monica are not his own works. It was Roland's first magic equipment work when he first studied alchemy drawings.

Beta and Roland have different personalities. The latter likes flashy and beautiful lines, magic equipment made with gorgeous technology, but also very practical.

And Beta's magic equipment design concept is two words: simple, durable.

In addition, Beta sent various magic drawings as pope, which is the work of his alchemy.

Now to the Pope is Roland's original work.

The technical content and concept gap between the two are huge. Anyone who knows a little bit about magic equipment making techniques can see the difference.

"Next I'm going to the mercenary union to recruit a few more subordinates." Monica pulled Beta's arm subconsciously. "You go with me."

Fine. Beta followed and left the room.


After more than three months of intense reconstruction, the new city was rebuilt from the rubble.

Almost all citizens are crying while wiping their eyes.

The prestige of the **** of wealth has now arrived in Sicily. Anyone who has a stronger sense of spiritual power can ‘see’ a little golden light of faith floating in the air, and then be attracted by the goddess of fortune to rise into the sky at a very fast speed.

After taking over the **** task, Katie was light and hurried to Okinawa City.

Utilizing his own canal, Katie rushed back from Occidental to Okinkin in about two days.

It was late, and she settled in a small city by the canal. When I was about to rest, I saw a shadow under my hotel.

It is peers!

Katie jumped down from the second floor and followed the man in black to a wood in the suburbs. On the trunk outside the forest, she saw a familiar double dagger sign.

This was the secret of the assassin. She touched it with her hand and understood the above words.

‘Conference, anyone can participate. ’

Katie covered herself with a black scarf, followed the guide signs along the way, and came to the depths of the woods, seeing an open space there.

There was a bonfire in the middle of the clearing, and a dozen masked assassins sat around it.

Katie's arrival attracted everyone's attention, but when she saw that she was also in a black night clothes, her body was sharp, and it was not strange at the moment. The one at the scene was not an assassin.

Katy found a place to sit down.

After waiting for a while, a dozen more people came faintly, and several of them were quite good. Katy became more and more curious about what the **** these guys wanted to do.

Moreover, since she became a dark consul, she has never participated in such an assassin's secret party. Now when she encounters it once, she feels full of nostalgia, as if life has passed more than ten years.

After a while, another assassin came. This assassin is slightly different from the average assassin. It can be seen that his figure is quite burly and his eyebrows are white.

I just don't know if the person's eyebrows turn white or he is born with white hair.

The breath of this man is also well hidden, and even Katie cannot see his strength.

"I opened this secret party," said the assassin of the white eyebrow, because his mouth was behind the face towel, which seriously distorted his voice: "Please come here, mainly to say one thing. We received It is reported that there are at least five forces who want to take the life of Pope Beta, and each of them gives high money, so I think that everyone can make money together. "

Katie was stunned, but she seemed normal on the surface, listening to the assassin with a white eyebrow quite seriously.

"As we all know, the God of Life sent someone to attack the Pope some time ago. But they all failed." White Eyebrow said with some complacency: "I investigated the reason for their failure because they didn't know what happened to us in Holebun. Kind of change. "

"Beggars are getting fewer and fewer, and beggars will work for the wealth gods in winter in exchange for winter food and bedding." There is a clear mockery in the distorted voice of the white eyebrows: "They actually said they were from other From the city. "

A group of people were laughing underneath, and Katie also pretended to be hilarious.

"Now we have received a lot of rewards to assassinate Pope Beta. At first we were afraid to take this business because the difficulty was too high." White eyebrows swept around the crowd and said in a low voice: "But I recently found He has a weakness. "

Katie jumped in his heart, subconsciously trying to dial her own dagger. But eventually she put up with it, she wanted to continue to hear what kind of assassination techniques these guys have.

White eyebrow continued: "Pope Beta is beautiful, but not active. So we only need a beautiful and active woman to send to Pope Beta, and we will have the opportunity to poison him."

A group of people screamed earnestly.

Is it easy for the Pope to poison? The meals he eats are all tested by a special person first, and then ‘passed’ again using divine magic such as detoxification. It is almost impossible to poison.

White eyebrows said with a smile: "Of course ordinary poisons can't work, and they can also be detected by magic. But there is a poison that is colorless and tasteless, and even magic can't be detected."

"What is it?"

Everyone was curious, and Katie opened her eyes and listened.

"A medicine to help," Bai said with a smile. "Put that medicine on a woman's place, and then Pope Beta would be poisoned when she came to her."

Everyone inhaled violently: this method was too cruel ~ ~ Katy's face was a little red.

"This medicine will improve men's ability in a short time. But after that, it will make men feel back pain and leg pain, and the spirit will be temporarily out of control. Then he will let us slaughter."

"But the problem is that the Pope will not go out of the city's main house and cathedral. How can we mix in?"

Another assassin asked.

The assassin of the white eyebrow said directly: "Sneaking in is our specialty. If there is a little guard, we are going to give up, is n’t that a pity? Let me give you a hand, as long as we complete this task , You can get at least 6,000 gold coins. "

Hearing this number, all the assassins' faces became excited.

"Who gives the task, this money is not a small amount, is it reliable?"

Katie asked suddenly.

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