Noble Emblem

Chapter 961: Risk 1 Gold

Suddenly I heard Katy's question, all the assassins present were a little confused. In their memory, there was no such powerful female assassin in the neighborhood.

White eyebrows looked up and down Katy and asked, "What are you asking so much? It's our practice not to ask about the owner."

"But so much money. Six thousand gold coins, who can afford it." Katy said lightly: "The Pope of the God of Wealth is so easy to kill? I don't want to work hard. After nine deaths, it is not easy to succeed , But do n’t know who to ask for money from, you can only be happy for a while, and you may even be killed. ”

Although Katie's question about the client was not in line with the rules, her words did resonate with all the assassins present.

Yeah, 6,000 gold coins, there is no problem in establishing a large family. Small cities can be built. Even if they kill the Pope of the Fortune Gods, it is a question of whether the money can be obtained.

"Rules are rules, they can't be destroyed." Bai Mei said uneasily, "If you don't want to, don't do it."

"Can't do it?" Katy's voice was surprised, "You seem to want me to stay?"

"Yes, very smart." White eyebrows stood up, all the assassins stood up, and approached Katie: "You know what we are about, how can I let you leave casually. In case you ask What to do with Pope Beta ’s letter. "

"There are so many people who want to kill Pope Beta. Even if I ventilate and report, most of them will not care. Who can sneak into Woking City." Katie looked around: "And, people who do not want to do this Too much, do n’t you just tell us, we have to follow you, otherwise we have to be controlled by you? Who do you think you are? "

At this point, another of the assassins stood up and walked to Katy's side.

"We don't want to do this almost deadly task, do we even have to control us?"

Shouted several assassins.

In addition to the wall grass that is still sitting, the number of people on both sides is roughly the same, and the situation is immediately evenly matched.

White eyebrows looked annoyed at Katie's eyes. In his opinion, the woman's mouth was annoying. At first he had no reason to talk about this group of assassins joining his team, but he did not expect that at least one third of the assassins were unwilling to go out when the woman exited.

His eyes were getting colder and colder.

Those who surrounded Katy were closely approaching, and the assassins who walked around Katy also made a fighting gesture.

The neutrals who watched the theater left and ran aside to avoid being caught up in the battle.

As the white eyebrows gradually approached, the atmosphere at the scene became very tense.

It was also scary and quiet.

It's like a steel string of a guqin that is constantly being pulled towards both ends, getting thinner and thinner.

An owl trembling in the tree, afraid to move, couldn't bear the killing of the two sides, sitting on the branch and fell unconscious.

Then the string broke!

The first person to actually start is Katy. She fluttered forward, and the whole person turned into a black light in the air.

Although the white eyebrows were a little late, they also became the same black light, and the two sides bumped together.

After a jingle, the two sides crossed.

At this time, the other assassins also began to fight, for a time, only saw the dark shadows crisscross the sky, and the sound of Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding continued.

After Katie and white eyebrows fight each other for dozens of hits, the black light of her incarnation fell to the ground and changed back to a human appearance.

She was a little surprised at this moment.

There are not many master-level professionals in Hollevan, and the master-class assassins are extremely poor. She had never heard that Hollebun had a master assassin with white eyebrows.

White eyebrows saw Katie return to her human shape, and she was overjoyed, a black shadow turned into three in the air, and threw at her.

This is a multi-shadow attack, which is a very talented ability.

It is very powerful and requires overdraft of your physical strength. There will also be a period of weakness after use. Only use it when you are desperate, or have the confidence to win a strong enemy.

The three shadows came extremely fast.

Katy held an ordinary dagger in her right hand and her left hand was behind her waist. When the three shadows were about to reach five meters in front of her, she grabbed a dark dagger in her left hand and slipped in the air.

About 0.5 seconds later, in front of Katie, countless black "air blades" appeared at the extremely fast speed, and the "Jing" characters were written, and each "Jing" character was normal. People are so high, this is a visual residue caused by too fast an attack.

Horizontal, vertical, and oblique tic-tac-toe overlaps all three spaces before, after, and after the three shadows.

The three black shadows were shredded instantly, the white eyebrows fell from the air, his left hand and left leg were broken into dozens, and they fell to the ground and scattered to the ground.

And his entire body is even more skinless, with deep and shallow blade wounds, making him a completely **** man.

But even so, he did not die.

Master-level professionals, regardless of their status, that is, mage, have good vitality. As long as the head is not blown and the heart is intact, even if it is seriously injured, it can sustain for a long time.

In the game, there is such a thing.

A shield warrior from a certain country fights against a strong enemy, killing the enemy with a style of killing both. But his head was also cut off by the enemy, and the brain above his eyebrows was gone with his brain.

But even so, he did not die. It is based on instinct to act, find food for themselves, know how to find a safe place to rest. I even remember taking a bath.

He couldn't remember anyone, and couldn't understand anyone, let alone speak.

All the actions of the soldier at that time were driven by the instincts of his life.

Warriors have the highest physique and strongest regenerative ability of any professional.

In the absence of the magician and priest's treatment, the warrior's head stopped bleeding, and the skin grew madly, wrapping the remaining brain tissue.

Then within two months, his brain had grown back and brain tissue had grown back.

For two months, he gradually began to remember who he was, and gradually understood how to speak, and in the end became even more like a normal person.

In addition to his character becoming a little gloomy, he changed back to the original person.

At that time, a player sneaked in behind the fighter, and edited the film, and put it on the game forum.

Then the warriors and players got together and shouted: Warriors are invincible!

Then he was taught to be human. Various fireballs and Pyroblasts took turns, not to mention resurrection, not even ashes were found.

Master fighters can live without most of their heads. Assassins who suffer from skin trauma and break their hands and feet will not threaten their lives.

This time Katie not only defeated the enemy, but also frightened everyone around him. This frontal attack is no less than a master two-handed sword fighter.

All the assassins stopped, they realized that the situation seemed a little bit wrong.

White eyebrows gasped, looking at Catty, who was slowly approaching her, then her eyes fell **** the black dagger on her left hand.

"Dark teeth!" White eyebrows bit his teeth and said resentfully.

Katy looked lightly: "See it? It's eye-catching."

White eyebrows couldn't help it. He wanted to assassinate Beta, of course investigating high-level personnel in the Vol'jin Temple. Dark Archon Katie, the third figure in Okinawa City, has epic weapons and dark teeth.

The characteristic of this weapon is that when attacking, the physical and mental strength of the holder can be extracted, causing a shadow airblade attack of about ninety degrees ahead and a five-meter radius fan range around 300 times.

The power is not very strong, but the victory is fast, the number of attacks is large, and the range is large.

It has little effect on heavy armor classes such as Great Swordsman, Shield Warrior, and Paladin with strong frontal defense capabilities. But for light armor professions such as archers, wizards, and thieves, it is a nightmare.

Once shrouded in the attack range, there is no chance to escape.

The attack speed is too fast.

Hearing that Katy is a dark consul of the wealth gods, the group of assassins who wanted to besiege her just turned around and ran away. The neutrals saw the situation badly and fled immediately.

The assassin who had helped her just now ran two, and four were hiding aside, as if watching the situation. After all, they clearly opposed the assassination of the Pope, and they felt that this Lady Katie should not be angry with herself.

Katie walked up to her white eyebrows and took off his mask.

Then I found out that white eyebrows were an old man. His hair and eyebrows were all snow-white, and Katie glanced at him for a moment with good-looking Dan Feng eyes and said, "You are not from our country of Hollevan."

The old man smiled, and then his eyes closed and there was no sound.

With a somber face, Katie pinched the old man's mouth and found no highly toxic substances. And with the physique of a master-level professional, it is difficult for poisons to work so quickly.

But this old man is indeed dead ~ ~ died without warning.

Is it from abroad?

Katie stood up and shouted to the four assassins next to her: "Are you interested in joining our Temple of Wealth and joining my Majesty? Five insurances and one gold, one gold coin a month's basic salary, and if you go out for a mission, you will receive additional allowance. "

The four assassins had been stunned for a while, and finally asked, "What are the five insurances and one gold?"

"This is the benefit that our pope made in order to show compassion to his subordinates." Katie took off her black face towel and said, "I can tell you more about the details. Only our regular staff of the wealth theology have five insurances and one insurance. Gold. "

The fortune god's reputation is really good, heard that the four assassinations have moved. But they were still a little afraid that Katie would turn her face after taking them to Okinawa City.

After all, the assassin is a crowd of invisible people.

"What are you worried about," Katy said with her hands on her hips, courageously: "If I really want to be bad for you, none of you can escape."

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