Noble Emblem

Chapter 992: Doesn't seem to need us

? 992 Untitled

The remaining believers of evil gods in this area were joined by two brave men and easily eliminated. Then Kyle looked at the bearded young man with surprise, but did not expect that the other party, like himself, had the blood of Phoenix.

"Phoenix is ​​also a demon, and the demand in that area is very strong. In the past, when humans were traveling in the human world, they must have had relationships with many women." Beta, riding on a horse, slowly came to explain: "So the Lord Humans who have inherited some of his bloodlines from the plane should have some. Some bloodlines are hidden, and most of them will become brave. "

That's what happened! Kyle looked at the bearded young man: "It looks like you should be my brother."

It was just that the young man ignored him, but stared at Beta with a hostile sight.

Ok? Kyle felt something was wrong and pulled away two or three steps away.

Beta also has an inexplicable look: "We know each other?"

"I know you, you don't know me," the young man said coldly.

More people know Beta. Almost everyone in Hollevan knows Beta, there are tens of millions.

"So, are there any holidays for us?" Beta replied.

The young man was silent for a while, and looked away: "No."

At the same time, the hostility on him was obviously lightened.

Beta doesn't mind. The young man was hostile to himself, not murderous. As a pope, he has implemented many policies recently, which may hurt some of his interests.

Such things are not surprising.

When Kyle saw that the hostility had weakened a lot, he leaned back and asked, "Friend, you also have to deal with evil gods? What's the name? I'm Kyle Reed in Winterwind City, this is my teacher Well, you should know his name. "

"Iros." The young man looked around and found that there were no followers of the evil god, so he sat down.

He stared at the yellow earth beneath his feet, looking confused.

Betazema went over and took some dry food from the mansion space to obey the other side.

After watching for a while, Ayros finally took it, put it in his mouth, and chewed slowly.

The dead believer of the evil **** will not make a sound, so now only Iros chews the dry food, and Beta and Kyle stare at him quietly.

After a while, Eros couldn't bear the eyes of the two big men. He looked up and said angrily, "See what I haven't seen men eat."

Both Beta and Kyle smiled.

Kyle sat next to Ayros and asked, "Although you are good, looking at your mental state just now, I feel like I want to die."

Ai Luosi hesitated for a moment, then he didn't speak, and even with his beard full of face, he couldn't hide the awkward taste.

I can't say that Aros, a brave hero who has a reputation throughout the North, just because he lost his love, so he has a vague idea of ​​dying?

When this person is alone, it's easy to get horny. Therefore, if someone with depression is often accompanied, it is not easy to get sick. People with many friends are mostly Kaixinbao, and it is difficult to see them lost for a long time.

Earlier, Iros stayed alone, full of grief, and the unloved refused, always feeling that the world was tasteless.

Now some outsiders are watching, and one of them can barely be regarded as his own brother. His reason came back all of a sudden, and a sense of shame suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart.

He slumped his neck and said, "What matters to you."

"Of course it doesn't matter to me." Kyle froze and smiled: "I just want to ask you, would you like to act with us?"

"Go and kill the evil god?" Ayros looked at Kyle, then looked at Beta, with a slightly ironic smile. "You are brave like me. You do this kind of thing normally. But this one is high. Pope, will he die? "

Kyle was a little surprised.

Beta laughed: "It is not unusual to assassinate an evil god, but it does not mean that I am going to die."

"You a pope, can you deal with evil gods like us?" Ayros' tone was quite bad: "I admit that your spell ability is very strong, but the caster has no mental or magic power, and is no different from ordinary citizens. You wouldn't ask us to take care of you alone. "

Beta chuckled. "Don't you know if you try?"

"You wouldn't want to have a melee duel with me."

The sneer on Ayroth's face grew stronger. As we all know, all popes are magicians. Moreover, Beta ’s exaggerated magic bombing just now also proved his ‘identity’.

It was only when Beta drew out a sword from the mansion space that Aylos suddenly felt that his whole body was getting hairy.

Originally looking at the little white face without any threat, he became a terrible swordsman in an instant.

That kind of panic is not an illusion.

He jumped up and pressed his hands on the hilt of his sword subconsciously: "You ... something's wrong."

Beta just smiled and didn't speak. The sword moved forward, and a one-meter-long pale golden sword-man swept across. Aiers jumped away, and Jian-man pulled a trace of more than half-meter deep on the ground.

He was drawing a sword and was trying to fight back, but he saw the opponent's sword hitting his throat like a spirit snake.

Drawing a sword is too late!

Shield defense!

With a bang, Ayros blocked Beta's attack and blocked most of his vision. His body moved slightly, and he was happy, and wanted to use the anti-shield skills to push the opponent back.

But with a hard shield, he emptied the front.

He had a bad heart, but found that he had already put a sword on his neck, and the chill of the blade made his neck goosebumps. The opponent was standing on his right, which was exactly where the shield could not attack, and it was also the dead end in his vision.

"Why do you have such a strong melee ability?" Iros was very surprised. He was a brave himself, and naturally knew how much the opponent's attack gold content was: "In particular, your magic ability is not weak."

Beta returned the sword: "I am different from the general pope."

Ayrose reluctantly said, "I was actually the weakest."

It hit him a little. For a long time, he has the blood of a brave, not to mention the smooth sailing, but at least not many of his peers can surpass him.

But now two guys who suspect their peers are better than themselves.

"Let's go together, anyway, our goal is all evil gods." Kyle said.

Iros looked at Beta and nodded in agreement.

Then three people went together, and Kyle and Ayros rode together. They touched them in the direction that the believers of the evil gods came, and along the way they killed many of them.

But as they deepened, they found that not only did the believers of the evil gods become stronger, but they also seemed to be gradually becoming intellectual.

At first, all three felt it was an illusion.

After all, one or two of these evil **** believers are similar to zombies, that is, they are extremely fast and have the ability to spread the plague, and the number is large.

Until they arrived near a city, they actually found that there was a basic 'social organization' in the city.

Groups of evil **** believers are transporting different supplies, and next to them, there will be one or two apparently different evil **** believers yelling in strange languages.

If there are followers of evil gods who are not obedient, they will even rush up and kick.

The beaten-up believer will even make scary moves and expressions.

"That's a little bad."

The three hid in the forest not far away and watched as these devotees of the evil **** carried their supplies into the city.

Beta released Joan of Arc, and about an hour later he said: "The city is full of devotees of evil gods, and no living people have been found for the time being."

The other two were not surprised by this situation. This is already the hinterland of the evil **** power. It's weird to have someone alive.

"Teacher, what do you think?"

"Take down the city." Gold light flashed in Beta's eyes. "No residue left."

"How to dismantle?" Ayros sneered. "Only three of us? There are at least hundreds of thousands of evil **** believers in it. We can't kill for four days and four nights."

Kyle chuckled: "You must not have seen a real caster, right?"

Iros said dismissively: "My most powerful spellcaster, that is, a master who can burn a piece of land of about two hundred meters square area, or a thunderbolt. Once they use more magic, they become It's a waste, it's not useful at all. "

Kyle shook his head: "How can those magicians compare with their teachers."

Betta ignored the beatings of the two brave men. He stepped aside, cut down many trees with the will of swordsmanship, and cleared a large open space.

Then he started to take out the magic materials and started drawing magic circles.

"What is he doing?" Ayros asked puzzledly.

Kyle smiled. "Just look at it."

Because there is enough magical material, and now Beta's strength is much stronger than before. In less than an hour, he completed drawing an extremely complex magic array.

Then let the two brave men hide away, stood by oneself, and started this magic circle with their mental strength ~ ~ A magical fireball with a diameter of up to about 100 meters appeared in the mid-air of the woods, even though a At a distance of more than a hundred meters, the two brave men still felt that the moxibustion heat wave was pressed down from the top of their heads.

"What the **** is this?" Ayros swallowed.

Kyle also swallowed subconsciously: "The teacher's strength is even more exaggerated."

Then the big fireball flew up and smashed into the city in a parabola. Then, the fire light spewed out from the center of the city, just like a volcanic eruption, and the flames splattered into the sky like fireworks.

Then there was a deafening explosion, and finally the city walls were blasted by air waves like tofu.

The trees around the city slumped like giant forces invisible.

"With this power, you can slaughter the evil gods alone, you don't need our help at all."

Ayros looked at Beta and said incredulously.

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