Noble Emblem

Chapter 993: Human 1 is very tough

? 993 Untitled

Looking at the city that had been devastated by a nuclear bomb, Airos looked pale. He didn't know what a nuclear bomb was, but he knew very well that the exaggerated scene in front of him looked like the end of the world. Even if they were ascended to the level of demigod, they could not get it.

Kyle was equally surprised, but after being surprised, he took action to see if there were any active believers in the city. If so, make up for it.

With a strong taste of roasted meat, accompanied by a scorched human figure, Iros felt a little nauseous. If he hadn't killed many wicked people himself, he would have been accustomed to killing jabs, and he would have spit them out at this time.

But even so, looking at the corpse on the ground, he was pale and uncomfortable.

In contrast, Beta and Kyle look normal.

Beta has already seen worse situations in the game, and now he killed all the evil enemies belonging to undead, and he didn't have any fluctuations in his heart.

And Kyle has been besieging the Bear Clan for the last two or three years. He has seen more of the Blood Sea Corpse Mountain and has no strange expression.

Ai Luosi looked at the dull expression of the two, and he felt more and more weak, both in strength and mentality.

He followed some distance behind Beta, watching the other side occasionally make up the knife with the corpse on the ground. After a while, he couldn't help asking: "Why do you need us? You can kill all the evil **** believers alone. "

Beta turned back and smiled. "You look at me too."

"Excessive modesty is hypocrisy, Her Majesty the Pope."

Ayros' tone still had a slight irony, but at least it was a lot lighter than before.

"I'm telling the truth." Beta explained as he walked. "Do you know how many gold coins the magical material consumed by the disposable magic array just now requires?"

"How many?"

"Three hundred." Beta laughed. "Money is still a small thing. When you made that magic array, you also felt a strong magic wave."

Airos nodded.

"Almost all the believers in this city are evil spirits, and their reaction to magic is not so fast. That's why I have the opportunity to paint the magic circle. If we are facing evil spirits, do you think it will be so easy?"

Ayers froze. He was scared by the power of this magic circle just now, so he didn't think much. Recall now and find that there are indeed a lot of flaws.

The magic fluctuates too much, and if the enemy is faster, he can besiege it and destroy it.

"It seems you think about it, too," Beta said lightly, "In the case of small-scale battles, those who reach a certain level of strength will rarely be injured by a large-scale attack. They have enough ability to attack and fall on a large-scale I ran out of the attack range. Not to mention the evil gods. The magical array of great power alone cannot kill the evil gods. "

What Iros understood: "You want us to draw your attention, and then you find a way to draw the magic array and kill the evil gods directly?"

"Wrong, quite the opposite." Beta looked back at the young man. "I'm trying to contain the evil **** and give you the opportunity to kill it. Your natural Phoenix flame has terrible lethality to any evil creature."

Ayros's face was a little surprised: "A big man like you is willing to set it aside?"

"My fame is big enough. It doesn't matter if it's more or less."

Since Iros's 'debut', he has never heard such an arrogant word. But he also had to admit that the other party was qualified to say such things.

He couldn't refute at all, and now he had to hum to express his dissatisfaction.

At this time Kyle came over and asked, "Teacher, don't you find it strange?"

"I know what you want to say." Beta went far away: "The evil **** believers who went to us clearly have only instinctive attacks. But the evil **** believers here seem to have intelligence, right?"

Kyle nodded.

Beta said: "I don't know what the reason is, but this does not mean that they are life. Many of the undead have feelings. This is the strength to a certain degree, or the time of 'existence' is enough, this will be the case. Perhaps this kind of evil **** believer is similar. Moreover, they also have a 'god', it is not too unusual to have intelligence or feelings. "

Kyle thought about it and said, "So what other cities?"

Beta smiled. "It doesn't matter, keep going. Seeing such a socially organized zombies, one bombed one."

Sure enough, the big cities encountered on the road are almost all such intelligent, organized believer cities of evil gods.

He did what he said and blew it all the way.

Then on the fourth day, when approaching the place of the evil god, I finally encountered some trouble.

At least a thousand 'airmen' found them and launched a raid. If it wasn't for Joan's early warning, they had hid in the woods, otherwise they might have been entangled and then surrounded by the enemy's army.

Behind these "airmen", at least 100,000 believers of the evil gods rushed over.

Deep in the woods, the three were marveling around a ‘airborne zombie’ they had killed.

This thing is about two meters in length, has a frog face, has bat wings, has larger hands and feet than normal people, and has dark, sharp, long claws.

In addition, this thing also exuded a smell of plastic glue, which was very heavy and rather unpleasant.

"The strength is roughly equivalent to the elite agile warrior, but it can fly, which is more troublesome."

Beta sighed and continued: "It seems that the believers of the evil gods will evolve, and our task is a bit troublesome."

Ayros said, "It's difficult for the three of us to get together with the evil god."

Beta frowned. If he uses his strength, any fog-driving technique, or rain-seeking technique, he can forcibly kill the evil **** near the place with the two of them.

But the problem is next.

Forcibly killing them, their physical strength will certainly be lost, not in their heyday, and whether or not they can kill the evil gods is another matter.

Beta didn't intend to end up with the evil gods, and several women were emptied in the house waiting for him to return.

"Anyway, scout for a while to see what the state is, and find no chance," Kyle said.

At this time, Beta snorted, and the image returned from Jeanne found that the actions of dozens of believers of the evil **** were strange. They actually deviated from the army of evil gods and came to the forest.

At first, their movements were similar to those of other evil **** believers, but when they were near the forest, their movements became flexible, and they also picked mushrooms and fruits around the forest.

Evil God believers eat flesh and blood ... what's going on?

Beta waved and let the two keep up.

Although both brave men were a little confused, they still followed him. After a short while, Beta took them to the periphery of the forest and saw a dozen blood-stained evil **** believers picking wild vegetables and wild fruits anxiously.

Through the blood stains, they can see that their skin does not seem to be the kind of dead blue.

The two brave men also found anomalies, but their observation points were slightly different from Beta's. They saw the evil spirits of the neutral order camp on the bodies of these evil **** believers, and they did not want to cut off the thoughts of these people.

"It's human," Beta said.

The other two nodded, and then they went out.

The dozen or so devotees of the evil **** heard the sound in the woods and immediately threw the work into their hands, screaming and turning around. Much like zombies of evil **** believers.

But they immediately saw the looks of the three of them, including Beta, and stopped, stopping their bodies. After a while, one of them asked, "You ... are humans?"

Beta smiled. "Isn't this obvious?"

A dozen people breathed a sigh of relief. They looked around. The person who just spoke said nervously: "You hide first, wait for us to pick something, and then take you to our hiding place. There are not many humans alive now. Everyone must help each other. "

Beta and the other three returned temporarily to the woods.

After a few moments, these people picked up enough wild fruits and vegetables, greeted Beta, took them all the way to the edge of the woods, and finally hid in a cave.

The burrows are not too deep and dark. Avoiding more than fifty people, men and women, young and old. Everyone's face was yellow and yellow, and they looked malnourished, without any vigor, as if they had lost hope.

In addition, the taste in the burrow is a little big, which is the smell of excrement.

Beta frowned. "It's easy to cause infectious diseases like this."

From the inside of the cave, a middle-aged man came out, his expression was very cold, and said, "You are talking nonsense, do you think we don't know that there will be infectious diseases, but can we go out and excrete them? Believers smell something, and they can follow. "

Kyle covered her mouth and said, "It shouldn't be difficult to dig a pit and bury the excrement."

The middle-aged man sneered, and a few people sitting next to the wall laughed silently ~ ~ Kyle thought for a while, and didn't speak.

Middle-aged man looks at Beta, he can see that this young man is the 'head' of three people: "Where do you not come from like the people of our Kempman Lang country, what do you plan to do?"

Beta was thinking about how to answer, and Elos next to him spoke first: "Let's assassinate the evil gods to save you?"

"Wait, save us out?" The middle-aged man laughed and laughed funny: "Who do you think you are?"

Ayros was extremely upset by this sentence.

"If you want to survive, just join us, follow our orders, and everyone will live together." The middle-aged person sat down and said lazily, "If you want to assassinate any evil **** and want to be a hero, then Hurry up, don't hurt us. "

Beta answered: "We will leave right away, but before that, can you tell us some information, for example, how can you mingle with evil **** believers without being attacked by them?"

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