Nobody Truly Think Master is a Mortal, Right?

Chapter 668 The Flag of the Tang Dynasty

among the clouds.

Li Cheng harbored countless doubts.

He had absolutely no idea what was going on.

He just looked at the figure sitting on the dragon chair, as if the other party was explaining his doubts to him.

The figure was not holding a shelf either.

Instead, he sat up from the dragon chair very accommodatingly, faced Li Cheng, and opened his mouth slowly.

"You, do you know your original identity?"

The figure asked directly.

"My identity? Am I not the city's metamorphosis, the disciple of Master Chu Yuan?"

Li Cheng frowned and said inexplicably.

"Then you are a city metamorphosis. Do you know what city you are? Where did you come from?"

The figure asked again.

"I...I don't know."

Li Cheng was silent for a long time, and finally said such a sentence.

"Then tell you, you are the former capital of the Tang Dynasty, called the transformation of Chao'an City. When I was in another mortal world, the whole country was soaring. In the passage of ascension, you accidentally crashed into other places, Later, I came to this mortal world, so do you understand now?"

The figure said everything to Li Cheng in an understatement.

Every word was said with ease.

But it fell into Li Cheng's ears, but Li Cheng's heart set off a storm.

He never thought that this would be his origin.

Capital of a country?

Accidentally crashed into other places when ascending the passage?

No wonder...

No wonder he felt so familiar with the figure in front of him.

Li Cheng never doubted what the figure said.

It's a natural feeling...


My name is Li Cheng, because..."

Li Cheng hesitated.

"This name was originally my name, perhaps because the people in the past sang praises to me day and night. You instinctively have an impression of this name, so you feel that you are called Li Cheng."

The figure nodded lightly and said.

"Then you came to me to take me back and become the capital of your Tang Dynasty again?"

Li Cheng's expression froze for a moment, and he said.

If this is the case, then no matter what his background is, he will definitely resist, and will never let the other party mess around at will.


Although he used to be the capital city, it does not mean that he still wants to become the capital city of the other party.

He is now a conscious being...

"Don't worry, I don't need you to become the capital now. I came here today to tell you about your background, and secondly, to tell you about your current situation."

The figure was carrying his hands on his back, as if he didn't care at all, and spoke.

"My situation? What happened to my situation?"

Li Cheng was still puzzled.

"In your world, the calamity has already begun, and there is a battle within. Your chances of winning this battle are very small, and there are more powerful enemies outside your world. In the past, the ascension channel of this world was closed because of the strong enemy's forcible blockade. , Now, maybe you understand your situation?"

The figure's eyes seemed to be staring straight at Li Cheng.

It was as if he wanted to make Li Cheng panic in order to achieve his goal.

"So, what do you want to say?"

But unexpectedly, Li Cheng did not panic, but instead became very calm and looked at the figure.

"Promise me, if I help you through the difficulties, your luck in this world will be owned by me."

The figure said these words with bright eyes.

Hear this.

Li Cheng didn't answer right away.

Instead, he fell into contemplation.

"Sorry, I refuse."

Li Cheng thought for a while, then shook his head and rejected the figure.

His refusal left the figure stunned for a long time.

It never occurred to me that this Li Cheng would reject him.

I can't imagine why Li Cheng rejected him.

This obviously seems to have no major drawbacks at all.


The figure was very puzzled.

"No why."

Li Cheng shook his head.

There is no such thing as a pie in the sky, he doesn't believe it.

He always felt that even this existence that seemed very friendly to him on the surface, I am afraid that it might be possible to count against him.

So he never wanted to trust others.

Unless it is his own master.


The figure also seemed to understand something, and he was a little dumbfounded.

Obviously it was his capital in the past.

Why is the arm turned out now.

"Okay, okay, you keep this flag, if you encounter unstoppable force, plant this flag on the soil, then you will automatically agree to me, and I will personally intervene in the affairs of your world. ."

The figure went on to speak.

Then waved with one hand.

A dazzling golden light flew by.

The next moment, a bright flag appeared in the clouds.

This flag flutters in the wind, the flag color is red, and the four sides are embroidered with golden lines. There is an ancient text on it. Although others can't understand what it is, they can understand the meaning of this ancient text.


Li Cheng was in a trance when he saw this flag.

It is vaguely as if a supreme emperor is leading the countless soldiers and horses under his command to gallop and fight.

When Li Cheng returned to his senses, he found that the surrounding scenes had disappeared, and he returned to a path under Tianwu Mountain.

"Senior Brother! Senior Brother!"

An anxious voice sounded in his ear.

Li Cheng turned his head to look.

I saw Lin Mo on the side looking at him anxiously.

"Senior brother, what's wrong?"

Li Cheng said in a trance.

"Senior brother, what's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly standing in the same place and not moving? I thought what happened."

Lin Mo was obviously frightened.

"It's fine, I'm fine."

Li Cheng looked at the surrounding scene and reacted slowly.

When he reacted, he was a little stunned again.

just that...

Is it a dream?

Just when Li Cheng felt that the experience just now was a dream.

He suddenly looked at his palm.

At this moment, he held a golden flag tightly in his palm.

When did this flag appear?

Li Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Immediately understood.

Those were not dreams just now.

But the real thing?

Li Cheng took a deep breath. Are those his backgrounds real?

"Senior brother, what is the flag in your hand? Why didn't I see it just now?"

Lin Mo said in astonishment.

"Nothing, nothing."

Li Cheng shook his head, lowered his head and took a deep look at the flag in his hand.

Finally, the flag in his hand was taken back.

He turned his head and said something to Lin Mo.

"Let's go, Junior Brother, nothing to do, let's continue up the mountain."

Li Cheng waved his hand and prepared to continue walking up with Lin Mo.

Lin Mo looked at this senior brother who had become a little strange, and was a little confused, but he still didn't dare to ask.

He can only continue to follow this senior brother and walk up the mountain together. While walking, he observes Li Cheng's movements. He really wants to know what happened before...

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