Tianwu Mountain, there is no Taoism.

Li Cheng and Lin Mo walked around for a long time before they came here.

After they entered Wu Dao Sect, they were stunned for a moment, they did not expect that their ancestral courtyard would be so deserted.

As soon as I walked in, it was quiet.

No one passed by, not even a small animal or anything.


It was eerily quiet.

"Here... is this the ancestral court?"

Lin Mo dragged the burial coffin, stunned for a moment, and said.

"should be."

Li Cheng wasn't sure either, he glanced left and right, but couldn't find any useful information.

However, there is a lot of spiritual energy here...

It can even be regarded as saturated to an extreme.

This is due to the fact that Wudao Sect disciples often feedback Wudao Sect, bringing all kinds of heaven and earth treasures and so on, and they have also teamed up here to set up a formation.

Moreover, Wu Dao Sect enjoys the luck of many holy places under the command of many Wu Dao Sect disciples.

Under the enjoyment of this huge air luck, Wu Dao Sect is also subtly changing.

This change is invisible, but over time, it has become a real change.

The current scale and style of Wu Dao Sect is far beyond the level of the Holy Land.

It has become a real top force.

It's just that there are basically no people in this force.

"Why is there no one here?"

Lin Mo put down the chain of the burial coffin and said.

"Keep walking, I've never been here before."

Li Cheng shook his head and planned to continue walking to see other places.

The two looked at each other.

In the end, I still plan to continue to walk forward to see if there is anyone nearby.

The two moved forward in Wu Dao Sect all the way.

They walked through the square of the Sect Master's main hall, through the living hall area, and through various buildings, but they still didn't see anyone.

All the way to the place near the back mountain.

They just saw a figure.

It was the figure of a young man.

The teenager sat by the fire, roasting some meat, and was still writing something in his hand.

"What a handsome young man."

Lin Mo couldn't help but praise.

It is true that this young man has a very delicate appearance, and there is aura in his eyes, giving people an extraordinary feeling.

Moreover, there seems to be an aura that I don't know how to describe vaguely about this young man.

Is that a domineering aura?

Or the supreme momentum?

"This young man is extraordinary."

Li Cheng also gave his evaluation.

He thought this young man was extraordinary.

Lin Mo nodded, and he stepped forward, wanting to communicate with this young man and ask about the situation in Wu Dao Sect.

No one brought them here, they came in by themselves, which was really confusing.

Before he could step forward.

Suddenly, a terrifying dragon roar sounded in the distance.

hold head high! ! !

With the sound of the dragon's roar, the terrifying Longwei also pressed over.

It's just that this dragon's might has no effect on Li Cheng and Lin Mo.

No matter what they say, they are all Mahayana monks.

But not everything can overwhelm them.

In the eyes of Li Cheng and Lin Mo.

A gigantic blue dragon suddenly flew from a distance.

Canglong carries demonic energy and dragon might, but this demonic energy and dragon might are completely different from the old era, and belong to the new era.

This blue dragon flew over and turned into a humanoid near the boy. It was a middle-aged man.

This person is Ao Ye, who is also Chu Yuan's nominal mount.

"Xu Yu! You're not running yet? You stole the ingredients that Ergang raised carefully. He sent me over to get you. If you don't run, I'll do it."

Ao Ye's eyes widened, looking at the young man who was still roasting meat below, and said quite speechlessly.

"This fat man, what are you doing so stingy?"

The young man was not afraid at all, and continued to roast the meat, looking like a demon king who was not afraid of anyone.

This young man is Xu Yu, Xu Wazi.

It was a child who grew up to be a teenager.

It's just that compared to the shy and shy child back then, the current teenager Xu Yu is arrogant, and no one can hold him down.

"It's been raised for several years, carefully cultivated, and stolen by you. It's good not to be crazy."

Ao Ye was speechless.

"Then what do you mean now, you can't beat me again, I'll give you two options, either beat me up or sit down and eat with me."

The young man Xu Yu said carelessly.

Ao Ye: "..."

He also knew that he couldn't beat Xu Yu.

From a long time ago, he couldn't beat Xu Yu.

This Xu Yu's talent is extremely terrifying, especially in recent years.

Xu Yu is almost familiar with the god soldiers of the Shenbing Pavilion, and the tower of the Dharma Hall and the tower can be used by Xu Yu.

The horror of Xu Yu came out.

Not only is he extremely powerful.

As soon as they start fighting, they can 'shake people', and they can directly shake out countless magical soldiers to beat people.

Simply terrifying.

How could Ao Ye beat this young Xu Yu?

Ao Ye was silent for a long time.

Finally, I chose to go to Xu Yu to sit down and eat with Xu Yu.

If you can't beat it, join in.

Seeing Ao Ye's performance, Xu Yu suddenly smiled and handed Ao Ye a piece of meat.

"That's right, come, taste this meat, this meat can be of great help to our practice..."

Xu Yu kept stuffing Ao Ye with meat.

Ao Ye also took the meat and ate it very "heartbroken".

Xu Yu also planned to eat by himself.

He had just picked up a piece of meat, and had not put it to his lips.

Suddenly felt something.

His eyes turned to Li Cheng and Lin Mo.

"Who dares to trespass into Wudao Sect?"

Xu Yu opened his mouth abruptly.

A single palm patted over there.

The terrifying aura gathered into a huge palm, carrying the potential to cover the sky and the earth, and patted it towards Li Cheng and Lin Mo.

"We are Wudao Sect disciples!"

Facing this palm, Li Cheng was completely stunned.

But he still reacted quickly and said such a sentence, for fear that he would be slapped by this palm if he spoke slowly.


When the palm was about to fall, it suddenly stopped.

Immediately, it turned into countless auras and dissipated between heaven and earth.


Li Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a lot of confusion in his eyes.

He didn't understand how the attack just now came out.

It looks like it seems to be the first realm of cultivation, the aura of that basic realm fluctuates, but why can it be so powerful?

This is not at all normal.

"You are Wudao Sect disciples? Why don't I know you?"

Xu Yu stood up, his body domineering and awe-inspiring.

Although he is young, he has a supreme spirit.

"This is what the big brother gave us to prove our identity, you can take a look."

Li Cheng thought about it, took out a token made of a special material from his arms, and handed it to Xu Yu in the air...

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