Locke and David slowly came to the Kafu Supermarket at No. 168 San Vicente Avenue. Well, slowly is relatively speaking. In fact, it was very fast, less than 5 minutes.

Because the police situation was not urgent, zero-dollar shopping has become a very common thing in the United States, especially in California.

California has recently passed a bill that robbery under $900 is not illegal.

California has an even more bizarre bill that supermarket clerks prevent zero-dollar shopping from being illegal, but this bill is very controversial and the state legislature is still in the process of pulling.

At first, Locke, like most people, also thought that the bill that robbery under $900 is not illegal was very bizarre and absurd, but after Marian explained the law to him, he thought the bill was very good.

Many Chinese people are laughing at this matter, but in addition to the political correctness factor, this bill also has the government’s policy purpose.

For example, subsidizing the lower-class people.

Yes, you read that right. To subsidize the lower-class people in this way, the government does not need substantial fiscal expenditures. It is a good policy. It is absolutely a genius to come up with this.

Because the main group of zero-dollar shopping is black people and other people of color, uh, and lower-class white people.

This group is all proletarians, a completely disadvantaged group. They can’t make a living. Letting them rob things legally can alleviate social conflicts to some extent.

If they have a way to make a living, they will not do other extreme things.

Moreover, these people are not afraid of the law at all. They will eat and live in prison for free, which will also consume the federal government’s finances.

More importantly, most of the zero-dollar shopping occurs in civilian neighborhoods and will not affect the rich areas.

The Los Angeles Police Department has limited police force. Instead of wasting limited police force on this group of locusts, it is better to better protect the safety of high-value-added enterprises, commercial areas, rich areas and other financial owners who pay taxes to keep the United States running normally.

To give a more vivid metaphor, some people in the community found that there were more stray dogs around their houses, which was very unsafe, but they were afraid of animal protection organizations and could not hunt these stray dogs.

So, the community asked for help from animal protection organizations, set up rescue stations outside the community, and regularly put food in the stray dogs. The stray dogs knew there was food there, so they would not run around the community, and the community security became better again.

People are like this, their butts determine their heads.

This bill is good for Locke and his LAPD, so of course they support it. Otherwise, they will catch black people who buy things for zero dollar all day long. How long will it take to catch them?

For zero dollar purchases, small supermarkets, Chinese supermarkets, and Korean supermarkets can only consider themselves unlucky, and calling the police is useless.

However, for large supermarkets and big brand stores, they usually buy insurance, and the losses are finally paid by the insurance company. Paying the insurance policy is the normal operation of the insurance company and will not affect the stock price and shareholder dividends.

See, is it a closed loop?

Politicians gain reputation, capitalists’ wealth will not be affected, and the elite class gets the stability they want, and they will not lose anything in zero dollar purchases.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
In theory, zero dollar purchases are no longer illegal, so why do merchants still call the police?

Because human desires are endless, black people used to rob necessary daily necessities because they could not survive, which is why California set the value of goods at $900.

But with the bill coming out, black people feel that they will lose if they don’t rob $900.

But the blacks can’t rob according to the value of the goods, and more importantly, they don’t know how to count, so in most cases, the value of the goods robbed exceeds $900.

Now the zero-dollar purchase in Los Angeles has formed an industrial chain, and the valuables robbed by the blacks have a complete set of channels for selling stolen goods.

Some people even place orders online for blacks to rob their favorite luxury goods, and finally buy them at a low price.

Arriving at the Kafu supermarket, Locke and David thought that they would go through the formalities as before and record a record, but they didn’t expect that the supermarket actually caught a robber.

When Locke saw the robber locked in the monitoring room, he frowned, and it turned out to be a Chinese.

In the United States, the difference between mainland Chinese and other Asians can be distinguished at a glance.

Of course, this is for Locke, but it is not so easy for others. In the eyes of foreigners, these people are even the same.

On the contrary, Singaporean Chinese are closer to mainlanders and difficult to distinguish.

The Chinese woman looked young, with a very Westernized look, heavy makeup, long eyelashes, and the scent of Chanel No. 5 perfume. You can tell where the perfume came from.

Her skin was tanned, her clothes were revealing, and there were large tattoos on her chest, even a spade.

When she saw Locke and David come in, the woman looked indifferent, but she still looked at Locke a few more times, probably because she thought he was handsome.

The supermarket security directly checked the surveillance for Locke and David. There were four robbers in this zero-dollar purchase.

Three black people, two men and oneThe three black men escaped the supermarket security, but the Chinese woman was caught because she ran too slowly. The supermarket manager also took out a list of the items they robbed, which added up to about $8,500, exceeding the exemption limit. The evidence was irrefutable, and there was nothing to say. After a brief questioning, Locke learned the identity of the Chinese female robber. Her name was Michelle Chen, and she was not Chinese American, but Chinese nationality, which surprised him. Locke and David Dai handcuffed the suspect, put him in a police car, and prepared to send him back to the Wilshire Police Department for procedures. After figuring out the identities of the other three robbers, the LAPD will issue a warrant for the three black men who escaped. Although it is not known whether they will be sentenced to imprisonment in the end, their credit records will definitely be recorded. Of course, these people will not care. When Locke was driving, he would occasionally glance at the woman in the back seat. There are many Chinese people in the United States who are poor, but not many dare to participate in zero-dollar shopping. After all, China does not have a culture of getting something for nothing.

It is even rarer to have Chinese nationality and get into this situation in the United States. The Chinese young people who can come to the United States must have good family finances. Could it be that they are here through a network?

Locke is not a saint. Although the other party’s Chinese nationality identity made him pay more attention, he did not intend to do anything.

They all mixed with black people and bought zero-dollar shopping. There were needle holes on their arms. Such Chinese people did not deserve too much attention from him.

After handing the robber over to the police station, Locke and David continued to patrol.

David still couldn’t accept the bill that allowed black people to shop for free without being convicted, and angrily said, “Los Angeles was not like this before. It’s because they were too tolerant of them, so Los Angeles has become like this, fuck…”

Locke comforted him, “Anyway, you will retire in two years, out of sight, out of mind…”

David sighed, “This world is shit, LGBTQ, it’s a mess, luckily Catherine has never made me worry. Forget it, let’s not talk about it, find a coffee shop, I’ll buy you a cup of coffee…”

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