At noon, at a Mexican restaurant.

Locke naturally became the protagonist, and Randy and the others urged him to treat everyone to a drink tonight.

For LAPD, it is extremely difficult to get a medal, and many police officers get the medal while lying in a coffin.

Treating people to drinks is naturally not a problem for Locke.

Among the few people, except David, he has the best financial conditions and does not have any loans. I heard that Superintendent Mona has not yet paid off her college loan.

While talking about the cases they handled in the morning, Locke’s mobile phone suddenly rang. It was a strange call.

He answered the call and was stunned for a moment before remembering who the other party was.

Linda Wang, Chinese name, Wang Xinying, a Chinese female student at USC (University of Southern California), was harassed by a yellow-skinned white-hearted Chinese woman when she was visiting Universal Studios with her parents.

This police case was handled by Locke and David, and he left his phone number to the other party at the time.

The fact that Linda’s family interrupted their travel plan and went to the police station to deal with the problem left a deep impression on Locke and David.

“Hello, I remember you, Miss Wang, how can I help you?”

The information of the person on the other end of the phone flashed through Locke’s mind quickly, he said hello to the others, and stood up and walked outside.

Wang Xinying said directly: “Officer Locke, I’m sorry to bother you. I just received a notice from the school that a female classmate from China is now at the Wilshire Police Department. If it’s convenient, I would like to ask about her situation…” Locke raised his eyebrows and asked, “Are you friends?” Wang Xinying replied: “Not really, just acquaintance. She is also a Chinese student at USC (University of Southern California). We are in the same group and she has been expelled from the school. The school just notified us that she was arrested and asked her friends to go to Wilshire to handle her case, but she has no friends. As a Chinese compatriot, I and several classmates from China want to help her. I happen to have your phone number, so I took the liberty to call you to find out what crime she has committed…” After listening to Wang Xinying’s explanation, Locke was relieved immediately, because the Chinese female student left a good impression on him last time, beautiful, cheerful, confident, and calm. It turned out that they were just compatriots and classmates. He was just wondering how Linda Wang could be friends with Michelle Chen? Locke asked, “Is your classmate called Michelle Chen?”

Wang Xinying asked in surprise, “How do you know?”

Michelle Chen’s case was not sensitive or serious, and Locke was ready to tell the truth, “I arrested your classmate. She went shopping with three black people in the supermarket this morning. The supermarket called the police, and the three black people escaped. She was caught by the supermarket security…”


Wang Xinying was silent for a few seconds and asked, “Officer Locke, in this case, what kind of punishment will Michelle receive? Will she go to jail?”

Locke replied, “It depends on whether she has a criminal record. If it is just a first offense, she should be able to be released on bail and sentenced to community service, but if she has a criminal record, she will most likely be sentenced to jail…”

Wang Xinying replied, “She has a criminal record. She borrowed a lot of money from classmates before and was sued. Later, her classmates withdrew the lawsuit when they saw that she really had no money to pay back. She was also sentenced to community service for stealing things, but She didn’t do it. By the way, she was expelled from school and her visa seems to have expired. Will she be deported back to China in this situation? ”

Locke was not familiar with this aspect and replied: “Maybe…”

Wang Xinying said with a thankful tone: “If she is deported back to China, Michelle should still be saved. We will go to the Wilshire Police Department to see if we can do something for her. Thank you, Officer Locke. Well, in fact, Michelle is very pitiful. She was deceived…”

Five minutes later, Locke put away the phone, shrugged his shoulders, and looked indifferent. Unlike Wang Xinying, he did not sympathize with Michelle Chen’s experience.

According to Wang Xinying, Michelle Chen came from Edinburgh, the richest place in China. Her family was well-off. With excellent grades, she got an offer from the University of Southern California (USC) to study media.

When she was a freshman, she was as hardworking and serious as other Chinese students. Because she was beautiful, cheerful and sociable, she was the most shining figure among the USC students.

But in her sophomore year, she met a white young man in a bar outside the school. The two fell in love and embarked on a path of depravity.

After having a boyfriend, Michelle Chen often skipped classes, went to bars, drank alcohol, and later began to smoke tobacco and take drugs. She often cried poor to her parents in China and asked them to send money to support her boyfriend.

Because of long-term absences, she failed too many exams and was later directly expelled from USC.

Her parents noticed something was wrong and asked her classmates to find out the truth. They flew to the United States together and wanted to take her back home, but she ran away.

Her parents were very disappointed with her, so they stopped giving her money and cut off their relationship with her.

After her financial source was cut off, she began to borrow money from Chinese students, because not everyone knew her experience, and many classmates lent her money, and the money was naturally borrowed but not repaid.

Later, it was exposed, and no classmates were willing to lend her money, and she was sued.

After she ran out of money, her white boyfriend quickly dumped her. In order to make money for drugs, she began to sell her body in the group of international students. Because she was very beautiful and because she was once a celebrity, her business was good at the beginning.

But later, someone spread that she had AIDS, and no one patronized her, so she stopped hanging around at the University of Southern California.

Later, she was caught for theft, and the police contacted the school, and her deeds spread around USC.

It was a Chinese student from the University of Southern California who went to bail her out. At that time, her student visa had expired and she was already an illegal immigrant.

Now I don’t know how she mixed with black people and participated in zero-dollar shopping.

When Locke returned to the restaurant, the few people who were chatting enthusiastically immediately stopped talking. He asked curiously: “What are you talking about?”

Superintendent Mona glanced at David and smiled: “David said you are preparing to take the detective exam, and said that you are likely to surpass Tom Williams, and you are planning to publish an autobiography…”

Locke analyzed from the micro-expression that Superintendent Mona was lying, but did not expose it. He smiled and said: “Yes, I have authorized him…”

David changed the subject and said: “Whose call is it, is everything okay?”


Locke shook his head. David might not remember who Wang Xinying was, even if he remembered the last incident. Americans are really face-blind to Asian faces.

But Wang Xinying just mentioned something that you can pay attention to when you have time.

Wang Xinying mentioned that there are many Chinese female students studying in Los Angeles, such as Michelle Chen, who was a good girl in China. Soon after arriving in the United States, she found a white or black boyfriend, and soon became addicted to drugs and asked her family for a large amount of money.

Some female students found that their foreign boyfriends took drugs and quickly cut their losses and left.

Now in the study abroad circle, it is rumored that there are gangs in Los Angeles that use this method of seducing drug use to target Chinese female students, defrauding money and sex.

Well, it is mainly to defraud money, and sex is a means of defrauding money.

In the evening, Locke followed David and others to the Sky Bar. As soon as he entered the bar, he found that something was wrong. It was too quiet inside.



“Welcome our hero, Locke!!!”



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