In the morning, Locke drove his Raptor out of Beverly Hills, followed by a black BMW 760, which was Li Bo’s car, and Marian was sitting in the passenger seat.

According to Marian’s idea, she wanted Jet and Hannah to go to the ceremony together, but Locke refused.

He still raised his concerns and didn’t want his family to be overexposed. Seeing Locke’s insistence, Marian had to compromise.

Jet and Hannah thought they could skip classes in the morning at first, but after hearing that Locke would not let them attend the ceremony, they could only go to school in a depressed mood.

It can be imagined that the two little ones definitely remembered Locke in their hearts.

Arriving at the Wilshire Police Department, Locke found that the venue for the ceremony had been set up in the parking lot.

It was a very simple arrangement, a platform half a meter high, covered with red carpet, with a podium with the Los Angeles Police Department badge and a microphone on it, the background was the gate of the Wilshire Police Department, and rows of folding chairs were placed under the stage.

Locke was going to send Marian and Li Bo to Anna Davis’ office to change uniforms, after all, they only knew Anna in the police station.

“Hi, Marian, Todd…”

“Hi, Anna, Jeff, Marcy, wow, Henry, you’re back too…”

Anna Davis’ family was also in her office. In addition to Jeff Davis and Marcy Davis, her eldest son Henry Davis, who was studying at Yale Law School, was also there, as well as an old man with silver hair and a ruddy face.

Henry Davis perfectly inherited his father Jeff Davis’s appearance, also with blond hair and blue eyes, and looked handsome, comparable to Locke.

After greeting Marian and Li Bo, he smiled and said, “I want to witness Anna’s glorious moment, so I took a special leave to come back…”

Henry Davis took the initiative to hug Locke again and said solemnly, “Locke, I am very grateful for everything you have done for Anna. Thank you! Congratulations. I will treat you to a special meal when the summer vacation comes!”

Locke looked indifferent and smiled, “Hey, I also call Anna Auntie!”

He felt strange in his heart. Although Henry Davis looked handsome and sunny, he felt a little gay, similar to the cream boy he had just met.

I immediately made up my mind to try to have less contact with this guy in the future.

He was obviously normal before, why did he become gay after entering college!

Anna Davis introduced the silver-haired old man to everyone, “Marian, Todd, this is my father, Harry Thomas, you haven’t met him yet…” Although Maryann had known Anna Davis for many years, it was her first time meeting Harry Thomas, and she quickly extended her hand, “Mr. Thomas, nice to meet you!” Li Bo also greeted Harry Thomas solemnly, knowing very well that Locke would be working with this man in the LAPD in the future. Locke saluted directly, “It’s an honor to meet you, Sir !”

Although Harry Thomas was wearing a suit, he still returned a salute to Locke, and then smiled at Marian and Li Bo: “You have a good son, and the LAPD has an excellent policeman…”

At this time, Marcy Davis asked: “Aunt Marian, why didn’t you see Jett and Hannah?”

Marian glared at Locke unhappily, and said dissatisfiedly: “Locke said he didn’t want his family to be overly exposed in public. If it weren’t for his father and I insisting, he didn’t want us to attend his training ceremony…”

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Locke said frankly: “I was also scared by the previous incident with the Mexican Menodi drug trafficking organization. I don’t want my family to take risks because of my LAPD identity, so I try not to expose it if I can…”

Harry Thomas looked at Locke with appreciation and smiled: “Caution is an indispensable quality for a policeman…”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
But then he said: “But don’t worry too much. LADP will not allow its police officers and police officers’ families to be threatened or harmed by criminals. Anyone who dares to threaten us will be eliminated by us in the end…”

As the former head of the LAPD Operations Department, Assistant Chief/Asst. Chief), the second in command of the Los Angeles Police Department, Harry Thomas had the confidence to say this.

The last time the Copernicus organization kidnapped Anna Davis and Nathan, they were cleared by the LAPD that night. This operation was promoted by Harry Thomas alone.

At this time, Anna Davis’ secretary informed that Garrett Miller, the director of the Western Division, had arrived. Anna Davis said hello and went out to greet him.

Locke chatted with them for a few more words, then left Marian and Li Bo with Anna Davis and went to the locker room to change his clothes. Today he will wear a police hat again.

A member of the Patrol DivisionColleagues will also attend the award ceremony, because the award ceremony will not take more than an hour, and will not affect normal work.

The disciplined forces of the United States usually attach great importance to the sense of ceremony and honor, but they are also pragmatic and efficient.

At 8:30, the award ceremony officially began, and Captain Jones presided over the ceremony.

The folding chairs under the stage were filled with police officers from the Wilshire Police Department and their families who were watching the ceremony.

Because Locke was the protagonist, he and his family were arranged in the first row, and the Davis family sat next to him.

What made him a little uncomfortable was that Henry Davis deliberately changed seats with Marcy Davis and sat next to him.

Damn, Henry, this kid, doesn’t have any intentions towards him!

After Captain Jones gave an impassioned speech, he announced the start of the awarding session, and the first person to be awarded the medal was Anna Davis.

Garrett Miller, the chief of the Western Division, personally awarded Anna Davis the Police Star. Garrett Miller praised Anna’s bravery and fearlessness, praised her as a model among LAPD leaders, and praised her for maintaining the dignity and honor of LAPD. He also publicly supported Anna’s decision to serve Los Angeles and LAPD in a more important position.

LAPD Police Star

Anna Davis also gave a speech, first praising the professionalism and sense of responsibility of the officers of the Wilshire Police Department, and specifically mentioned Nathan’s bravery in the last kidnapping incident.

Then she expressed her apologies to her family emotionally, thanked her family for their support, and finally thanked Locke, winning warm applause from everyone present.

She left a wise, tough, but emotional image of a female police inspector in everyone’s heart.

After Anna Davis’s award ceremony, it was Locke’s turn.

Unlike Anna Davis, Captain Jones spoke passionately about some embarrassing things that happened when Locke first came to the police station, and how he changed his opinion of Locke, which caused laughter and applause from the audience, and the originally serious atmosphere instantly became lively.

Marian turned her head while applauding and asked, “Locke, I forgot to ask you, have you prepared a speech?”


Locke was stunned for a moment. What is there to prepare for this? Just say a few words and thank the people who should be thanked.

“Now please invite our hero Locke Lee to the stage…”

Locke hurriedly stood up and saluted his colleagues behind him before walking onto the stage. It was Anna Davis who awarded Locke the medal.

Garrett Miller sat with Harry Thomas offstage. He smiled and said, “LAPD hasn’t had such a young man who can do things for a long time. First, he found Henry Morgan’s body and messed up the Parker Center. This time, the sheriff of Santa Barbara County called to complain about him as a patrolman…” Harry Thomas looked noncommittal, “Can you call him a young man if he doesn’t do things? Although the FBI is a bit of a jerk, they are not fools. If Locke didn’t have something they like, why would they invite him to be a special consultant…” Garrett Miller nodded hurriedly and said, “That’s right. The talents of LAPD can’t always be snatched away by the FBI…” On the stage, Anna Davis just pinned the life-saving medal on Locke, and then the two of them faced the stage, smiling at the colleagues who stood up and applauded them. Under their feet was the publicity department clerk who squatted down to take pictures of them. The photo of the life-saving medal comes from the reader Iron-Blooded Frog Suddenly, the smile on Locke’s face froze, and a voice appeared in his mind. “Beep, the bulletproof card is activated…”

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