What is the fucking!

Locke didn’t have time to be confused, and felt something whizzing past on the left. He reacted instantly, and threw Anna Davis next to him to the ground, and shouted to the audience: “Lie down, there is a sniper!”

He pushed Anna Davis down, and felt something flying over his head again.


A big hole appeared on the bulletproof glass of the door of the Wilshire Police Station building behind him, as big as a football.


Another hole was broken in the glass door on the right, and the two holes were less than half a meter apart.

With Locke’s shouting, everyone in the audience was stunned and didn’t react. When they found a hole in the glass of the front door, they were in a panic.

There were also police officers on duty in the Wilshire Police Station building who ran out with weapons.

Locke lay on Anna Davis, and immediately looked at his parents in the audience, and found that Marian was pressing Li Bo to lie on the ground, and his heart was immediately at ease.

Seeing the panic in the audience, some people lay down on the spot, some people escaped and looked for cover, lying on the ground, Harry Thomas shouted: “It’s Barrett M82, everyone lie down and don’t move, call 911, start code-99 response…”

Barrett M82

Barrett M82

Anna Davis also calmed down at this time, motioned Locke to get off her, and lay on the ground and shouted to Captain Jones next to him: “Call 911, start code-99 response, call SWAT support…”

Locke was about to climb down to comfort his frightened parents, and suddenly found a red dot moving rapidly in his mind. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, got up and chased after the red dot.

There was still a map in his mind, but this time it was not spherical, but circular, with a radius of 5,000 meters.

The whole map was gray, without any terrain display, only a moving red dot was displayed, just like the radar.

The countdown was still 30 minutes.

It seems that the bullet avoidance card is not only a bullet avoidance function, but also displays the position of the gunman within half an hour after being activated.


Marianne screamed in fear when she saw Locke suddenly stand up.

Locke was furious at the moment. Since he knew the gunman’s position, the gunman was dead today.

Obviously, the gunman’s first shot was for him, and the second shot was for Anna Davis.

But after running a few steps, Locke suddenly turned and ran towards his car. He found that the red dot was moving faster, and it should be in the car. Soon the red dot disappeared from the map.

Fuck, it’s out of the map.

Locke was so anxious that he rushed out of Wilshire Police Station with the Raptor, and L4’s driving skills were fully activated, chasing in the direction where the red dot disappeared.

Just as Locke was anxiously tracking in the direction where the red dot disappeared, his cell phone rang. It was Anna Davis who brought it over.

She asked angrily, “Locke, where are you going?”

Locke stared at the road with great concentration, and replied calmly, “I’m going to search for the gunman’s location…”

Anna Davis said in a deep voice, “The Detective Bureau and SWAT will take over this matter soon…”

Locke interrupted her and said, “Anna, the gunman’s target is you and me. The effective range of the Barrett M82 is 1,500 to 2,500 meters. When the Detective Bureau arrives, the gunman will have already run away…”

Suddenly, a red dot appeared on the map in his mind again.

With the previous experience of the detection card, Locke didn’t dare to say anything casually even if he found the gunman’s car.

He hurriedly said, “Anna, don’t worry, I’ll search first to see if I can find any suspicious people. Don’t worry, I won’t act rashly…”

After that, he hung up the phone and accelerated to chase the red dot.

Fortunately, the gunman thought he had escaped from the scene, and began to slow down and run with the traffic, and Locke quickly caught up with him.

He also began to slow down when he was one thousand meters away from the red dot, and then slowly approached the red dot. Soon, a brown Chevrolet Trailblazer appeared in his field of vision, overlapping with the red dot in his mind.

He stretched out his hand, and the Beretta 92F in the space appeared in his hand. After loading the gun, his eyes were cold.

Seeing him getting closer and closer to the Chevrolet, Locke suddenly realized a problem. It was easy to kill the gunman, but whether there were accomplices behind the gunman, whether there was an organization…

To check these, he had to borrow the huge resources of the LAPD.

Locke thought for a while, then called Anna Davis back and turned on the hands-free. As soon as the call was connected, he reported: “Captain, a suspicious vehicle was found, a suspicious vehicle was found…”

Anna Davis was stunned for a moment, and said in a hurry: “Report the vehicle information and your location!”

“Brown Chevrolet Trailblazer, license plate number, 7BTC409, now on Burlington Street towards Hollywood Highway, over…”

Anna Davis repeated it and said excitedly: “Locke, keep an eye on it, support will be here soon, pay attention to safety, don’t act rashly, don’t hang up the phone, keep the phone open…”

Locke was able to find the gunman’s traces less than ten minutes after the shooting, which undoubtedly gave a shot in the arm to the Wilshire Police Department, whose morale was hit hard.

On the phone, Locke heard Anna Davis shouting coldly: “Locke found the gunman’s vehicle, a brown Chevrolet Trailblazer, license plate number, 7BTC409, the target is on Burlington Street, notify Parker Center, notify SWAT, we need air support…”

Obviously, Anna Davis was also extremely angry at this moment.

This assassination is not only a serious provocation to the LAPD, but also will leave a psychological shadow on the family members who participated in the awarding ceremony, which is why Locke was so angry.

Soon the sound of the sirens came from his hand, making him want to hang up the phone.

Noticing the traffic light in front, the left lane of the gunman’s vehicle was empty, Locke hurriedly changed lanes and inserted it, preparing to cross the Chevrolet Trailblazer.

He knew very well that tracking was not It’s too easy to be discovered if you keep hanging behind the target’s car. It’s against common sense not to get in when there’s a gap.

When they passed each other, Locke turned his head and glanced at the Chevrolet, but the gunman in the driver’s seat of the Chevrolet was also looking at him.

The two men came face to face in an instant, and Locke was not panicked at all, because the bulletproof glass of the Raptor was darker in color. At this distance, he could see the gunman’s face clearly, but the gunman couldn’t see his face clearly.

White man, beard…

Locke immediately remembered who it was, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy. Fuck your FBI, didn’t they say they would keep a close eye on him?

This Isn’t it Johnny Dyson, the boss of the Copernican organization who was transformed into Cal Rip by the “doctor”?

No wonder he and Anna Davis were killed!

Obviously, this guy knew that it was him who killed Sam Brown and four other members of the Copernican organization, which led to the failure of the Copernican organization’s plan to kidnap Anna Davis to undermine the prestige of the LAPD, and ultimately led to the destruction of the Copernican organization.

It seems that this guy hates him even more!

If he only wanted to kill Anna Davis, Anna would probably be dead now.

But this guy actually wanted to kill both of them at the same time, while he and Anna Davis were standing together If there was no bullet avoidance card, he might have succeeded. For two targets next to each other, using the Barrett M82, the second shot basically does not need to be adjusted, and the second shot can be fired immediately. After he was shot, Anna would definitely not be able to react. Since we know that the shooter is Johnny Dyson, there is no need to wait for the LAPD to investigate. Johnny Dyson is the main culprit. Locke immediately wanted to kill again. Johnny Dyson was dead. No one could stop him, not even the Virgin Mary! At this time, the traffic light had passed, and Locke’s car was hanging behind the Chevrolet Trailblazer again. He pressed the passenger window and prepared to speed up to catch up and kill Johnny Dyson. Just as Locke was about to speed up, the Chevrolet Trailblazer in front suddenly accelerated faster than him.

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