In the morning, Locke walked into Wilshire with a fresh look, carrying two large bags of donuts. He put one bag at the front desk and walked into the patrol department with the other bag.

“Hi, guys, here are donuts…”

Everyone swarmed towards him. No LAPD could refuse donuts and iced Americano.

Locke handed the bag to Randy and asked him to help distribute it. He took a box of donuts and walked towards David who was busy at the computer.

David hesitated, but finally took one, “Catherine doesn’t let me eat this anymore, the calories and sweetness are too high!”

Locke took one himself, handed the remaining donuts to other colleagues, returned to David, took a bite of the donut, and asked with a sweet mouth, “What is my plan for today?”

David’s face sank, “Why, don’t you want to partner with me so soon?”

Locke looked embarrassed and smiled and said, “How could it be, didn’t I think you had already arranged the patrol schedule?”

David snorted, “Since you defended Catherine last time, I will forgive you this time…”

As he said that, he took a bite of the donut, looking very happy.

Locke knew that David was talking about the incident at the West Vidal Building, and complained: “The people in the Detective Bureau are a bit rough in their work!”

David also said in a deep voice: “If Catherine hadn’t stopped me, I would have wanted to complain about them. They don’t do things in a standard way at all…”

At this time, Captain Jones came out of the office, took a donut, and shouted to Locke: “Go to Captain Davis’ office!”

Locke saw that there were still donuts left, so he took a box and went to Anna Davis’ office.

Anna Davis was also hesitant when she saw the donuts, but she finally took one, “Take the rest away, don’t leave it here to tempt me!”

Anna Davis went to Locke to find out about Lebeck’s matter, and she couldn’t get so much details on the phone before.

After listening to Locke’s report, Anna Davis nodded, “This matter was handled very carefully, especially the survivor. Only a limited number of people know about it, so it shouldn’t reveal anything…”

She looked solemn, “I didn’t expect the drug dealers of the Navarro Group to be so cunning that they actually put the plantation behind Los Angeles. They are indeed the most low-key drug dealer organization in Tijuana. The Los Angeles branch of the DEA was severely criticized by the headquarters for this matter and was accused of incompetent intelligence systems. If the Navarro Group controls the planting of Lebec leaves, it can almost be cleaned up. You have helped them a lot this time…”

Locke did not ask about the distribution of interests between the DEA and Lebec this time. He is too low-level now and cannot get involved in such things.

Then Anna Davis asked some fun things about the Lebec farm. After Locke introduced it, he tactfully extended an invitation again.

Anna Davis said reservedly, “Well, I’ll discuss it with Jeff and Marcy later…”

When leaving, Anna Davis reminded Locke, “Although the remnants of the Copernicus organization have been cleared, you still have to be more careful when patrolling today!”

Locke turned his head, “Thank you, Aunt Anna!”

Anna Davis waved, “By the way, how are you preparing for the detective exam?”

Locke turned his head again, “I plan to take the exam at the end of the month…”


Anna Davis hesitated for a moment and said, “My work at Wilshire will end next month!”

“Great, Congratulations!”

Locke was really happy, his thighs were getting thicker, and asked, “What is the new position?”

Anna Davis’s expression was restrained, and she smiled slightly arrogantly, “Keep it secret for now!”

Locke pouted and almost raised his middle finger, but he didn’t say anything and teased him again.

Locke started the patrol car and was about to drive out of the parking space when he suddenly thought of something and immediately lifted the brake, “Wait a minute, I forgot to bring the HK416…”

The HK416 was placed in the trunk of the Mercedes-Benz G55. It was always placed in the trunk of the patrol car when patrolling before.

After a while, Locke put the HK416 in the trunk of the patrol car, returned to the car, and asked David while driving out of the parking space: “It seems that I still have to buy another rifle. Do you think it is SCAR or AUG?”


AUG rifle

He already has three rifles in his storage box, but these guns are not allowed to be seen in public.


David directly gave a middle finger back and did not intend to respond to his question full of tycoon flavor.

Both SCAR and AUG are much more expensive than the AR15 used by most police officers.

Especially SCAR, the price is close to HK416, and it costs at least 8,000 or 9,000 US dollars to be equipped.


AUG is relatively goodA little bit, 3000 US dollars, but with all the equipment, you can get 4000 to 5000 US dollars.


AR15 is less than 2000 US dollars. It is called Lego for men. How expensive can the toy be.


After driving out of Wilshire, David asked: “What are your plans next? I thought you would be transferred directly?”

Locke looked at him in surprise, “Have you heard the news?”

David rolled his eyes at him, “Even a fool knows that after you made such a heroic act, do you think Parker Center will let you continue to be a patrolman?”

Locke shrugged, “They want to transfer me to the detective bureau, I refused…”

David stared at him in disbelief, “Fuck, are you serious?”

Locke said seriously: “I want to take the test myself. I will take the detective exam at the end of this month!”

“Damn it!”

David looked at Locke with a look of disappointment on his face. He was about to say something but stopped. He sighed and shrugged: “Forget it, I don’t know you anymore, Maybe you can really pass the exam! ”

He showed a touch of shock on his face, “I have to say, Locke, you really surprised me. I have taught many rookies, but you are definitely the most special one. I didn’t expect you to leave so quickly, kid, I am proud of you…”

Locke looked at David with a smile, “Hey, I haven’t left yet!”

David was stunned, and seemed to react, and said embarrassedly: “Okay, then I’ll say it again when you leave!”

Suddenly, he turned his head and looked at Locke, “Boy, you went to the detective bureau…”

Locke guessed what he was going to say, and hurriedly said: “I know, I will keep my distance from Catherine…”


David said seriously: “Take good care of her for me!”

Locke gave a middle finger directly, this old Deng!

“Zizi, Adams High School called the police and found that gang members were selling leaves near the school…”

“7Adam15, copy…”

Locke’s expression sank. This weekend in Lebec, Li Bo told the three brothers and sisters some history of the Opium War in China, and he had a better understanding of the harm of drugs.

Such a huge empire began to sink because of opium, and was humiliated for nearly a century before it rose again.

Damn, they actually sold leaves in high school, what a bunch of damn scum.

David’s face was not very good either. The United States has many incredible policies, but there are also bottom lines.

For example, drugs are not allowed to appear in places where children and teenagers hang out, and they are absolutely not allowed to enter the campus of lower grades.

Locke and David soon arrived at Adams High School. The school policeman who met with Locke and David was a gray-haired black man with a fat body who walked slowly.

“Kevin Freeman…”

After the school policeman introduced himself, he took Locke and David into the monitoring room and played a surveillance video, “This is our school’s tenth grade student, Jack Wallis. When he was selling leaves in class, he was caught by the teacher on the spot. The parents have been notified, but he refused to disclose where he got it from…”

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