Locke swam towards the steps along the river. After regaining some strength, he swam very fast and arrived one step ahead of the ambulance.

Seeing that the ambulance was stuck in the traffic, Locke did not wait for the ambulance. As soon as he got ashore, he immediately gave the woman first aid.

He laid the woman flat on her back and reached in to unbutton her bra. As soon as the buttons were unbuttoned, the woman’s breasts swelled instantly, at least one size larger.

Uh, she was actually wearing a breast binder.

Locke’s mind immediately flashed the smoothness he felt when he just reached in, and he couldn’t help but be a little absent-minded. It was so soft!

He subconsciously wanted to lift the hair stuck on the woman’s face to get a glimpse of her true face, but he suppressed this thought in an instant.

Beast, saving people, what are you thinking!

Locke focused all his attention on saving people. He checked the woman’s heartbeat, pulse and breathing and found that her breathing had stopped, but there was still a weak heartbeat and pulse.

He immediately performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation and artificial respiration on the woman. After a while, he found that the woman had no reaction at all.

What’s going on? There’s a heartbeat!

Damn it, I spent so much effort to save you, how can I let you die.

Locke looked at the ambulance that was so close, and his heart was burning with anger.

A bunch of idiots, at such a short distance, can’t you come over with a defibrillator first?

Locke didn’t give up, and continued to perform CPR and artificial respiration on the woman, pressing her chest for a while, blowing air for a while, alternating, and shouting: “Wake up, wake up…”

Suddenly, the woman opened her mouth and spit out several mouthfuls of water, and then coughed.

Locke panted and stared at the woman who had come back to life, and his tense nerves relaxed instantly.

Finally, she came back to life.

Damn it, saving people is really tiring!

I was drained by that woman Jennifer Gray last night, and I just did two long underwater operations, which seriously overdrew my physical strength. Fortunately, his endurance is now 13, otherwise he would have been exhausted long ago.

At this time, the ambulance finally came. Seeing the emergency personnel pushing the stretcher, Locke stood up and made way.

Since she woke up, the woman has been staring at Locke. Even when she was carried on the stretcher, she never looked away, as if she wanted to engrave his face in her heart.

Her eyes were blue, like clear sapphires, her face was pale, her expression was a little indifferent, with the silence of wandering on the edge of death.

Locke smiled at her encouragingly, and then the emergency personnel parted her hair and put on an oxygen mask for her.

Locke saw the woman’s face clearly, and his smile froze instantly.

Isn’t this Miss Greenberg from Jeff Markie Law Firm?

Until Daisy Greenberg was sent to the ambulance, Locke was still in shock, thinking that this matter was full of drama. He didn’t expect that he actually saved someone he knew.

At this time, David, Superintendent Mona, Nathan, Randy and Elsa ran over together, and they all looked at Locke with complicated expressions.

David handed the towel in his hand to Locke, looked him up and down, and was relieved to see that he was fine.

Nathan said in amazement: “Locke, you are a hero again!”

“Thank you, uh…”

Locke wiped his hair and said in astonishment: “I didn’t think so much!”

David asked: “How is the person?”

Locke, wearing a towel, replied: “Alive…”

Superintendent Mona looked at him with admiration, regardless of his wetness, took the initiative to hug him, and praised: “Locke, although I want to remind you that professional matters should be handed over to professionals, you are a well-deserved hero, I began to admire you!”

Locke was speechless and dissatisfied: “You start to admire me now?”

Superintendent Mona shrugged, “You know, saving people is more worthy of praise!”

Randy punched Locke directly, “Bro, you are so cool , I am honored to be your teammate. You have done something admirable again! You are my idol! ”

Elsa also hugged Locke. This time she did not take advantage of the opportunity. She said seriously: “Locke, you are a role model for all of us!”

Locke shrugged and said helplessly, “Guys, I really didn’t think so much when I went into the water!”

He glanced at David, Superintendent Mona, and Nathan, and asked: “Do you know who I saved?”

Nathan asked: “Who?”

Locke exclaimed: “It turned out to be Miss Greenberg from Jeff Markie Law Firm. Do you remember it?”

He suddenly thought of something and asked David: “Where is my cell phone?”

David and the others were stunned by Locke’s message. Superintendent Mona was incredulous, “OMG…”

David was also stunned. He remembered the scene when Daisy Greenberg’s office was equipped with cameras last time.

He replied: “It’s in the car. Do you want to call? Use my…”

Locke took David’s cell phone and dialed Marian’s number while sayingSuperintendent Mona said, “Daisy Greenberg’s car was hit into the water. When we arrived, the driver had already fled. If this accident was not an accident, it was a murder…” Superintendent Mona’s face changed again, and she took out her mobile phone to report to Anna Davis. Locke’s phone was also connected, and Mary asked in a suspicious voice: “Hi, David, it’s Locke…” Locke interrupted her, “Mum, it’s me…” Marian’s voice suddenly became relaxed, “Locke, why did you call me with David’s phone? I was just about to call you. Henry Cavill’s lawyer just contacted us and expressed Henry Cavill’s intention to settle out of court…” “This is indeed good news…” Locke was stunned, but interrupted Marian again, “I also have a news to tell you. Daisy Greenberg from Jeff Markie Law Firm was just hit by a truck and fell into the Los Angeles River. I just pulled her out of her Bentley Mulsanne. She is fine and has been sent to the hospital by ambulance. Love Hogwarts is now They probably don’t know about this yet…”

Locke just hung up the phone when he saw Superintendent Mona staring at him seriously. He reacted instantly and explained, “Marian knows Daisy Greenberg, and Lev Hogwarts is Daisy Greenberg’s guardian. The hospital will notify him later…”

Superintendent Mona’s expression eased a little, and reminded, “Since you suspect it’s murder, keep the information confidential!”

She said to David, “Take Locke back to the police station to change clothes first!”

She also said to Nathan and the others, “We have to clear out everyone on the Telamond Bridge and set up a cordon. The detectives will come over later…”

She also conveyed this order to other LAPD on the bridge through the intercom. Nathan and the other three consciously quickened their pace and walked towards the Telamond Bridge.

Superintendent Mona said with a heavy expression: “There were so many people staying on the bridge just now, the scene has been destroyed…”

David shrugged and said: “Maybe the driver just fled for fear of crime, this is just a traffic accident!”

Superintendent Mona asked Locke: “What about you, do you think this is an accident or murder?”

The image of Daisy Greenberg shooting in the car flashed in Locke’s mind, and he said in a deep voice: “The bulletproof version of Bentley Mulsanne is an iron coffin under the water. If it weren’t for David and me, Daisy Greenberg would be dead today!”

At this time, he saw the firefighters preparing to salvage the car under the water, and hurriedly said to Superintendent Mona: “When they go down to salvage the car, remind them to salvage my gun as well!”

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