Torture is an art, er, technique.

It is not enough to use truth serum and human torture, psychological warfare is also needed.

People who need torture have high psychological quality. No one is sure whether the information obtained by these two methods is the most confidential information.

Because everyone has a defense, where the most confidential secrets are hidden.

If a person knows that he will die in the end, why would he tell it.

Therefore, psychological warfare is also very important in torture. It is necessary to give people hope for survival. This hope is best not the promise of the torturer, but the self-awareness of the tortured person.

The three aspects of spirit, body and psychology are carried out at the same time. This is the most brilliant torture.

From Ivna’s threatening words, Locke knew that this woman had determined that he was sent by Jim to force the whereabouts of the money. She would not die before finding the money.

As long as she didn’t die, she would have a chance to turn the tables. She firmly believed that Locke would not dare to kill her. This was her confidence.

Locke didn’t say anything, but laid a waterproof mat on the ground, lifted Evelyn’s hands and feet, and threw her on the waterproof mat, like throwing a piece of pork, and then waited for the truth serum to work.

Seeing Locke’s behavior, Evena’s expression suddenly changed, and a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, but she still pretended to be calm, “I want to talk to Jim…, I can give you money…, I can give you everything you want…”

Locke’s eyes were cold as if he didn’t hear it. The sexy and beautiful body in front of him was already a corpse in his eyes.

He always kept his word. If he said he would kill someone, he would kill him. He would not do anything extra, and at most he would take away some ill-gotten gains.

In fact, Locke was not unmoved just now. Well, he was not greedy for beauty, but wanted to control the power that Evena had just called on the phone.

He was very confident that his skills were definitely much better than Sam Brown. As long as there was enough friction, it would definitely generate electricity.

Evena would definitely be conquered by him, branded by him, and surrendered to his stick.

However, when he thought of the scene where Ivna and Sam Brown had sex, he extinguished this idea.

He didn’t lack women, so why did he pick up the leftovers?

Besides, he was just an LAPD now, and he didn’t want any power. The more greedy he was, the greater the chance of being exposed.

Now he wanted to live like this while enjoying a normal family life.

Suddenly, Locke understood why he had never been attracted to Jennifer Grey. Well, he actually disliked Jennifer Grey subconsciously.

Damn, he didn’t know he had that kind of complex.

Doesn’t this mean that he will be alone for the rest of his life and find a virgin in the United States? Isn’t this a fantasy?

After a while, Ivna’s eyes were blurred, her muscles were relaxed, and she had urinary incontinence. Well, why did this woman’s urine smell of alcohol?

It should be the half bottle of whiskey she drank before.

Locke knew that the truth serum had started to take effect. He took out the recorder and asked, “What’s your name?”

Yvonna replied, “Yvonna…, Shana Perez…”

Locke raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect that Yvonna was a pseudonym. He asked again, “What is your nationality?”

Shana Perez replied, “Mexico…”

Locke became more and more curious about Shana Perez and continued to ask, “What force do you belong to?”

Shana Perez struggled for a moment and replied, “I don’t belong to any force…”

Locke was very surprised after listening to Shana Perez. There was a lot of water behind this woman!

He just wanted to subdue her and control her. It was too whimsical.

The water was too deep and he couldn’t control it.

Shana Perez did not belong to any force. She herself was the one who controlled a force.

Her father, Luis Perez, was a congressman in Southern California, Mexico. His family had a small-scale drug trafficking organization to make money for the family.

This model is very common in Mexico.

Whether it is a politician or a businessman, there will be a group of armed forces, and drug trafficking is the basic operation of these armed forces. Who said that the largest industry in Mexico is drugs?

This is just like Jester had the idea to grow leaves on the farm before. Because of Lebec, leaf planting has become a legitimate industry and a trend. Everyone is growing it. It is a business that makes money.

Now this group of drug trafficking organizations is controlled by Shana Perez. After Shana Perez and Sam Brown got together, they got access to the channels of the Copernicus organization in the United States. This small drug trafficking organization has grown rapidly and almost became the top ten suppliers in the United States.

But the Copernicus organization did not want to be a good gang, but wanted to whitewash and participate in politics. In order to show their strength in Los Angeles, they took the initiative to provoke the LAPD, leading to their destruction.

Locke is confident that he will not leave any traces, so even ifKnowing that Shana Perez has a deep influence in Mexico, he was not panicked at all.

He asked: “Where are the remnants of the Copernicus hiding in Tijuana?”

Shana Perez answered this question very straightforwardly and said a place name.

Then Locke asked some questions about the Copernicus organization, such as why the Copernicus organization kidnapped Anna Davis and Nathan, and their relationship with the 3K Party.

Unfortunately, Shana Perez seemed not interested in these, or Sam Brown did not tell her these things, and Locke did not get the answer he wanted.

Locke did not want to waste time anymore, and asked directly: “Where is the money hidden?”

Shana Perez was silent again. Locke knew that this question should touch her defense and was the secret she was most reluctant to reveal.

So he changed the question, “Do you want to kill Locke Lee?”

Shana Perez shuddered and suddenly opened her eyes, “Yes…”

Locke tempted, “If you tell me where the money is hidden, I will help you kill Locke Lee…”

Shana Perez was silent for a few seconds, and said vaguely, “In the sea…”

Locke was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized it and subconsciously looked at the endless sea in front of him. No wonder this woman always stared at the sea in a daze.

What a genius idea, but with such a large sea, trying to get money is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

He asked, “How to find them?”

Shana Perez’s consciousness had begun to blur, “I… don’t know…”

Locke asked again, “How much money is there?”

Shana Perez still replied, “I don’t know…”

Locke frowned, not sure whether Shana Perez really didn’t know or pretended not to know, so he changed the question, “Any clues to find the money?”

Shana Perez suddenly woke up a little and shouted, “Gun, my gun…”

Locke frowned even more. Could the clue to the money be in the gun?

He immediately found the Desert Eagle that he had just kicked away, and picked up the gun with a look of disgust. Fortunately, Shana Perez should have cleaned it, and there was no peculiar smell.

As soon as he got the gun, Locke found that there was no bullet in the gun, so it was just a simple self-defense tool.

He carefully observed the carvings on the gun body, but found nothing. He could only put the gun into the storage space first and study it later.

Locke returned to Shana Perez and looked at the woman whose consciousness was becoming increasingly blurred. He couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. After obtaining the talent of the master of medicine, the medicine he had prepared before was simply unbearable.

The truth serum he prepared had great side effects. After using it, the brain nerves would be damaged and there was a high probability that the person would become a drooling fool.

But he didn’t care about this at all before, because he would kill her after asking her questions.

Locke naturally couldn’t bear to see a beauty like Shana Perez become a fool, so he squatted down, broke her head with both hands, and kindly sent her off.

Keeping the most beautiful face in the most brilliant years is definitely a gift for women.

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